T'onga's crew was a group of bounty hunters and assassins assembled by the bounty hunter T'onga during the time the Galactic Empire was in reign. T'onga and her wife, Losha Tarkon, formed the crew with the purpose of locating and bringing Cadeliah back to her grandfather Khamdek. Cadeliah was the heiress of the criminal organizations known as the Mourner's Wail and the Unbroken Clan. To find members, the pair went to the fighting pits of Nar Kanji to enlist Tasu Leech, and later recruited the Gand Findsman Zuckuss at the Gand floating sanctuary. The Trandoshan bounty hunter Bossk'wassak'Cradossk subsequently became a member. Eventually, 4-LOM, Zuckuss's partner who was a LOM-series protocol droid, joined after his programming was corrected, which had previously caused him to attempt to kill Zuckuss on a Hutt freighter.
After a battle involving Inferno Squad, Tarkon and Leech departed the team, while Beilert Valance, Boba Fett, Durge, Khel Tanna, and Deathstick joined. Following Valance's loss due to the Scourge infection affecting droids and cyborgs, the crew decided to kill him and followed him to the planet Epikonia. Furthermore, 4-LOM had become separated from the team and joined the new D-Squad with the goal of stopping the Scourge.
Upon their arrival on Epikonia, Tanna, Durge, Deathstick, and Bossk betrayed T'onga and Zuckuss, as they had grown weary of trying to aid Valance. The pair were abandoned on Epikonia, but they were then unexpectedly joined by Tarkon and their former adversary Vukorah. After Valance was successfully rescued instead of killed, the crew, without Vukorah, remained together for one final mission, aligning themselves with Valance in the Death Match on Tatooine, by which time 4-LOM had rejoined. Subsequently, the crew disbanded.
Around 9 ABY, during the reign of the New Republic, the crew reformed, consisting of T'onga, Zuckuss, 4-LOM, the Aqualish Wooro, Bossk, and Tarkon, with the latter two having rejoined. The team accepted a job from Black Sun to either capture or kill Stolak Vandello, who owed the syndicate money. Vandello gave himself up to the crew, and they brought him back to Black Sun.