A crime lord, sometimes referred to as a crime lady, crime kingpin, or crime boss, was an individual who held dominion over a criminal enterprise.
As part of their scheme to unite various criminal organizations as a base of power for their planned conquest during the Clone Wars, the Sith Lords Maul and Savage Opress rose to become crime lords. Maul maintained his leadership of Crimson Dawn even into the time of the Galactic Empire.
The heroes of the Rebellion, namely Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Han Solo, found themselves needing to evade avaricious crime lords such as Jabba the Hutt throughout their exploits. Tatooine, a desert world, Nal Hutta, a swampy world, and Teth, a jungle world, were among the numerous planets under the control of Hutt Clan crime lords like Jabba.
During the Imperial era, Cikatro Vizago, a Devaronian, operated as a crime lord heading the Broken Horn Syndicate, while Lallani, a Quarren, held the title of crime lady, commanded Mandalorian mercenaries, and was a competitor of Jabba.