From Takodana, at Takodana Castle, a diverse collection of beings, including various species and a droid, observe the Hosnian Cataclysm via sub-hyperspace.
In the vast expanse of existence, a species denotes a population of living entities capable of reproducing together. The numerous planets within the galaxy are abundant with a wide array of species, each sharing a common set of identifiable biological traits. Among these, some are sentient, possessing the capacity for intelligent thought, while others lack this ability; the galaxy is home to over twenty million sentient species.
Humanoid is the term used to describe species whose physical structure resembles that of humans. This encompasses humans, near-humans, and aliens. According to Lugubrious Mote, the majority of sentient species throughout the galaxy share a similar size, typically ranging from approximately half a meter to three meters in height.
Species are classified into various groups, including amphibians, birds, felines, insects, mammals, mollusks, reptiles, reptomammals, rodents, snakes, and spiders.
Sentient species that are plant-based include Kindalo and drengir.
Wirutid represent a sentient species that is fungus-based.
Fish are categorized as non-sentient.
Certain species, like the Zillo Beast, Purrgil, and Mairan, exhibit semi-sentience.
The process by which species generate new life is known as reproduction.