The Lothal Calendar, utilized on the planet of Lothal situated within the Outer Rim Territories, employed the LY ("Lothal Year") abbreviation. The calendar's exact origins were lost to history by the time of the Galactic Empire; however, its commencement was set 3245 years prior to Sheev Palpatine's ascension to the position of Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic.
- 0 LY : Introduction of the Lothal Calendar. [2]
- 3233 LY : Garazeb Orrelios is born. [2]
- 3244 LY : Kanan Jarrus 's birth. [2]
- 3245 LY : The Invasion of Naboo occurs. [2]
- 3248 LY : Hera Syndulla is born. [2]
- 3255 LY : The Clone Wars begin with the First Battle of Geonosis. [2]
- 3256 LY : Sabine Wren is born. [2]
- 3258 LY : Order 66 is executed by order of Palpatine. Ezra Bridger is born. [2]
- 3272 LY : Ezra Bridger becomes part of Kanan Jarrus 's rebel cell. [2]