Shara Bey, a human female pilot, served the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. Lieutenant Bey, along with her husband, Sergeant Kes Dameron, had a son named Poe. Due to their commitment to the war effort, they rarely saw him. They believed that the galaxy was oppressed under the Galactic Empire's dominion, which motivated their involvement. Bey, a highly skilled A-wing pilot with numerous battles under her belt, was part of Green Squadron during the attack on the second Death Star at the Battle of Endor.
Despite hoping that Endor would signify the war's conclusion, Bey continued her service to the Alliance, participating in many subsequent battles following the Death Star's fall. She spearheaded the defense of Naboo, a planet targeted by the Empire during Operation: Cinder. Teaming up with Princess Leia Organa and Sosha Soruna, Naboo's queen, she played a crucial role in safeguarding the planet. Later, months after this event, Bey aided Commander Luke Skywalker, the last Jedi Knight, in retrieving fragments of a Great Tree from the Empire's grasp on Vetine. Soon after, she retired from her duties with the Alliance.
Bey and her family made their home in a colony on Yavin 4, where she continued to fly her A-wing as part of the system's civilian defense. Bey imparted her flying skills to her son. She died six years following the Battle of Endor. Poe emulated his mother's path, becoming a pilot for the New Republic before joining Organa's Resistance to combat the growing threat posed by the First Order.

Shara Bey was born before 19 BBY, prior to the onset of the Galactic Civil War in 0 BBY, and spent her formative years during the reign of the Galactic Empire. Recognizing the suffering the galaxy endured under Imperial rule, she and her husband, Kes Dameron, felt compelled to act. Consequently, they enlisted in the Alliance to Restore the Republic before the Battle of Hoth in 3 ABY. Bey attained the rank of lieutenant within the Alliance Fleet, primarily piloting an A-wing, while Dameron served as a sergeant and ground soldier. At some point, Bey also took to the skies in an ARC-170 starfighter for the Rebellion. In 2 ABY, they welcomed their son, Poe Dameron, who resided with Bey's father during the ongoing conflict, leading to infrequent visits from his parents.
During the war, Bey distinguished herself as a Rebel pilot, earning the Bronze Nova for Conspicuous Gallantry for her actions during the liberation of Gorma. Shortly after, during Operation: Mynock Bite, she achieved triple ace status while raiding an Imperial fuel depot on Beroq 4. Bey participated in numerous additional engagements throughout the war, earning the respect and admiration of her fellow pilots, many of whom credited her with saving their lives.

At Echo Base, Bey and her husband were constructing tunnels using an A-wing's cannon. An accident caused a cave-in, trapping them. Bey refused to take Dameron's gear to improve her own chances of survival. As they recorded a message for their son, Commander Luke Skywalker and Chewbacca rescued them. Bey accompanied her husband onto an EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate for Dameron's medical care. Bey suggested using A-wing ion cannons instead of heating technology. This faster method was used to melt new tunnels, though rebel Chase Wilsorr used the wrong setting, resulting in a larger briefing room than planned.

In 3 ABY, shortly after the Alliance evacuated Hoth, Bey and Green Squadron provided air support for the fleet's Fourth Division at Rendezvous Point Delta-Three. They were attacked during a blockade. The Imperials trapped the rebel ships between a nearby star and a screen of turbolaser fire from multiple Star Destroyers and cruisers, preventing hyperspace jumps. Bey and many other pilots were trapped, defending the fleet from waves of TIEs. One EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate was destroyed. Bey ordered Green Squadron to rally around her A-wing to protect a targeted transport. At that moment, the Millennium Falcon arrived, destroying a TIE squadron and a turbolaser emplacement, creating a hole in the cordon for the ships to escape to hyperspace.

Bey was later chosen to command Starlight Squadron with the designation Starlight Leader, as part of Fourth Division's Operation Starlight. The squadron's mission was to locate the scattered Rebel Alliance fleet divisions after the Battle of Hoth, warn them about the Empire cracking Alliance communications, and deliver a new Trawak code developed by C-3PO and his team. During their search, the squadron found wreckage of the Sixth Division near Felucia and encountered Imperial probe droids. The probe droids attached to the X-wings' astromechs, attempting to access their archives. Fearing the loss of rendezvous points, Wedge Antilles suggested shooting them off, but Bey questioned their ability to succeed. Instead, Bey ordered all pilots to self-destruct and eject their astromechs, losing their nav data. The droids ejected and detonated, saving valuable data. The Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Tarkin's Will then arrived and attacked the squadron.
The Tarkin's Will activated its tractor beam. Unable to escape, Starlight Squadron used a strategy Wedge Antilles developed with Rogue Squadron: accelerating to ride the tractor beam close enough to disable the Beam Generators. With the generators destroyed, Starlight Squadron entered the hangar of the Tarkin's Will to find astromechs for hyperspace calculations.
Freyta Smyth quickly sliced an astromech. Bey ordered her to return it to her X-Wing for a hyperspace jump. When asked if she was coming, Bey said she would follow, but had something else to do.
Unable to hold off the Empire, Starlight Squadron urged Bey to return to her ship. She revealed that she had stolen navigational data from the remaining droids, mirroring the Empire's plan. As Bey returned, her ship was destroyed. Bey ordered the others to leave without her, telling L'ulo L'ampar to "tell Kes that I love him, and have him kiss Poe for me the next time that he sees him." L'ampar acknowledged the order and Starlight Squadron jumped to hyperspace, leaving Bey behind.
Kes Dameron was distraught upon hearing the news. After hearing there were no transmissions from Bey, Dameron spoke to a holo photo of his son, where he met Leia Organa. Organa urged him to remain hopeful, calling Bey a "survivor."
While they spoke, a Rebel fighter announced a signal from Bey using the new code protocols. Organa urged Dameron to speak to his wife. Bey told Dameron she was okay, having slipped off the hanger deck before capture, claiming the size of Star Destroyers offered "lots of places to hide." Bey said she had set up camp and was slicing Imperial Systems for valuable information. Bey asked Dameron to pass her along to General Organa, but also asked that he come get her soon. Dameron swore to do so.
While waiting for rescue, Bey continued gathering and transmitting information, even using discarded armor to disguise herself as a Stormtrooper to access the upper decks. An Empire Officer stopped her, questioning why she was in the transmission hub and why her armor was damaged. Bey gave the officer a fake Trooper designation (TK-510) based on her son Poe's birthday.
Back on the Rebel ship, Dameron insisted on rescuing Bey, claiming she had done enough. Mon Mothma agreed that Bey had been a "true hero" but reminded him that Bey would not want unnecessary sacrifices. She promised a rescue when they could succeed, and that Dameron would bring her home. Dameron listened to a message from Bey, where she said she missed and loved him, and had set up camp in a damaged area of Tarkin's Will. Because parts of the ships were left damaged as a memorial to the Death Star there were some areas without sensors where she could remain undetected. Bey also found emergency rations, water, parts and tools among the damage that allowed her to survive long enough to send messages out to the Rebellion. Bey also revealed in her message that she believed she was out of time, that Commander Zahra would soon know she was a stowaway on the ship, so she had begun to execute her own escape plan instead of waiting for a rescue.
Bey removed a circuit from a Lambda Class shuttle in order to get it moved to the auxiliary hanger that was used for ships needing maintenance since it had less surveillance. To hype herself up, Bey told herself "don't let Poe grow up without a mom." Once the shuttle was moved, she planned to replace the circuit and jump to lightspeed. However, Commander Zahra had caught wind of Bey's plan and was waiting for her on the damaged shuttle. Zahra captured Bey and took her in for interrogation.
Meanwhile, Kes Dameron realized that Bey's plan had failed when she did not return to the Rebel ship. He assembled a trusted group of Pathfinders and the remainder of Starlight Squadron to mount an unauthorized rescue mission for Shara.

In 4 ABY, the Alliance discovered the Empire was constructing a superweapon, a second Death Star, in orbit around the Forest Moon of Endor. The Alliance Fleet launched a massive attack against the battle station. Bey flew with Green Squadron during the assault, while Dameron served on the ground with the Pathfinders, a Rebel Alliance Special Forces unit under General Han Solo, to destroy the shield generator protecting the Death Star. After the Pathfinders destroyed the generator, Bey and Green Squadron defended the Millennium Falcon, piloted by General Lando Calrissian, as it entered the Death Star's super structure. Calrissian and his pilots destroyed the Death Star's main reactor, causing a chain reaction. Imperial ships fled, including an Imperial shuttle. Bey followed the shuttle to destroy it, but was contacted by its pilot, Rebel Commander and Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, who had been aboard the Death Star—and whose actions led to the deaths of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader. Bey allowed Skywalker to pass, and the Death Star exploded.
As the battle ended, Imperial forces retreated from Endor. Bey returned to Home One, the Rebel command ship, and reunited with surviving pilots. She received permission from Lieutenant L'ulo L'ampar, acting head of Green Squadron after Green Leader Arvel Crynyd was killed, to join the celebration on Endor in the home of the Ewoks who aided the Pathfinders. She searched for her husband, hoping he survived. Bey encountered Generals Solo and Calrissian, and asked Solo about the Pathfinders, receiving a compliment from Calrissian. She found Dameron, and they discussed their future. They hoped the war was over and they could resume their life together.

The next morning, Solo called Dameron away, informing the Pathfinders of Imperial holdouts in an outpost on Endor's far side. Solo and General Crix Madine agreed the Pathfinders would launch an assault to destroy the outpost. Bey volunteered to pilot the Pathfinders, and they set off. Bey brought the shuttle in at a steep approach vector. The vessel opened fire, taking out defenses. Dameron and the Pathfinders entered the outpost while Bey waited, until they returned with intelligence on the Empire's post-Endor plans. The war was not over.
After Endor, Bey and Dameron separated again. Bey continued flying with Green Squadron, while Dameron went on missions with the Pathfinders. Due to Crynyd's death, Bey became the default leader of Green Group. During the final stages of the skirmish on Madurs, Bey assisted in capturing Imperial Security Bureau Senior Commander Alecia Beck. Bey and Green Group disabled Beck's shuttle and boarded it, taking Beck and the occupants into custody. Bey and the squadron towed the shuttle and jumped to lightspeed, heading to a temporary headquarters for Beck's tribunal.
Bey participated in the Beltire Liberation, assisting Rampant Squadron. Seventeen days after Endor, Bey fought in Cawa City on Sterdic IV. She and her pilots destroyed TIE fighters and an All Terrain Armored Transport, liberating Cawa City. After the battle, she spoke with L'ulo about the fighting since Endor, lamenting that the war was not over. Green Leader encouraged her to take a lighter assignment, as she had been working non-stop.

Three days elapsed, and Bey was back within the Alliance Fleet, newly appointed as the personal pilot for Princess Leia Organa. Organa, a key figure in the Alliance leadership, embarked on a mission to Naboo, hoping to secure the planet's government's endorsement for the establishment of a New Republic. They journeyed to Naboo unescorted, a decision motivated by the fear that a substantial fleet heading towards Naboo, the Emperor's homeworld, would inevitably draw unwanted Imperial attention, despite the Princess's crucial role within the Alliance. During their flight, Bey engaged in conversation with Organa, who was penning letters of condolence to the bereaved families of Rebels who perished in the Battle of Endor, including Private Able Nereno, a nurse stationed on the medical frigate Redemption. The princess shared that she personally crafted each letter, eschewing the use of a protocol droid, a practice instilled in her by her late parents—Viceroy Bail Organa and Queen Breha Organa of Alderaan—who emphasized the significance of a human touch.
The pair soon made their way to Theed, Naboo's capital city. Bey expressed surprise at the tranquility of Naboo, especially considering its status as the Emperor's birthplace. The princess clarified that the Emperor's most potent weapon was fear. For Naboo, this fear manifested as the knowledge that he possessed the power to obliterate their world at any moment, compelling them to maintain loyalty to the Empire. Shortly after their arrival, they were greeted by Governor Donta Gesset, who escorted them to the Theed Royal Palace for a meeting with Queen Sosha Soruna. Upon their arrival, Organa implored the people of Naboo to unite with the Alliance in the formation of the New Republic and the restoration of the Galactic Senate. The queen readily agreed, deciding that Naboo would join the New Republic. However, their agreement was abruptly interrupted as the Empire initiated a siege on Naboo through Operation: Cinder, a posthumous contingency order from the Emperor aimed at devastating the planet's environment and rendering it uninhabitable as retribution for his demise. To execute this directive, the Empire deployed satellites from the Torment, an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer positioned in orbit. These satellites, engineered to disrupt the planet's environment, triggered massive storms across Naboo.
Amidst the raging fires, flooding, and widespread devastation engulfing the planet, Bey correctly surmised the presence of orbiting satellites responsible for the assault. Consequently, it became imperative to mobilize starfighters to neutralize these satellites. Despite the Emperor's demilitarization of Naboo, a number of N-1 starfighters from the Battle of Naboo many decades prior remained concealed within a clandestine hangar, albeit without combat-ready pilots to operate them. The queen led the group to the concealed hangar, where Bey, Organa, and the queen herself volunteered for the mission. Despite being in the presence of royalty, Bey was placed in command, a decision prompted by Organa in light of Bey's extensive combat experience. With the leadership question resolved, the three starfighters ascended into the storm, prepared to engage Imperial forces in orbit.

As Bey began destroying the satellites, the princess and the queen engaged the incoming TIE fighters—seventy-two in total, the Star Destroyer's full squadron. Bey's fighter sustained damage during the battle, leading her to believe that her end was near. She requested that the princess refrain from writing a condolence letter to her family, as she did not want to add to Organa's burdens. However, before the Imperial fighter could strike the fatal blow, the other two pilots intervened, destroying the pursuing TIEs and saving her life. Despite being outnumbered, the three persisted in eliminating the remaining satellites, aided by the timely arrival of General Calrissian and the Alliance Fleet, who had learned of Operation: Cinder through intelligence gathered by Dameron and the Pathfinders during a raid on an Imperial Security Bureau black site.
The arrival of the Alliance forces led to the destruction of the Torment, causing Imperial forces to retreat to Theed—where standard protocol would dictate an assault on the city. Organa instructed Bey and the rest of the Alliance to descend to the surface, where they, alongside the Naboo forces, successfully repelled the Imperial forces. With the attack on Naboo concluded, Bey and Organa returned to the Rebel fleet. There, Bey reunited with Dameron, who had arrived with Calrissian's forces.
Over the subsequent two months, the Alliance continued to battle against Operation: Cinder across numerous worlds. The sustained conflict caused Bey to grow disheartened about the prospect of the war ending anytime soon or being able to live a normal life with her family. Dameron submitted his formal request to be relieved from duty within the Alliance, but Bey felt a sense of obligation to continue fighting. Nevertheless, Captain L'ulo took the initiative to submit the request on her behalf. Despite her initial objection, he assured her that it was not desertion. She had earned the right to live a life with her family, a life free of the war.

As the request was expected to take a week to process, the war presented Bey with one final mission to undertake. Following a conversation with L'ulo, she was approached by an astromech droid named R2-D2. The droid escorted her to Commander Skywalker, who awaited her in the hangar with an Imperial shuttle, the Antarra—which he said flew better with a co-pilot. He sensed a familiarity with Bey, noting her resemblance to their close call during the destruction of the Death Star, when she nearly shot him down as he was escaping. Skywalker also knew about her through his sister, Organa. Skywalker requested that Bey accompany him on a mission to the planet Vetine in the Merrick sector, a mission that she said she was honored to undertake with the famed Jedi Knight. R2-D2 joined them on the mission as well.
During their journey, Skywalker provided Bey with an Imperial officer's uniform and explained that she would be impersonating Alecia Beck, whose clearance codes the Pathfinders had pilfered during the raid at the Wretch of Tayron. Skywalker also revealed that the mission aimed to retrieve something that the Emperor had stolen, though the Jedi did not disclose what he hoped to find. The Antarra soon arrived and transmitted its clearance codes, securing a safe landing outside the Imperial base. Bey assumed the role of Commander Beck, while Skywalker acted as her bodyguard, a deception that led to them being greeted by Commandant Hurron. Bey asserted that she, as Beck, was there to conduct a surprise base inspection. Hurron, aware of their true identities as Rebel infiltrators, feigned ignorance and granted them entry into the base.

Inside the facility, Hurron explained that security at the research base had been heightened following the Battle of Endor, making the base even more restricted than before. He further explained that one particular lab, the one that Skywalker sought, was accessible only to himself and the Emperor, a restriction he never understood—until Bey's arrival. He admitted that he knew she was not Commander Beck, as Beck was missing her left eye. Hurron led them into the lab, where they discovered two tree fragments. Hurron's stormtroopers aimed their weapons at the two Rebels, and he questioned why they would break into the lab to steal 'twigs.' Skywalker revealed that they were the last two remaining fragments of a Great Tree that once stood in the heart of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, before the Emperor stole them. R2-D2, who had been secretly holding Skywalker's lightsaber, released the weapon, and a battle against the Imperial forces ensued. Skywalker held off the stormtroopers while Bey and R2-D2 retrieved the tree fragments; R2-D2 disabled the force field holding the trees in place, and Bey caught them before they fell to the ground.
The three Rebels fought their way out of the facility and into its halls, where they were confronted by stormtroopers firing a blaster cannon at them. Skywalker destroyed the weapon and neutralized the troopers, allowing the Rebels to escape back to the Antarra. Once on the landing pad, Hurron and his forces caught up with them and began firing, though Skywalker merely deflected the blaster shots with his blade. Realizing the ineffectiveness of blasters, Hurron ordered his men to throw detonators at them. Skywalker used the Force to toss them back, engulfing the Imperial forces in a massive explosion and providing the Rebels with an opportunity to leave Vetine. As the Rebels began their return trip, Skywalker mentioned that R2-D2 had overheard Bey's conversation with L'ulo and knew that she was contemplating leaving the Alliance. Bey admitted to feeling tired and guilty for wanting to leave, but she recognized that the war was only worthwhile if those who participated in it could live the lives they fought to protect. Skywalker confessed that the sole reason he posed the question was because he had not anticipated the existence of two trees, and he wanted the fragment he did not keep to find a good home—one with Bey and her family.
The request submitted by Lieutenant L'ulo was processed, marking the end of Bey's service to the Rebel Alliance. As part of her compensation package for ending her service, Bey received the RZ-1 A-wing interceptor that she flew for Green Squadron. She brought that and the tree fragment Skywalker gave her to Yavin 4, where she and Dameron established their home in a new colony situated near the old Rebel base. Bey and Dameron planted the Force-sensitive tree outside of their house, providing it with the good home that Skywalker had hoped for.

In the ensuing years, Bey continued to pilot her A-wing as part of the civilian defense of the system. Occasionally, she would take Poe into the cockpit with her, allowing him to sit on her lap and hold the controls, while she guided him through his earliest piloting experiences. They would fly together across the moon and even into space, adventures that ignited Poe's passion for piloting. Poe's earliest memory was when he was two or three years old and Bey brought him into space let him play with the controls of the A-wing for the first time. Curious and adventurous even at that age, Poe did a few barrel rolls around the gas giant Yavin. It was through these adventures with his mother that he knew that he wanted to be a pilot like her. Poe also grew up hearing stories about his parents' time in the war. While Kes was open with him about his war stories, Bey never liked to speak about her time in the Alliance. All she would tell him was that her own actions were not important, and what mattered is that they and other Rebels stood up to the Empire and answered the call to help free the galaxy.
Ultimately, Poe never learned more of his mother's stories; Shara Bey succumbed to bloodburn in 10 ABY. Princess Leia, who had become a New Republic Senator, sent the two Damerons a condolence letter in which she recalled their time on Naboo during Operation: Cinder. Organa remembered that Bey did not want her to send a condolence letter if Bey had died over Naboo, but Organa felt that was her pride talking and that her death warranted a letter. She promised Kes and Poe that Bey would be remembered. In memory of his mother, Poe wore her wedding ring on a necklace, waiting to one day share it with the right partner.
Years later, Poe followed in his mother's footsteps, becoming a pilot in the New Republic Starfleet, though war was not as romantic as he had once thought. Losing his mother taught him that, amidst all of the heroic sacrifice in war, there were families who lost loved ones who would never return. After joining the Republic, he found the files on his mother's service in the Alliance and found out she had received numerous commendations, as well as significant praise from her fellow pilots. Like Bey and Kes, Poe came to fear that what the Alliance fought for would be for nothing; the First Order, which had risen from the ashes of the Galactic Empire, was becoming a threat to the Republic, but the Galactic Senate turned a blind eye because they did not believe that the First Order was powerful enough to threaten the peace that was achieved at the end of the Galactic Civil War. Driven by a desire to protect the galaxy from the resurgent Imperial threat, Poe defected to the Resistance, founded by General Leia Organa to combat the First Order.

Poe rose to become the Resistance's premier star pilot, entrusted with the mission of locating Luke Skywalker, who had vanished into exile following the destruction of his attempt to restore the Jedi Order. In the events that followed, Poe spearheaded the mission to destroy Starkiller Base, a First Order superweapon that had inflicted a devastating blow upon the Republic by destroying its capital. The Starkiller's destruction enabled the Resistance to persevere and ultimately survive near-destruction, and Poe continued to fight to save the galaxy—just as his parents once did.
Shara Bey was a human female, characterized by her black hair, brown eyes, and fair complexion. She was a committed member of the Rebel Alliance who, alongside her husband, joined the fight against the Empire in order to help people who they felt were suffering under the Emperor's rule. Her son, Poe, held his mother in high regard, noting that, even amidst Imperial oppression, Bey maintained a belief in the fundamental goodness of the galaxy. She once told him that change was sometimes necessary in order to remind the galaxy of what was important in life. Her sense of adventure, love of freedom, and piloting skills made her a hero to her son, and it was those traits that helped propel her towards the Rebel Alliance. Leia Organa described Bey as one of the toughest people she'd ever met, and a survivor. Bey's husband affectionately described their young son Poe as a handful since the day he was born, "just like his mother".

For many within the Rebel Alliance, the Battle of Endor appeared to signal the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War. Bey was no exception to this. She and her fellow soldiers were elated by the idea that they defeated the Empire and that a new chapter had been written in galactic history. Bey and Dameron both hoped that Endor would mark a new beginning for their family as well, so they could settle down somewhere and live their lives free of the struggle against the Empire. The harsh reality of war, however, soon set in when Bey and others realized that the Empire would continue to fight against the Alliance. This strain made her further long to reunite with her family, particularly Poe, whom she rarely saw due to her duties in the war. What kept her going was the idea of building a better life for her loved ones. In the months after the Battle of Endor, she questioned whether she could leave the Alliance and the commitments she made to it, but she ultimately chose to leave so the sacrifices she and her family made were not for nothing.
Bey was reluctant to burden others with her own troubles. During the fight against Operation: Cinder over Naboo, Bey asked Princess Leia not to write a condolence letter to Kes and Poe in the event of her death, not wanting to add to the princess' hardships. She did, however, open up to Luke Skywalker during their mission to Vetine, and he provided her with advice that helped her in making her decision to leave the Alliance and settle with her family on Yavin 4. Even as Poe grew older, she chose not to share her time in the war with him, preferring to keep the stories about her battles to herself. She told him only that her actions were not as important as the fact that she and her fellow fighters answered the call to liberate the galaxy from the Empire. Her fellow pilots, however, nonetheless remarked that she was a great pilot who saved their lives on numerous occasions, as noted in the records of the New Republic that she and her fellow Rebels fought to build.

Bey was a decorated pilot in the Rebel Alliance. Her skills as a pilot earned her the Bronze Nova for Conspicuous Gallantry during the Liberation of Gorma, as well as her triple ace during Operation: Mynock Bite. Her fellow pilots spoke highly of her abilities and her service to the Alliance, crediting her with saving many of their lives. These contributions were kept in the archives of the New Republic, which noted her service to the Rebel Alliance that gave birth to the new galactic government.

While flying in her A-wing, Bey wore the standard green Rebel flight uniform for A-wing pilots of Green Squadron. Her garb outside of A-wing combat was similar; rather than a flight suit, she often wore a jacket that also bore the colors of Green Squadron, with a blaster pistol attached to her hip. She wore this jacket during her the assault on the Imperial outpost on Endor, the battle over Naboo, and while en route to Vetine. During the latter operation, she briefly wore a standard black Imperial officer's uniform as part of her and Skywalker's attempt to deceive the Empire into believing that she was Commander Beck.
Bey kept her A-wing when her service to the Rebel Alliance came to an end. The A-wing was kept outside of her home on Yavin 4, where she taught her son how to become a pilot just like her.

Shara Bey, the mother of the character of Poe Dameron from Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, first appeared in the 2015 Marvel comic book miniseries Star Wars: Shattered Empire, penned by Greg Rucka. Artwork for the series was contributed by Marco Checchetto, Angel Unzueta, and Emilio Laiso. In crafting the character, Rucka envisioned Bey as a weary veteran of the Galactic Civil War who emerges from the Battle of Endor with the belief that the war has reached its end. This aligned with the tone of the film Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, which concludes with the implication that the war is over and the Empire is no more. The war, however, persists, and through Bey, Rucka was able to illustrate how ordinary individuals reacted to the realization that the Battle of Endor was not the definitive victory the Rebel Alliance had hoped for. By conveying this narrative, Rucka aimed to depict Bey's emotions, concerns, beliefs, and actions with the same emotional depth observed in characters like Luke Skywalker in the original trilogy films, particularly Return of the Jedi.
In developing both Bey and Kes Dameron, Rucka conceived a backstory for the characters that did not get included in Shattered Empire and is subject to change in future stories. Rucka envisioned them as two people who were running a cargo service and decided to join the Rebel Alliance after the Battle of Yavin. Because of their young son, Poe, they had to consider what the future for their child would be. Rucka has said that while that origin is not set in stone in any Star Wars stories at this point, it gave the characters an emotional core and allowed him to know what Bey and Dameron were fighting for in Shattered Empire. Rucka also wrote the 2015 anthology novel Before the Awakening, part of which focused on Poe Dameron. Poe's story saw him learning more about his mother's time in the war and what motivated her to fight for the Alliance. The novel also revealed that Bey died when Poe was a child.
In Star Wars: Shattered Empire (which takes place after the Battle of Endor) Bey is introduced to both Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker as if she is meeting them for the first time. However, for the duration of Star Wars (2020) (which takes place after the events of The Empire Strikes Back) Bey is seen working closely with Organa and Skywalker and knows both personally.