The Lambda-class T-4a shuttle, also known as the Lambda-class shuttle, the Imperial Lambda, the Imperial Transport, or simply the Imperial Shuttle, functioned as a versatile transport utilizing a trihedral foil configuration. It was employed by the Galactic Empire and stood out as a refined deviation from the typically rugged Imperial designs. These shuttles frequently served as transportation for dignitaries and high-ranking officers, but they were more commonly utilized for the conveyance of stormtroopers or various types of cargo.
During the New Republic Era, some Lambda-class shuttles remained in operation with both the New Republic and the remaining Imperial remnants, primarily for the purpose of moving prisoners.

The Lambda-class T-4a shuttle, a multi-role transport equipped with a hyperdrive, was engineered by Sienar Fleet Systems for the Imperial Navy's needs. With a length of 20 meters, the Lambda-class could reach a top speed of 850 kph and was a prevalent Imperial ship throughout the galaxy, alongside its near twin, the Sentinel-class landing craft. Its design incorporated three wings: a fixed, tall dorsal stabilizer and two articulated flanking wings positioned lower. In flight, these wings extended outward for enhanced stability, while during landing, they folded inward to minimize the vessel's profile. This distinctive triangular form was regarded as elegant, a departure from the Empire's typical utilitarian aesthetic.
While a single pilot could operate a Lambda-class craft, a copilot/navigator's presence greatly simplified operations, particularly for hyperspace travel. Furthermore, to authenticate the crew's Imperial affiliation, Lambda-class T-4a shuttles employed specialized transponders that transmitted encrypted codes to Star Destroyers. In emergencies, the cockpit could detach and function as an escape pod via a switch located in the cockpit.
Despite the refined exterior of the Lambda-class, the interiors of many shuttles often carried the pungent odor of stale sweat, a consequence of transporting numerous perspiring stormtroopers across the galaxy. Additionally, troopers, often bored, were known to etch their operating numbers onto any available surface. The Lambda-class T-4a shuttle, a well-armed vessel, featured two forward-facing double laser cannons, two forward-facing wing-mounted double cannons, and a retractable rear-mounted double laser cannon.
The Imperial Lambda-class shuttle evolved conceptually and technologically from the Nu-class transport, a versatile vehicle used during the Clone Wars. Even the highest echelons of the Empire, including Emperor Palpatine himself and his Sith apprentice Darth Vader, utilized their own customized Lambda-class T-4a shuttles. The Emperor's shuttle was identifiable by a gray stripe across its nose. Governor Wilhuff Tarkin, accompanied by his death trooper guard, arrived at Landing Pad 13 of the Imperial security complex on Scarif via a Lambda-class shuttle.

Jon Melton and Bevelyn, undercover Crimson Dawn agents, murdered Imperial Security Bureau Major Sharin and commandeered her Lambda-class shuttle, named Scopium, to escape the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station and expose its existence. Despite being pursued by TIE/IN interceptors, they successfully fled to Coruscant, the Imperial capital, a location the Empire would least expect, and abandoned the vessel. During the Battle of Jakku, Lambda-class shuttles served as evacuation transports for personnel from crippled Imperial warships, as well as troop transports deployed to reinforce Imperial ground forces engaged in combat on the planet's surface. In the midst of the battle, Norra Wexley, a New Republic pilot, and Rae Sloane, a former Imperial Grand Admiral, utilized a Lambda-class shuttle while in pursuit of Gallius Rax.

Throughout the New Republic Era, the shuttle continued to be used by both the New Republic and Gideon's Imperial remnant, the latter of which operated Shuttle 2743. Doctor Penn Pershing was aboard this shuttle when Din Djarin and his allies attacked it to capture the doctor. Subsequently, they used the captured shuttle to deliberately crash into Gideon's light cruiser. Following the capture of Moff Gideon for the New Republic Tribunal, he was transported via a Lambda-class shuttle by New Republic officers, but he escaped.
Decades later, the First Order, the successor state to the Empire, incorporated design elements derived from the Lambda-class T-4a shuttle into their more modern Xi-class light shuttle and Upsilon-class command shuttle.
The shuttles made their initial appearance in the 1983 movie Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. In the 1997 Special Edition rerelease, a Lambda-class shuttle was incorporated into a scene in Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back.
The shuttle's classification is derived from the Greek letter Lambda (uppercase Λ, lowercase λ), with its lowercase form bearing a resemblance to the ship in its flight configuration. The naming of the Lambda-class shuttle initiated a pattern of naming shuttles after Greek letters, even if the specific letter's shape didn't always reflect the ship's design. This trend persisted into Revenge of the Sith with the inclusion of the Theta-class T-2c shuttle, and later in Star Wars Legends materials. This naming convention was brought into Canon through the introduction of the Beta, Gamma, Delta, Zeta, Eta, Mu, Nu, Xi, Omicron, Rho, and Upsilon-class shuttles, with some drawing inspiration from their Legends counterparts.