The confrontation known as the Battle of Malastare unfolded on the planet Malastare, pitting the Alliance to Restore the Republic against the forces of the Galactic Empire. This event occurred in the period following the Battle of Endor. Before the Emergency summit on Akiva convened, Valco Pandion, who had declared himself Grand Moff, deserted the Imperial communications station situated on Malastare. This desertion resulted in the Empire's loss of control over the planet. The battle that followed resulted in a victory for the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The Empire could not recover from the loss of the communications station, even with the presence of the planetary shield. A squad of 7 A/SF-01 B-wing starfighters, identified as Blade Squadron, secured the win for the Alliance. The Rebels suffered losses, including cadets Jordan Karls and Cutter Poole, but the Empire bore the heavier cost. The Empire lost many TIE pilots and starfighters, in addition to the planetary shield and the Malastare Communications Station.