A climate disruption array was a piece of technology that could be positioned in the orbit around a planet. Its purpose was to trigger severe weather events, like storms and hurricanes, on the planet's surface, all initiated from space. Imperial-class Star Destroyers possessed the capability to deploy these arrays.
These arrays functioned as modified satellites designed to instigate storms once their energy beams penetrated through the planet's atmosphere. Upon impact with the surface, these beams unleashed powerful storms, resulting in widespread destruction across the entire planet.
The earliest known development efforts for these disruption arrays can be traced back to Fondor, a strategically important naval installation for the Galactic Empire.
After the Battle of Endor, which resulted in the death of Emperor Palpatine, Operation: Cinder was initiated. Palpatine's Sentinel droids were dispatched to a select group of Imperial officers, including Admiral Garrick Versio and Captain Lerr Duvat. As part of his contingency plan, Palpatine commanded these officers to utilize the climate disruption arrays on specific target worlds, with the intention of creating widespread devastation throughout the galaxy. Following the Battle of Endor, Research Station 9, a Tarkin Initiative facility located on Endor, housed a hologram depicting the disruption array.

Admiral Versio deployed the arrays above his home planet, Vardos. This action led to the defection of two members of Inferno Squad: his daughter, Commander Iden Versio, and Agent [Del Meeko]. They refused to serve a regime that destroyed the very worlds they had sworn to protect. After the skirmish that took place on Vardos, the satellites had already devastated the once-thriving planet, leading Iden and Del to escape and join the Rebel Alliance.

Captain Duvat received orders to target the Emperor's homeworld, Naboo, where he was to scour the planet with severe electrical storms and massive hurricanes. General Leia Organa quickly mobilized the Rebel fleet to destroy the arrays, and a force led by General Lando Calrissian ultimately succeeded in this mission.
The planet Abednedo was also targeted through the use of climate disruption arrays. As a result, the Abednedo people chose to support the New Republic and the Resistance.
While Operation: Cinder targeted numerous other planets, those with unique ecological systems faced different climate control weaponry. For instance, Nacronis was attacked with atmospheric vortex detonators that amplified its natural silt storms to reach apocalyptic levels.
In 34 ABY, Iden, accompanied by Shriv Suurgav and her daughter Zay, returned to Vardos. Suurgav mistook the atmospheric ash for snow, but Iden clarified that it was the lingering residue from the storms and fires caused by the climate disruption arrays three decades earlier.