Nal Hutta, often shortened to Hutta, existed as a hot and swampy planet. It was situated far within the confines of Hutt Space in the galaxy. This world served as the original homeworld for the Hutt species and functioned as the central headquarters for the Grand Hutt Council. Positioned at a considerable distance from galactic law enforcement, Nal Hutta became a significant sanctuary for both the officially recognized Hutt Clan and various other lawless factions operating throughout the galaxy. The planet's landscape primarily consisted of expansive swamps and mires, frequently drenched by persistent, oily rainfall. These conditions were significantly intensified by the Drengir crisis that occurred during the High Republic Era.
Often referred to simply as Hutta, Nal Hutta was a planet encircled by rings, located deep within Hutt Space. This world was characterized by its misty swamp environment and a hot, humid, and foul climate, sustained by the constant, heavy rain that perpetually fell. Bursting with life, the planet's environment mirrored the nature of the sentient Hutt species that called it home. The Hutts' influence rendered the world a place of great importance. The surface was dominated by numerous bogs, with the limited solid ground being controlled by the Hutts, who used it as the foundation for their residences.
To link their towns, settlements, and palaces, the Hutts constructed only a small number of spaceports on Nal Hutta's surface. This was because most interactions with off-worlders occurred on Nar Shaddaa, the planet's largest moon. The most prominent of these spaceports was Bilbousa, the planet's capital city. It was a sprawling, disorganized area covered with arching roots extending from enormous, bulbous pods. Within eyesight of the city stood the Palace of Gardulla Besadii the Elder, one of Nal Hutta's largest structures, which occasionally served as the headquarters of the Grand Hutt Council, the governing body that managed and led the Hutt Clan. Under Hutt control, the planet, like Nar Shaddaa, was known for its pollution and danger, but it played a pivotal role in the galaxy's underground economy.
Nal Hutta served as the base of operations for the Hutt Clan. In the past, Nal Hutta was a world teeming with bustling cities. The Drengir crisis changed the world, as a Drengir infestation caused the planet's jungles to expand dramatically, resulting in a climatic transformation with lasting effects for years. Fortunately, the new environment was one that the Hutts were particularly well-adapted to.
Cad Bane, the bounty hunter, transported Ziro the Hutt to the Grand Hutt Council on Nal Hutta after freeing him from a prison on Coruscant. Ziro declined to reveal the location of his confidential holodiary and was imprisoned by the Hutt Council. However, with the assistance of the singer Sy Snootles, Ziro successfully escaped. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Quinlan Vos, both Jedi Masters, journeyed to Nal Hutta with the intention of capturing Ziro. Nevertheless, Ziro and Snootles managed to flee the planet with the support of Ziro's Mama.
Kenobi, disguised as the bounty hunter Rako Hardeen, along with the fugitives Bane and Moralo Eval, crash-landed in the swamps of Nal Hutta during an undercover operation to rescue Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from Separatist assassins. The trio made their way to Bilbousa Bazaar, where they acquired a starship to leave the planet. Despite being pursued by Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi Knight, and Ahsoka Tano, a Padawan, "Hardeen" and the bounty hunters successfully escaped to Orondia.
During the latter part of the Clone Wars, Maul, the former Sith apprentice, his brother Savage Opress, and the Shadow Collective visited Nal Hutta. Their purpose was to coerce the Hutt Council into joining their Shadow Collective. The Hutts refused their demands, which led to a gunfight between the Shadow Collective and various bounty hunters hired by the Hutts. Although the Hutt Council managed to escape, Maul's group captured Oruba, who revealed that Jabba Desilijic Tiure was on Tatooine. After killing Oruba, the Shadow Collective departed for Tatooine.
During the Imperial Era, between the years 3 and 4 ABY, the Crimson Dawn flagship, the Vermillion, arrived on Nal Hutta and landed at the Bilbousa Spaceport. Simultaneously, T'onga, a bounty hunter, and her crew also reached Bilbousa with the intention to raid the Vermillion and rescue Cadeliah, a child who had been taken prisoner and was being held on the flagship.
By 9 ABY, [The Twins](/article/the_twins], a pair of Hutt siblings, had established their base on Nal Hutta. Boba Fett, a Daimyo with whom the Twins would later compete for control of Jabba's criminal empire on Tatooine, considered their lifestyle on Hutta to be morally corrupt. By 28 ABY, Nal Hutta was still widely regarded as a haven for criminal activity by many within the New Republic.