In the standard year of 4 ABY (After the Battle of Yavin), several significant occurrences unfolded. This corresponds to 3281 LY on the Lothal Calendar and 7981 according to the C.R.C. calendar system.
- Leia Organa received assistance from Maz Kanata in obtaining Ubese armor for her Boushh disguise. [8]
- Jabba the Hutt suffered defeat as Han Solo was rescued. Leia Organa was responsible for killing the Hutt crime lord while aboard his personal sail barge. [2]
- Luke Skywalker fulfilled his commitment to Master Yoda by revisiting Dagobah to finalize his Jedi training; however, Yoda passed away due to advanced age before the training could be completed. In his final moments, Yoda instructed Luke that facing Darth Vader was essential for him to achieve the status of a Jedi Knight. [2]
- Gallius Rax achieved a promotion to the rank of admiral . [9]
- Following the initial demise of Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine above Endor , the Galactic Empire commenced its descent into fragmentation. [3] The Battle of Endor was also the location of the destruction of the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station, as well as Vader's redemption, transforming him back into Anakin Skywalker through his return to the light side and betrayal of Palpatine. [2]
- To pay his respects, Luke Skywalker conducted a funeral on Endor, honoring his father. [2]
- The Coruscant civil war was sparked by a riot that erupted in Monument Plaza. [3]
- The passing of Jabba [3] and the retreat of the Imperial Army from Tatooine created a power vacuum. The Mining Collective attempted to exploit this situation by occupying Mos Pelgo; however, Sheriff [3] Cobb Vanth single-handledly defeated them. [10]
- Mas Amedda effectively functioned as Emperor in practice, though his actual influence was limited primarily to Coruscant. [1]
- The Alliance to Restore the Republic underwent reorganization and was renamed the New Republic. [3]
- As part of Palpatine's Contingency plan, the Empire executed his final directive through Operation: Cinder. [11]
- Mon Mothma was chosen as the first Chancellor of the New Republic through election. [3]
- The Galactic Senate was re-established on Chandrila. [3]
- Iden Versio and Del Meeko made the decision to defect from the Galactic Empire, subsequently joining the Rebel Alliance, which later became the New Republic. [12]
- With assistance from Lieutenant Shara Bey and R2-D2, Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker journeyed to Vetine with the purpose of retrieving what remained of two Great Trees that Darth Sidious had taken from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. [13]
- Operation Yellow Moon [14]
- Escape from the Invincible Faith [12]
- Rescue of Han Solo [2]
- Dogfight in the Hudalla system [15]
- Battle of Taanab [2]
- Battle of Endor [2]
- Funeral of Anakin Skywalker [7]
- Bombardment of Durkteel [16]
- Uprisings against the Galactic Empire [2] Parades on Tatooine[2] Rally on Naboo[2] Riot in Monument Plaza[2]
- Liberation of Mos Pelgo [10] [17]
- Battle of Naalol [3]
- Iron Blockade [18]
- Assault on an Imperial outpost [19]
- Beltire Liberation [11]
- Battle of Cawa City [11]
- Operation: Cinder [11] Attack on Abednedo[20] Attack on Candovant[20] Attack on Commenor[20] Attack on Fondor[12] (Approximate date) Destruction of Nacronis[20] Battle of Theed[11] Skirmish on Vardos[12]
- Raid at the Wretch of Tayron [21]
- Skirmish at Jiruus [20]
- Attack on the Hellion's Dare [20]
- Mission to Abednedo [20]
- Battle of Malastare [3]
- Battle in the Haldeen sector [20]
- Hunt for Shadow Wing [20] Attack on Pandem Nai[20]
- Operation on Geonosis [3]
- Coruscant civil war [3]
- Mission to Akiva [3]
- Liberation of Cloud City [18]
- Emergency summit on Akiva [3]
- Rebellion on Akiva [3]
- Mission to Vetine [13]
- Boushh [22]
- During Operation Yellow Moon [14] Antrot[14] Khione[14] Lokmarcha[14]
- Smikes during the Dogfight in the Hudalla system [15]
- During the Rescue of Han Solo [2] Oola[2] Jubnuk[2] Pateesa[2] Velken Tezeri[2] Vedain[2] Yotts Oren[2] Lathe[2] Barada[2] Jabba Desilijic Tiure[2] Kithaba[2] Vizam[2] Wooof[2] Nysad[2] Klaatu[2] Pagetti Rook[2] Pote Snitkin[2] Salacious B. Crumb[23] Ree-Yees[24] Hermi Odle[24]
- Yoda on Dagobah [2]
- During the Battle of Endor [2] Sim Aloo (Presumably)[25] Kren Blista-Vanee[26] Arvel Crynyd[2] Ars Dangor[26] Tomer Darpen[27] Adon Fox[28] Grizz Frix[2] Gherant[2] Gemma[19] GR-792[2] Gradd[28] Janus Greejatus (Presumably)[29] Tiaan Jerjerrod[2] Kokely[19] Sila Kott[2] Jhared Montferrat[28] Able Nereno[11] Emarr Ottkreg[30] Sate Pestage[26] Firmus Piett[2] Reet[19] Berisse Sai[15] Keir Santage[2] Will Scotian[27] Darth Sidious[2] (later resurrected)[31] Anakin Skywalker[2] Snar[19] Cinda Tarheel[27] Tauk[32] TK-151[2] TK-290[2] Pebimarus Xorn[26] Ekelarc Yong[2]
- Hendri Underholt on Durkteel [16]
- During the Battle of Malastare [3] Jordan Karls[33] Cutter Poole[33]
- During the Rebellion on Akiva [3] Arsin Crassus[3] Valco Pandion[3]
- Near the Oridol Cluster [20] Kreskian[20] Rununja[20] Stanislok[20]
- Shakara Nuress on Orbital One [20]
- During the Mission to Vetine . [13] Hurron[13]