Grand Moff Ubrik Adelhard, a human male figure within the Galactic Empire, held the position of Governor for the Anoat sector amidst the Galactic Civil War. Upon receiving word about the death of Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine during the Battle of Endor, Adelhard became a rogue element, imposing a lockdown on his sector through the Iron Blockade, thereby shielding its inhabitants from the actual events. Aided by Commander Bragh and his Purge Troopers, Adelhard initiated the elimination of individuals dissenting against the established order, those spreading so-called anti-Imperial rumors, or those inclined to rebel. Adelhard then solidified a coalition around his flagship, the Star Destroyer called Scepter. While forging alliances, Adelhard also engaged in conflict with both the New Republic and Counselor to the Empire Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax, the leader of the Imperial loyalist forces.
Ubrik Adelhard, a male human, first born on the planet of Ripurni within the Anoat sector. Coming from a background of poverty, Adelhard was compelled to undertake physically demanding jobs under the Galactic Empire reign for survival. At one point, while employed in a mine, a fellow worker spoke negatively about an approaching TK stormtrooper patrol, which led to the worker's immediate execution by one of the troopers. While the other workers were horrified, Adelhard instead discovered his purpose in the trooper's actions, realizing that he desired this power above all else.

Adelhard quickly enlisted in the Stormtrooper Corps as a TK stormtrooper, serving in the lower echelons of the Galactic Empire's armed forces. He achieved his initial kill as a stormtrooper during the storming of Abartolom, eliminating a Lasat who was attacking another trooper. As a firm believer in the necessity of a robust Empire to prevent the galaxy from collapsing into chaos, he steadily advanced through the ranks. Several Years before the Battle of Yavin, Adelhard worked as a junior advisor within the Imperial Military and played a role in suppressing the Moraysi rebellion.

At some point, Adelhard — having achieved the rank of Commander — was among a group of Imperial officers who witnessed Darth Vader of the Emperor's Fist briefly choked another officer using the Force before departing, leaving the officer kneeling before Ubrik.

By 2 BBY, Adelhard had reached the rank of Commodore within the Imperial Navy, serving in the 7th Fleet as an officer on the flagship Chimaera and participating in the Battle of Atollon. Later, having been promoted to Admiral, Adelhard's fleet was deployed to address a dissident base on Anoat, the sector capital of the Anoat sector. Instead of launching an invasion, which would have resulted in a protracted and costly conflict, Adelhard commanded his forces to gas the planet, transforming the city-world into a toxic waste site. While many citizens believed this was an industrial accident, some knew the truth. As a consequence of his actions during this conflict, Adelhard was summoned to the Executor by Lord Vader at some point before the Battle of Endor, who commended his decision and personally appointed him as the governor of the Anoat sector. Adelhard also married a woman who was later killed by the Kouhun, a secretive order of assassins. Eventually, Adelhard became one of the few stormtroopers to become a general and was ultimately appointed a Grand Moff. Following his promotion, Adelhard was present in the Imperial Throne Room to witness Emperor Palpatine punish Administrator Sly Moore for her past errors by electrocuting the Umbaran with Force lightning. In 3 ABY, the gas production overseen by Governor Adelhard on the planet Bespin had listed off projections by seventeen percent, reaching that point where reports concerning the issue were mentioned to have still been a problem. When brought to the attention of the prescreen department on Coruscant, an Imperial officer suggested that Adelhard tie rations to productivity while reading off various items to the recently-demoted Sub-Administrator Moore, who agreed with the proposal.

Following the Battle of Endor, a devastating loss for the Empire in which the Alliance to Restore the Republic destroyed the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station and the Emperor and the Supreme Commander was killed, news of the Empire's defeat began spreading across the galaxy. The Empire dismissed these reports as fabrications propagated by the Rebellion's deceit. Upon learning of the Emperor's actual death, Adelhard placed the Anoat sector under quarantine with the Iron Blockade, declaring that anyone challenging the status quo would face death.
Despite the concerns of Lieutenant Kith Alaytia, Adelhard aggressively attacked a convoy of rebel ships inspecting the sector, disabling the ships and firing on the survivors, even though pilot Rynn Zenat barely managed to escape. Adelhard's forces pursued them to the planet Darlyn Boda, where Adelhard taunted them for attempting to flee, criticized their dedication to a New Republic, and executed Eiro for standing up to him. The remaining rebel pilots were arrested and taken for interrogation by Alaytia.

Information about Adelhard's propaganda reached the Rebel leadership gathered on the moon of Endor through Zenat, who arrived in the system aboard her A/SF-01 B-wing starfighter escape pod. General Landonis Calrissian expressed concerns about the implications of Adelhard's control over tibanna produced in Anoat for the nascent New Republic; he believed that if the Empire still controlled the galactic fuel supply, it could still control the galaxy.
Accompanied by Purge trooper Commander Bragh, Adelhard insisted that any mention of the Emperor's death be suppressed and began seeking out like-minded Imperials to help him maintain control of the Anoat sector. One of the first to be contacted was Anzati mystic Reyna Oskure, who reported Adelhard's call to the Acolytes of the Beyond, then led by former Emperor's adviser Yupe Tashu. Tashu encouraged Oskure to accept Adelhard's call and offer the support of the dark side of the Force, which led to Oskure becoming Adelhard's advisor and Force-sensitive enforcer. Adelhard also formed an alliance with the Spice Runners of Kijimi, who provided mercenary protection for his fleet.
After the New Republic pilots were arrested on Darlyn Boda, the New Republic command dispatched its most skilled agents aboard a Barloz-class freighter to scout the Anoat sector. However, they were intercepted by the Spice Runners, who engaged their vessel, resulting in a battle and the intentional destruction of the freighter by the New Republic agents. Despite the Spice Runners sustaining significant damage, the agents were captured by Adelhard's forces and taken aboard his flagship Star Destroyer, the Scepter. There, Alaytia, secretly a New Republic spy, freed them from their cells, but they were intercepted and stopped by Bragh and Oskure. Luke Skywalker rescued the agents, overpowering Bragh and Oskure, and then confronted Adelhard while the agents secured an escape ship. Skywalker encountered Adelhard, who was supported by a platoon of stormtroopers, in a control room. The ensuing confrontation led to Adelhard falling off a catwalk, although Skywalker suspected this was not the end of him. He was proven correct when Adelhard emerged from the wreckage of the control room, vowing revenge. Concluding that he had been wrong to dismiss the Force, Adelhard considered tapping into some darkness of his own.
The Iron Blockade sparked the Uprising, a resistance movement against the Empire carried out by a diverse group of resistance fighters, bounty hunters, smugglers, and others. To combat the Uprising, the Empire deployed Purge Troopers led by Commander Bragh, who reported to Adelhard. Adelhard maintained a chamber within the prime tower on the Tibanna gas mining colony of Cloud City, located on the planet Bespin. In the months following the Battle of Endor, Lobot hired the pirate Kars Tal-Korla and his crew to capture the Imperial collaborator Borgin Kaa in order to obtain an access code needed to open an access hatch leading to Adelhard's personal quarters. Once the hatch was open, Lobot and an intrusion team planned to capture the Governor. Although Adelhard escaped, the planet was soon liberated by the Uprising.
While Gallius Rax initially reluctantly tolerated Adelhard for his potential to divert the New Republic's attention away from the Contingency, he eventually decided that Adelhard needed to be eliminated. Grand Moff Randd contacted Rax's spy aboard the Scepter, eventually revealed to be Reyna Oskure, and relayed Rax's command to terminate Adelhard. With the help of Alaytia and Kranor, a Trandoshan bounty hunter employed by the Spice Runners, Oskure orchestrated a mutiny against Adelhard. Adelhard, Bragh, and stormtroopers loyal to Adelhard were placed in a sabotaged escape pod and launched into space. As the pod hurtled toward the planet Gallowyss, Adelhard realized that the Empire he had dedicated his life to was truly dead, and that something stronger and deadlier would need to rise in its place.
Following the mutiny, most of the New Republic leadership believed Adelhard to be dead. However, Skywalker sensed through the Force that Adelhard was still alive and still a threat, and Calrissian and Beilert Valance agreed with him. Using a shuttle loaned to them by Valance, Skywalker and Rynn Zenat landed on Gallowyss in search of Adelhard. Adelhard and his troops quickly spotted Skywalker and Zenat on the planet, and Adelhard plotted revenge on the Jedi.
By the time of the Battle of Jakku, Adelhard's Imperial forces in the Anoat sector had crumbled under Calrissian's siege, while the governor remained focused on joining the Battle of Jakku itself. Calrissian and Lobot led a joint force of Bespin Wing Guards and New Republic soldiers as they mopped up the remaining Imperial holdouts in Cloud City. Calrissian managed to convince a dozen Imperials holed up in the Bolo Tanga room to surrender by telling them that Adelhard's story about Palpatine was a lie.

Adelhard was a human male characterized by black hair, a full beard, and light skin. He was a dedicated supporter of the Galactic Empire, even willing to isolate his entire sector to punish those who spread the truth about the Battle of Endor. Originating from humble beginnings, he disliked extravagance and ostentation.
Adelhard is a character featured in the mobile game Star Wars: Uprising, which was launched by Kabam on September 10, 2015. His first name was revealed in the 2018 reference book Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious, written by Pablo Hidalgo.
Brian Matyas designed the governor. One of Matyas' initial designs depicted Adelhard wearing a long cape and armored chest plate similar to Darth Vader's, but it was not approved.