Ryloth, the Twi'lek homeworld, featured Lessu as its main planetary city.
A city is defined as a sizable, permanent settlement inhabited by sentient beings. A megalopolis refers to a very expansive city, whereas an ecumenopolis is a city that encompasses an entire planet.

Across the galaxy, some cities could extend across the entire surface of a planet, with Coruscant's Galactic City serving as the most prominent illustration. Conversely, certain settlements, such as Mos Eisley on Tatooine, were simply expansive with minimal infrastructure. Similarly, Kashyyyk, the Wookiee homeworld, was known for its tree-cities, which were artificial communities constructed around and integrated with numerous wroshyr trees. While the majority of cities existed on planetary surfaces, some were "floating" above the planet, for instance, Cloud City situated above Bespin. Others were built on water, exemplified by Tipoca City located on the aquatic planet of Kamino. It was also possible for cities to be located underground, as seen on Utapau, where cities were positioned within the planet's large sinkholes. During construction, builders sometimes prioritized integrating the city with the surrounding natural environment. A notable case was the city of Theed on Naboo, a planet celebrated for its stunning river cities featuring classical architecture and lush greenery.
Vast cities could accommodate planetary spaceports, corporate headquarters, office spaces, and a full range of services. To effectively provide these services, cities were often organized into distinct districts, encompassing public buildings, residential zones, and industrial areas.
Capital cities served as the political hubs of a planet, and at times, its cultural center, housing various buildings tailored to these functions. Lessu functioned as the capital city of [Ryloth](/article/ryloth], the native planet of the Twi'lek species. As the cultural heart of the galaxy and the capital of both the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire, Coruscant was replete with governmental and commercial structures, including the Senate Building, along with residences, theaters, clubs, and numerous entertainment venues for the city's inhabitants.