Research Station 9

Research Station 9 was a site located on Endor that was part of the Tarkin Initiative and operated by the Imperial forces.


This research station was a sizable installation, marked with the Tarkin Initiative symbol displayed prominently on its facade. Within its walls were holograms depicting the climate disruption arrays employed during Operation: Cinder. A landing platform was situated in front of the station's entrance, which accommodated Zeta-class Heavy Cargo Shuttles. A smaller supply depot provided additional protection, positioned a short distance away. Between the main base and the supply depot, there existed a small Ewok village, along with several cave systems.

Behind the scenes

The Galactic Assault maps in Star Wars Battlefront II feature Research Station 9. In this game mode, Colonel Brenna commands the station, which is under assault by Rebel Alliance forces led by Major Shin, who are attempting to secure resources before the Imperial forces can complete their evacuation. Rebel Alliance players begin by attacking the nearby supply post, with the goal of commandeering an All Terrain Armored Transport for use in their attack against the main research facility. If successful, the Rebels advance on the main base with the AT-AT, using it to breach the main doors, followed by an assault on the final command post. Conversely, Imperial players are tasked with defending the supply post and destroying the AT-AT if it is stolen, as well as protecting the main base. Should the Rebels prevail, the game depicts U-wings landing at the base's entrance, while Brenna orders the remaining Imperials to retreat into the surrounding wilderness. If the Imperials are victorious, the game displays Lambda-class shuttles landing.

