Jabba Desilijic Tiure, more widely known as Jabba the Hutt or just Jabba, and formally addressed as His Excellency Jabba Desilijic Tiure of Nal Hutta, Eminence of Tatooine, was a Hutt male gangster and a crime lord. Furthermore, he held a prominent position within the Grand Hutt Council and was an influential figure in the Hutt Clan, managing and directing a vast criminal empire from his palace located on the Outer Rim world of Tatooine. On Tatooine, Jabba was a significant power, dominating piracy, slavery, and the trade of illicit goods, which together constituted the majority of the planet's economic activity. As one of the most formidable crime bosses, he also wielded considerable influence throughout the Outer Rim.
During the time of the Clone Wars, both the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems vied for Jabba's favor, recognizing his control over the Outer Rim, especially its hyperlanes. After Rotta, Jabba's offspring, was abducted, the crime boss pledged his allegiance to whomever could ensure his son's safe return. Upon learning that the Separatists were behind Rotta's kidnapping, Jabba committed his support to the Republic.
Following the Clone Wars and the establishment of the Galactic Empire, Jabba persisted in his Outer Rim operations, safeguarding his power despite the meddling of Darth Sidious, the Galactic Emperor. Following the destruction of the Death Star by the Rebel Alliance, the Emperor dispatched Darth Vader to negotiate an agreement with Jabba, aiming to procure raw materials essential for Imperial military production. Jabba's partnership with the Empire enabled him and the Hutts to withstand the Empire's crackdown on criminal activities in the Outer Rim, while also eliminating his rivals.
After the smuggler Han Solo failed to compensate him for a lost shipment, Jabba put a substantial bounty on Solo's head. Eventually, Boba Fett, one of his bounty hunters, delivered Solo to him as a gift from Darth Vader. However, this capture drew the attention of Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, who sought to free his comrade from Jabba's captivity. While attempting to execute the Jedi and his allies at the Great Pit of Carkoon, Jabba was choked to death by Leia Organa. With the Hutts in disarray over the succession to Jabba's criminal empire, many of his slaves, including the Niktos, gained their freedom, and his palace was seized by his former Majordomo Bib Fortuna, who assumed the role of Daimyo of Tatooine until Fett assassinated him and took over. Fett aimed to reconstruct Jabba's criminal organization in his own vision, aspiring to govern through respect rather than the fear that the Hutt had instilled in his followers.

Originating from Nal Hutta, Jabba Desilijic Tiure was a Hutt. His birth took place in 600 BBY. He was the grandson of Mama and Papa the Hutts, and the nephew of Ziro and Ebor, as they were siblings to his father. His mother had such an impact on him that, many years later, he insisted that the Askajian dancer Yarna d'al' Gargan use particular cosmetics to resemble his genitrix more closely. In addition, he had a cousin by the name of Crakka and a nephew named Gorga.
Several centuries preceding the Galactic Civil War, he rose to become the dominant crime lord in the Outer Rim, possessing numerous illegal ventures that encompassed smuggling, glitterstim spice distribution, slave trading, assassinations, and piracy. At some stage, Jabba forged ties with the Crymorah Syndicate, which led to his appointment to the Grand Hutt Council. As a crime lord, Jabba centered his unlawful activities from his palace within the Northern Dune Sea of the desert planet Tatooine, from where he broadened his influence and operations across the Outer Rim by utilizing a network of smugglers who transported his merchandise throughout the galaxy.
Having established a formidable criminal empire, his enterprises grew to include slavery, arms dealing, spice smuggling, and gambling. Gambling was a prominent aspect of the Mos Espa Grand Arena, where Jabba managed the gambling and concessions during the well-known podraces. The spice trade was a substantial component of Jabba's empire, evolving into one of the key methods by which the Hutt generated money. To those few who acknowledged his authority, he was formally known as "His Excellency Jabba Desilijic Tiure of Nal Hutta, Eminence of Tatooine."
In the years leading up to the Great Disaster, Jabba, along with other Hutts, was present at a banquet on Hynestia as part of a treaty negotiation between the Hynestian royal family and the Grand Hutt Council. The Hutts surreptitiously added Povo Punch to the drink menu with the intention of provoking a diplomatic crisis. When Jedi Master Lynela Kabe-Oyu, Stellan Gios, and his padawan Vernestra Rwoh, detected the Povo Punch and tried to save the Hutts, the Hutts opened fire on the banquet, alleging that the incident was an insult that justified violent action against Hynestia.
After the Jedi resolved the situation, Jabba and his fellow Hutts attempted to flee, only to be intercepted by the Jedi. Queen Nyla, the Ruler of Hynestia, intervened to formally arrest Jabba and his fellow Hutt conspirators for attempting to disrupt the treaty and assassinate attendees of the diplomatic banquet, holding him for ransom to the Hutt Council.
Shortly after the Invasion of Naboo commenced in 32 BBY, Jabba presided over the Boonta Eve Classic podrace, where his arrival in the stands was met with cheers from the spectators who had traveled from all over the Outer Rim Territories to witness the race. Jabba signaled the beginning of the race, and the podracers began their laps, at the conclusion of which Anakin Skywalker, a young slave from Mos Espa, emerged victorious. Jabba had to be awakened after dozing off during the race, as podracing did not capture his interest—except for the associated gambling.
A decade following the Naboo Crisis, the galaxy descended into the turmoil of the Clone Wars, a massive galactic war between the Grand Army of the Republic and the droid armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Soon after the outbreak of the war, Jabba's infant son, Rotta, was abducted. Although Jabba was unaware of the kidnapper's identity, it was orchestrated by his uncle, Ziro, and the Separatist Alliance, both of whom had their own agendas. Jabba sought assistance from anyone who could help, and the Republic and the Jedi Order responded. It was the hope of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine that the Republic would be able to negotiate an alliance with Jabba for use of Hutt hyperspace lanes in the Outer Rim, as the Separatists controlled the major lanes.

The Jedi dispatched General Anakin Skywalker, who had become a Jedi Knight in the years since his victory in the Boonta Eve Classic, and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, to the Teth system to locate Rotta. Simultaneously, General Obi-Wan Kenobi journeyed to Tatooine to personally negotiate a treaty with Jabba. While the Jedi Master was in transit, Jabba was presented with the heads of bounty hunters he had dispatched to Teth to find his son. Annoyed by the lack of progress, Jabba contacted Chancellor Palpatine and, through his translator droid, TC-70, demanded to know why the Jedi were not searching for his son. The chancellor assured the crime lord that the Jedi were on their way, upon which Jabba stated that the treaty with him depended.
Kenobi soon arrived at Jabba's Palace and was brought before the Hutt's court. Kenobi informed Jabba that Skywalker, whom he described as one of the Order's most formidable Jedi, was en route to Teth to rescue Rotta and that the Jedi would not disappoint the Hutt. Jabba added one additional condition to the proposed treaty—that the Jedi also deliver the kidnapper, dead or alive. Jabba also issued a threat against the Jedi: should they fail, the Separatist leader Count Dooku and the Separatist Droid Army would—still unaware that Dooku himself was orchestrating the kidnapping, in a scheme to transform the Hutt Clan into an enemy of the Republic. Kenobi departed the palace, which was followed by the arrival of Count Dooku himself. The Sith Lord asserted that the Jedi had kidnapped Rotta and were plotting to destroy Jabba. Jabba demanded evidence, which Dooku provided in the form of a manipulated holographic recording purportedly showing Skywalker and Tano, who had found Rotta on Teth, harming the child, when in reality they were caring for it after he had fallen ill. Dooku informed the crime lord that the Separatist Droid Army was launching a rescue mission and would soon deliver the Huttlet to his father. All Dooku requested in return was that Jabba join the Separatist cause.
Dooku's Sith acolyte, Asajj Ventress, contacted the count, who played her message in front of Jabba and his court. Ventress claimed that Skywalker had killed Rotta and was on his way to Tatooine. Jabba questioned why the Jedi would come to Tatooine, to which Dooku responded that the Jedi plot had become clear and that Skywalker would soon arrive to assassinate the crime lord and eradicate the entire Hutt Clan. Dooku promised Jabba that he would personally deal with Skywalker and, despite engaging the Jedi Knight in a lightsaber duel in the desert, Skywalker managed to reach Jabba's Palace. Once there, Skywalker discovered that Tano, who had Rotta and from whom he had become separated, had not yet reached the palace. Jabba's henchmen drew their weapons on Skywalker, so the Jedi Knight drew his lightsaber and pointed it at Jabba—seemingly confirming Dooku's claims. Jabba stated that this was proof that Skywalker had arrived to kill him, but the Jedi said he had only come to negotiate. Just as Jabba's henchmen prepared to kill Skywalker, Tano arrived and delivered Rotta to his father.

Despite the joyous reunion with his son, Jabba ordered Skywalker and Tano's execution due to believing they kidnapped his son. They were saved, however, by a message from Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo, who had discovered Ziro's involvement in the plot. Ziro entered the holographic transmission and admitted to conspiring with Dooku to kidnap Rotta and frame the Jedi, so Jabba told the senator that the Hutt Clan would severely punish Ziro. Amidala asked him if the hostilities between Jabba and the Jedi could cease and if he would open his hyperspace lanes to the Republic, to which Jabba agreed. The two sides signed a treaty allowing the Grand Army of the Republic through Jabba's territories, a decision Amidala assured him he would not regret. Grand Master Yoda and clone forces soon arrived at Jabba's Palace, signaling a new era of cooperation between the Republic and Jabba the Hutt.
Later in the war, Jabba was visited by Baron Notluwiski Papanoida, the chairman of the moon Pantora, whose daughters, Che Amanwe Papanoida and Chi Eekway Papanoida, had been kidnapped by Greedo, a bounty hunter in Jabba's employ. The chairman was able to reason with the Hutt crime lord, who, like Papanoida, knew all too well what it was like to have his child taken from him. Greedo insisted that he was not responsible, but Jabba allowed a blood sample to be taken from his bounty hunter so it could be compared to blood found at the scene of the crime. Greedo admitted to kidnapping the chairman's daughters at the behest of the Separatists, who wanted leverage against the Pantorans, and Papanoida was soon reunited with his children.
Shortly thereafter, the Grand Hutt Council became concerned that Ziro, who was in Galactic Republic custody, was planning on turning over incriminating evidence about the council's illicit activity, as the imprisoned Hutt had a journal secretly hidden on Teth that contained the evidence. Jabba hired bounty hunter Cad Bane to free Ziro from prison, so he could be imprisoned by the Hutt Clan instead. Bane took members of the Galactic Senate hostage inside the Senate Building, offering their safety in return for Ziro's freedom. Chancellor Palpatine refused the demands, but Palpatine soon changed his mind and allowed Ziro to be freed. Bane brought Ziro to the Grand Hutt Council on Nal Hutta, where Ziro was imprisoned once more, though Jabba himself was not present. Gardulla Besadii the Elder instead acted as a representative.

Jabba instead planned Ziro's elimination. He hired Ziro's old girlfriend, the singer Sy Snootles, to find the records and eliminate Ziro. Snootles freed Ziro from his imprisonment and tricked him into believing that she was on his side, so he brought her to Teth where he planned to recover his records. Once there, however, Snootles killed the crime lord and brought the records to Jabba, who expressed his gratitude for her work.
Jabba Desilijic Tiure later found himself roped into the schemes of Maul, a renegade Sith Lord who hoped to regain the status he lost after his defeat during the Battle of Naboo over a decade earlier. As part of his plan, Maul formed the Shadow Collective, an alliance between the Mandalorian faction Death Watch and various elements from the criminal underworld, including Black Sun and the Pyke Syndicate. Their goal was to take over the planet Mandalore. Despite their combined might, the Shadow Collective still required additional resources, including muscle and supplies, to achieve their goal. To find these resources, they went before the Grand Hutt Council to negotiate an alliance between the Hutt Clan and the Shadow Collective. Maul, his brother Savage Opress, and Death Watch leader Pre Vizsla met with the Hutt leaders, where Maul negotiated the terms and conditions of the alliance with Jabba himself. The Hutts wanted to know what they could offer and how much their assistance was worth. Maul proposed an exchange: in return for Hutt Space and everything in its borders, he would spare their lives. Jabba and the Council were dismissive of Maul's threats, which resulted in a skirmish between the Shadow Collective and the Grand Hutt Council's forces. Maul, Opress, and Vizsla fought off various enforcers and bounty hunters, until their Death Watch reinforcements arrived. With the additional troops, Maul, Vizsla and Opress were able to rout the enemy forces and secure a victory.

Although the Collective was triumphant, the ensuing conflict and chaos allowed all but one Hutt to escape—Oruba. Maul interrogated Oruba, threatening to kill him unless he revealed where the others had escaped to. Under duress, Oruba informed Maul that he could find Jabba in his palace on Tatooine. The Shadow Collective soon arrived, facing little resistance as they made their way into Jabba's court. Maul ordered Jabba and the council to submit to his demands and join the Shadow Collective, lest they suffer his wrath. With little choice in the matter, Jabba agreed to assist the Shadow Collective in its takeover of Mandalore. The resources the Hutt Clan provided aided the Shadow Collective in its successful takeover of Mandalore, with Maul declaring himself the new leader of Mandalore. However, the Sith Lord Darth Sidious—secretly Chancellor Palpatine himself—came to regard Maul as a threat and targeted the Shadow Collective. The group fractured under assault by the Sith and their Separatist puppets, and Maul's plan was resoundingly defeated by Darth Sidious.

At the conclusion of the Clone Wars, the Republic was transformed into the Galactic Empire, and the chancellor proclaimed himself Emperor. Jabba maintained his illicit operations throughout the Age of the Empire, continuing to exert influence as a crime lord. Approximately one year into the Empire's rule, former Padawan Ahsoka Tano chose not to seek Jabba's assistance while evading the Imperial Military, believing the Hutt would not aid her despite her role in saving his son during the Clone Wars.
During a particularly severe drought on Tatooine, Jabba initiated the collection of a substantial water tax from local moisture farmers. This led to an unpleasant encounter between his thugs and Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was observing and safeguarding a young Luke Skywalker. When Skywalker attempted to steal the thugs' collections for the day, they apprehended and threatened to kill him. It was at that moment that Kenobi subdued the thugs with the Force. Under the cover of darkness, the gangsters were unable to identify Kenobi. Greatly displeased with his loss of tax revenue, Jabba hired the Wookiee bounty hunter Krrsantan to locate and identify the former Jedi Master.
Street orphan and later rebel Jedi Ezra Bridger would use the alias "Jabba" when he wanted to keep his real name secret, such as when interacting with Imperial officers.
In 10 BBY, the scoundrel Tobias Beckett made contact with Jabba and intended to travel to Tatooine to work for him once he decided to leave Crimson Dawn, but he was killed by Han Solo at Savareen before that could come to be. As such, Jabba hired Solo for his operations, who became the best smuggler on Jabba's payroll. Solo's standing was jeopardized, however, when his ship, the Millennium Falcon, was boarded by Imperial authorities, forcing Solo to jettison his cargo. Jabba demanded compensation for the lost cargo and, when Solo could not pay, the crime lord sent bounty hunters after him. One such hunter was Greedo, who confronted Solo in a cantina in Mos Eisley, but Solo killed the Rodian bounty hunter before he could kill Solo. Jabba learned of this and found Solo in Docking Bay 94, where the smuggler said that he had no choice but to dump his cargo. Jabba agreed to give Solo an extension on the payment in exchange for fifteen percent interest. Solo accepted the offer, but he soon became involved in the Alliance to Restore the Republic and once again failed to pay Jabba. When Jabba learned that Solo had joined the Rebellion, Jabba placed a large bounty on the smuggler's head.
Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, in which the Alliance—with Solo's help—destroyed the Imperial, planet-destroying battle station known as the Death Star, the Empire was left in dire need of additional military resources. To increase its supply of weapons, the Empire planned to negotiate with an envoy in Jabba's employ on Cymoon 1, in the Corellian Industrial Cluster. The Sith Lord Darth Vader—formerly Anakin Skywalker—was tasked as the Imperial negotiator, with the intent of forcing Jabba's envoy in a deal favorable to the Empire. The envoy's vessel was hijacked by the Rebel Alliance, however, and a team of Rebels, including Solo, used it to assault and destroy Weapons Factory Alpha on Cymoon 1, leveling another critical defeat against the Empire.

The Emperor gave Vader the directive to journey to Tatooine and engage in direct negotiations with Jabba. The Dark Lord of the Sith arrived a day sooner than expected, using this advance arrival to fulfill a private objective within Jabba's Palace. Vader informed Jabba that he would return the following day on official Imperial business, but, for the present moment, he wished to discuss his own separate agenda. Jabba suspected that Vader would attempt to employ a mind trick to manipulate him into obeying the Sith Lord's desires; however, Vader clarified that he would not, as mind tricks were not the Sith way. Jabba briefly entertained the idea of claiming the bounty that the Rebel Alliance had placed on Vader's head and casting him into a rancor pit located beneath his court. However, he decided against this course of action upon realizing that Vader was aware of the trap. Jabba continued his dialogue with Vader and erroneously addressed the Sith Lord as a Jedi, which prompted Vader to ignite his lightsaber and become a target for Jabba's guards. The Dark Lord eliminated a significant number of guards before employing the Force to choke Jabba, an action that made the crime lord more receptive to Vader's demands. With Jabba now willing to cooperate, Vader explained that he required two of Jabba's most skilled bounty hunters to undertake a personal assignment. Jabba conceded to these demands and provided him with Boba Fett and Black Krrsantan.
As he had promised, Vader returned to Jabba's court the following day to proceed with the official negotiations on behalf of the Empire. The negotiations concluded with Jabba's agreement to supply the Imperial war machine with any resources it needed. Jabba only requested that the Emperor compensate him handsomely, to which Vader responded that the Empire would pay him whatever they deemed appropriate. Furthermore, as long as Jabba adhered to Imperial demands, the Empire would permit Jabba to continue managing his criminal enterprise. Jabba persuaded Vader to remain on Tatooine briefly for a feast and entertainment held in the Sith Lord's honor, the entertainment consisting of hunting wild bantha. Jabba hosted the Sith Lord on his sail barge, where he inquired whether the two bounty hunters had proven useful thus far. Vader stated that their missions would be relatively straightforward: capture an Imperial agent working against the Emperor, and locate the pilot responsible for destroying the Death Star. Vader also demanded all the information Jabba possessed regarding Obi-Wan Kenobi, who had lived in exile on Tatooine for nearly two decades. Jabba only revealed that Kenobi had been a constant source of trouble during those years.
After the smuggler Sana Starros sold a crate of stolen Imperial blasters to a gang of Krawg pirates for 5,000 credits and the name and location of the blasters to an Imperial office on Coruscant for 20,000 credits with Lando Calrissian, Starros turned to Jabba to sell twelve boxes of blasters. In reality, Starros had only stolen one box, which she sold to the pirates. The other twelve were stolen by Jabba's men from an abandoned Imperial ship over Tatooine. Jabba initially claimed that he did not engage in dealings with such weapons, as this was prohibited by Imperial law. When Starros inquired about the twelve crates, Jabba suggested that Starros herself might be the thief and referenced her relationship with Han Solo. Starros denied any relationship with Solo and demanded 20,000 credits for the names of the thieves, whom she identified as the Krawg pirates. At that moment, a Krawg pirate appeared and accused them of lying, but Starros shot him dead. Since the pirate carried one of the blasters, Jabba believed her and paid her. Starros, in turn, stole the Hutt's other twelve crates.
On one occasion, a Rodian male and a human male sought out Jabba in his palace, hoping to acquire some Tusken wine from him, having learned of its immense popularity within the high society of Canto Bight on Cantonica. While there, they observed several Tusken Raiders demanding that Jabba prevent Jawas and Imperials from continuing to trespass on their dunes. However, Jabba disregarded their concerns, mocked them, and eventually issued an indirect threat, though he ultimately assured them that he would address the matter. When the two traders from Cantonica presented their requests, Jabba showed them a purchase, but refused to hand it over, emphasizing that this was the only quantity of desert wine on Tatooine. He warned them against stealing the Tuskens' property during one of their night prayers at highmoon at the Great Dune, because then they would die.
However, in a Mos Eisley bar, the traders resolved to steal the desert wine, especially since its price had increased. A Jawa overheard their conversation and immediately informed his people about the valuable wine. However, an Imperial droid was watching them, who in turn notified an Imperial captain about the wine. During the night, the two traders went to the Great Dune, where they found no Tuskens. Soon after, a group of Jawas with battle droids arrived, along with Imperial stormtroopers and their captain. Each group demanded that the others lower their weapons. Before any shots were fired, the Rodian attempted to convince everyone that there desert wine and someone had orchestrated their meeting there. At that moment, Boba Fett, who was concealed in the dunes, fatally shot the Imperial captain. A violent conflict erupted, which the Tuskens, who had camped a short distance away, noticed. The following day, the Tuskens rode their banthas to Jabba's palace, dragging the corpses of stormtroopers behind them. At the palace, Bib Fortuna and some Gamorrean guards briefly stopped them, but Jabba ordered his people to lower their weapons and accepted the Tuskens' tribute.
Shortly thereafter, Fortuna informed him that a Coruscant cartel had discovered a method to artificially produce the desert wine, rendering it worthless, according to Fortuna. Jabba dismissed his majordomo as a fool, took a large gulp of the wine, and dropped the empty container to the ground, declaring that it was priceless.

Three years following the Battle of Yavin, Darth Vader re-hired Fett to locate the Millennium Falcon, which Vader used in his pursuit of Luke Skywalker—who he had discovered was the pilot responsible for the destruction of the Death Star. The capture of the Rebel vessel led to Solo's capture at Cloud City, Bespin, and he was frozen in carbonite as a test to ensure the process would work on Skywalker despite Fett's concerns that Solo could result killed. Despite Vader's promises to compensate him if Solo died, Solo survived with no harm and Fett was given the frozen smuggler to take him to Jabba so he could claim the bounty in exchange for his services to the Empire. Solo's friends attempted a rescue, but they were unsuccessful, and Fett departed with Solo aboard Slave I.
Shortly after the Empire's takeover of Cloud City, Lando Calrissian traveled to Tatooine with Chewbacca, Solo's Wookiee companion, aboard the Millennium Falcon to check if Fett had already delivered Solo to Jabba so in case he hadn't, they could look for leads on Fett. Calrissian tricked the Harlok Gang into escorting them to Jabba's Palace after they saved them from a group of TIE starfighters by saying them that as Baron Administrator of Cloud City he wanted to negotiate with Jabba a deal for shipments of tibanna gas, Calrissian was brought to Jabba's Palace. After waiting for a while, Calrissian was brought before Jabba by Biff Fortuna. To his relief, Calrissian discovered that Solo had not yet been delivered, as Fett was nowhere to be found, and Jabba was unaware of Solo's capture.
However, Jabba demanded an explanation for Calrissian's deception of the Harlok Gang, as no tibanna arrangement between them had occurred, and he had lost his position as Baron Administrator since the Imperial takeover. Calrissian admitted his ruse and proposed that Jabba lend him some of his fighters to retake Cloud City and provide him with tibanna gas at a favorable price, only to learn that Jabba had already made a tibanna deal with the Empire. Recognizing that the former Baron Administrator had arrived on Tatooine aboard the Millennium Falcon, Jabba decided to seize the Falcon as partial payment and feed Calrissian to his rancor unless he had something else useful to offer. Desperate, Calrissian offered Jabba information regarding who had Solo in possession, but Jabba demanded more. With nothing else to offer, Calrissian informed Jabba that he was currently working with the Rebellion, so he could tip him off from any information he desired to know.
During Bokku the Hutt's strike against the Empire, as Bokku was truly an agent of the reemerging Crimson Dawn syndicate, Vader boarded the War barge of the Hutt Council and butchered the council members aboard to end the attack. Vader's massacre left Jabba the only surviving member of the Hutt Council, thus giving him complete control over the Hutt Clans. Afterward, Fett brought Solo to Tatooine, where he collected the bounty Jabba placed on Solo's head. For a year, Solo was kept encased in carbonite and displayed in Jabba's court, as Jabba decided it was his favorite decoration. Unbeknownst to Jabba at the time, Solo's friends were plotting his rescue.

When Nix, a creature of the rare merqaal species, was stolen and ended up in Jabba's possession, criminal Kay Vess broke into Jabba's Palace to recover her companion. Nix showed aggression towards Jabba by attacking him. After a conflict, Jabba decided to send Vess along with Vail Tormin, a bounty hunter who was after Vess and tried to escape from the Palace with her, to discover the identity of a spy that the crime syndicate Zerek Besh placed in Jabba's Palace. In return, Jabba would forgive the two of them for the confusion at the Palace, return Nix, and allow the two of them to leave Tatooine alive. The mission was a success and the spy was discovered. Jabba decided to collect on the debt that Vess' fellow BX commando droid, ND-5, owed him, sending Vess to acquire compromising information against Governor Thorden, an Imperial who had great control over the Empire's presence on the moon Toshara. Jabba intended to use the information to force Thorden to use his control over the moon to favor the Hutt Cartel, thus gaining an advantage over the Pyke Syndicate, which controlled almost all of Toshara. Vess was successful and delivered the information to Jabba at his palace.

The plan to rescue Solo was initiated upon the arrival of the protocol droid C-3PO and astromech droid R2-D2. R2 carried with him a message from Skywalker, who identified himself as a Jedi Knight and declared his intention to negotiate for Solo's life. The young Jedi stated that he would arrive shortly and offered the two droids as a gift for the crime lord. Jabba declared that there would be no bargain, however, and conscripted the two droids into his service. 3PO became his new translator, while R2 would serve drinks on Jabba's sail barge.
Later, during a performance of the song "Jedi Rocks" by the Max Rebo Band, Jabba's personal dancer, Oola, resisted his advances toward her, and the Hutt activated the trapdoor and sent her to her death in the rancor pit. The chaotic moment was followed by the arrival of Princess Leia Organa, who, as part of the rescue plan, came disguised as the bounty hunter Boushh and brought Chewbacca as her "prisoner." Tipped off by Boba Fett, Jabba knew it was not really Boushh under the helmet, but he thought the impostor was just a short lowlife smuggler. The disguised Organa demanded the bounty on the Wookiee's head and insisted on 50,000 credits, which Jabba balked at. Organa threatened him with a detonator, leading Jabba to compliment Boushh, and the two agreed on 35,000 credits. Chewbacca was imprisoned in Jabba's dungeons, while Organa waited in the palace so she could free Solo after the court had gone to sleep.
Organa freed Solo from carbonite that evening, but Jabba and his court discovered them. Solo attempted to bargain with the gangster, claiming he was on his way to pay Jabba when Fett captured him, but Jabba said it was too late to pay him and imprisoned Solo. Now having seen Organa's real identity, Jabba ordered his guards to bring her to him. Ignoring the princess's threats, Jabba licked Organa's face. He then sent his dancers to have Organa cleaned and dressed in a dancing-girl costume. The crime lord chained Organa to his throne, forcing her to replace Oola as his favorite slave. Jabba and his court proceeded to celebrate late into the night.

The next morning, Jabba and his thugs were awoken by Skywalker's arrival at the palace. Skywalker was able to gain entry by using a mind trick on Fortuna, despite Jabba's strict orders not to admit the Jedi. Skywalker demanded that Jabba free Solo and his friends, or else face his destruction. Jabba refused, causing Skywalker to pull a blaster on him, at which point Jabba activated the trapdoor and sent Skywalker and a Gamorrean guard into the rancor pit. The rancor ate the guard, but Skywalker was able to kill the beast, infuriating the gangster. In his anger, Jabba choked Organa and demanded that Solo and Chewbacca be brought before him.
As revenge for the outrage, Jabba sentenced Skywalker, Solo, and Chewbacca were to be executed by being fed to the sarlacc, a creature that dwelled in the Great Pit of Carkoon. Meanwhile, Organa was to remain enslaved to the Hutt, as Jabba found her attractive. Jabba and his court traveled to the Great Pit of Carkoon on his sail barge, while the prisoners were transported on a smaller skiff. On the way, Jabba briefly allowed Organa to leave his side so that she could watch her friends from a window, but later recalled her to his throne to inform her that she would soon learn to appreciate him. Jabba toasted his plans by sharing his drink with Organa.

Upon arriving at Carkoon, Jabba gave his prisoners a chance to beg for mercy. Solo balked at the suggestion while Skywalker offered one last opportunity to free them and threatened to kill Jabba if he did not, much to Jabba and his guest's amusement. The crime lord refused and ordered the prisoners into the pit, but R2 revealed Skywalker's hidden lightsaber, and the Jedi attacked Jabba's thugs. The growing battle led to chaos on Jabba's sail barge, as his enforcers attempted to kill the Jedi and the Rebels. In the ensuing panic, Organa, after smashing Jabba's control panel and disabling the lights in the room, wrapped the chain she was bound in around Jabba's neck and strangled him to death, bringing an end to the criminal reign of Jabba the Hutt. After his death, Solo and his friends escaped, and Jabba's corpse was blown up when his sail barge exploded over the sarlacc pit.
Following Jabba's demise, the Hutts were left to determine who would succeed him and assume control of his criminal empire. Several months after Solo's rescue, a decision had yet to be made. Immediately following Jabba's demise, in order to determine the exact nature of the Hutt's death and settle the debate over the matter of his will, the Hutt Clan had the wreckage of the Khetanna examined. What they found was only a holorecording of Organa choking Jabba in his last moments. Most of the circulated copies of this footage and their vendors were hunted down by the Clan to prevent proof of their own vulnerability from circulating.
Many of Jabba's slaves were freed after the battle at Carkoon, leading the prominently enslaved Niktos to admire Organa for choking the Hutt, earning her the nickname "Huttslayer." Coupled with the Empire's collapse, Jabba's death left enormous power vacuums in the Kessel spice trade, leaving trade routes once guarded by Hutt-hired mercenaries vulnerable. Over the years following Jabba's death, a Huttese song known as "Jabba Flow," composed by the Shag Kava band, was named after Jabba as was a non-alcoholic beverage known as "Jabba Juice."
Bib Fortuna returned to the palace and took over Jabba's criminal operations. Around 9 ABY, Boba Fett, joined by his accomplice Fennec Shand, stormed the palace. Fett slayed Fortuna and took control of the remnants of Jabba's criminal empire. Jabba's cousins "the Twins" attempted to take control of his territory, but they fled Tatooine upon learning the Pyke Syndicate was moving in. Standing his ground, Fett and his allies overcame the Pykes, claiming Tatooine as the former bounty hunter's domain.
During his self-imposed exile on Ahch-To, the Jedi Master Luke Skywalker had a dream where he ignored Organa's message and never joined the Rebellion and never caused Jabba's death. In his dream, Jabba was still operating on Tatooine following Skywalker's marriage to Camie Marstrap and was still charging water taxes to moisture farmers.

As the head of one of the galaxy's most notorious cartels, Jabba Desilijic Tiure held sway over Tatooine's criminal activities. He was known far and wide for his volatile temper, insatiable greed, repulsive eating habits, and preference for brutal forms of entertainment. The Hutt was also known to amass various trophies as symbols of his authority. A prime example was his display of Han Solo's carbonite-frozen body as a wall decoration in his throne room. Unlike his uncle Ebor, Jabba's table manners were notably crude. Jabba bore a tattoo of the Desilijic kajidic symbol on his right arm.
Jabba had a strong attraction to young female humanoids, whom he often enslaved as dancers or companions. He would chain his preferred slave girls to his throne, compelling them to sit with him when they were not performing, as was the case with Oola and Leia Organa. According to Jess, Jabba's favorite slave was better protected from harassment from the palace guards and guests, though that protection came at the cost of dealing with Jabba's advances. Jabba's penchant for female humanoids would ultimately lead to his demise when Organa exploited her proximity to him to end his life.
Jabba had no patience for liars. When Lando Calrissian was brought before him by the Harlok Gang by saying that he had arranged a deal with Jabba for tibanna gas, Jabba made him know that he perfectly knew that no such deal had ever taken place, leading the Hutt to threaten Calrissian to feed him to his rancor for daring to obtain an audience with him under false pretenses. Nor did he tolerate those who rebelled against him, placing severe punishments against them, like when he threw Oola into the rancor pit for disobeying him during a dance.

Despite his ruthless reputation and cruel personality, Jabba nevertheless had a caring side: he loved his son Rotta very much and became furious when he was kidnapped by the Separatists, willing to punish those responsible with death. His tender love for his son is specifically shown when he was willing to work with the Jedi despite their mutual resentment and as such endanger himself to see to it they successfully rescued him. Jabba had a friend, his only friend in fact, in Ephant Mon. However, Boba Fett pondered if he was the closest person Jabba saw as a friend. Some nights in the Palace, Jabba told Fett incredibly personal things that Fett believed ate at the crime lord's soul, although Fett was unsure if Jabba had a soul. Fett also did not understand what Jabba said to him. However, he enjoyed the drink offered during such moments and, taking into account how much Jabba paid him, respected the company as tolerable.

The character of Jabba the Hutt was first alluded to in the 1977 film, Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope and was mentioned again in the 1980 sequel, Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. His initial on-screen appearance occurred in 1983 in the concluding film of the original trilogy, Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi.
Declan Mulholland was originally selected to portray Jabba in the incomplete scene from the original Star Wars, where he was depicted as a portly human wearing a shaggy fur coat. However, the scene was removed because George Lucas desired to portray Jabba as an alien creature, but the special-effects technology of the time was not up to the task of replacing Mulholland. The scene, with a CGI Jabba, was eventually added to the Special Edition of Episode IV when a previously unfinished scene was restored to the film.

For Return of the Jedi, the character of Jabba was brought to life through the work of puppeteers Toby Philpott, David Barclay, and Mike Edmonds, while his voice was provided by Larry Ward. Ward previously did the Huttese lines for Greedo in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. Before shooting, sound engineer Ben Burtt wrote Jabba's Huttese dialogue, ensuring the puppeteers could synchronize Jabba's mouth movements.
In post-production, Burtt significantly deepened Ward's voice, and combined it with rumble-like sounds using a subharmonic generator, and the sound of someone playing with pasta in a bowl. The burps of Jabba were created by sound engineer Howie Hammerman, known for his loud belches after drinking soda. A bowl of melted cheese was primarily used to create Jabba's slimy sound.
He made an appearance in the prequel trilogy's first installment, Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, in 1999, and had multiple roles in both the animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars and its associated film, voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson. Initially, George Lucas forbade Jabba's inclusion in the series, as writer Henry Gilroy was creating the show bible. However, by the subsequent meeting, Lucas had a change of heart, allowing Jabba to be featured in both The Clone Wars film and the television series that followed. Guillermo del Toro was once slated to direct a Star Wars film centering on Jabba's rise to power and his eventual downfall.
He was voiced by Dee Bradley Baker in Star Wars Outlaws, released in 2024.
The design of crime lord Azmorigan was based on the original concept art for Jabba the Hutt from Return of the Jedi.
From May of 2016 to mid-2023, the Databank entry for Jabba on StarWars.com listed his species as "Hutt, B'omarr Monk".