Lugubrious Mote

Lugubrious Mote, a female mole-flea, professed to have been present with Luke Skywalker during the Rescue of Han Solo.


At some point in her life, she established a mutually beneficial relationship with Salacious B. Crumb, the court jester of Jabba Desilijic Tiure. In exchange for providing Crumb with comedic material, Mote was allowed to reside on him and partake in the scraps that Jabba discarded. Mote was satisfied with her situation, but everything changed when two droids arrived at the palace bearing a message from Luke Skywalker, who identified himself as a Jedi Knight. Skywalker's presence captivated Mote, and she was moved by his selfless determination to rescue Han Solo from captivity.

Later on, she observed Princess Leia Organa's freeing of Han Solo from carbonite, followed by her own capture and enslavement. Mote was also notably impressed by the Princess' composed and defiant attitude towards Jabba, despite her imprisonment. She hopped into the Princess' ear and woke her while she slept, explaining that her error was in regarding Jabba as an equal in cunning, as he had been a thief his entire life and was able to easily capture her because of it. Leia agreed that she made a valid point and requested that Mote reveal herself, to which she responded by hopping on her nose. They conversed throughout the night, and the Princess shared details about the Rebellion's conflict against the Galactic Empire. She pledged that upon the restoration of the Republic, all sentient beings would have a voice, irrespective of their wealth or stature. When Mote inquired whether her species could advise influential figures such as Senators, Generals, or Moguls, the Princess affirmed that they could, as they seemed exceptionally intelligent to her. Upon Mote's inquiry about residing on the Princess' head and offering guidance, Leia explained that her scalp would be an unsuitable habitat for Mote, but she assured the Mole-flea that her Wookiee companion Chewbacca's body would be a far superior choice, which Mote accepted while promising to aid in her escape.

The following day, Luke Skywalker made his appearance at the Palace. Mote, perched on one of Leia's earrings, observed the unfolding events. Recognizing that Jabba was attempting to ensnare Skywalker, she swiftly endeavored to alert Leia to his intentions, but Leia initially struggled to comprehend her rapid speech and requested clarification. Mote informed Leia that he was repeating the Princess' error; Jabba was manipulating Skywalker into believing he was in control in order to position him over the Rancor pit. Leia attempted to warn Skywalker, but Jabba silenced her by tugging on the chain around her neck. In response, Skywalker drew the blaster of another guard to him, and Jabba dropped Skywalker and another Gammorean guard into the Rancor pit. As Skywalker plummeted, Mote leapt onto him.

Within the pit, Mote attempted to identify herself to Skywalker, but he mistook her for the spirit of an ancient Jedi offering guidance. Mote opted to play along with Skywalker rather than correct him. With Mote's counsel, Skywalker successfully defeated the Rancor by luring it beneath the door and slamming it shut on the creature.

Subsequently, Skywalker and his comrades were transported to the Dune Sea to be cast into the Sarlacc residing in the Great Pit of Carkoon aboard his personal sail barge. Lugubrius conveyed to Skywalker her belief in him and instructed him to "heed his tingling scalp." Skywalker then managed to break free from his restraints and retrieve his lightsaber from one of the droids he had dispatched beforehand, the astromech R2-D2. While Mote remained with Skywalker as he fought off Jabba's forces, Leia eliminated the Hutt by strangling him with the chain he used to restrain her. Leia and Skywalker then discharged the Barge's main cannon into the deck and swung onto the Desert Skiff where their allies awaited. Mote then reunited with the Princess and admitted to her that she had grown attached to Skywalker after all.

Following the rescue, Mote extracted a promise from Princess Leia never to reveal her presence to Skywalker. She later pursued a career in the circus, harboring the hope that Skywalker would one day learn to think independently.

