Rho-class transport shuttle

The Rho-class transport shuttle, often simply called the Rho-class shuttle and alternatively known as the Ru-class shuttle, represented a transport shuttle class utilized by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Subsequently, it was also employed by the Republic's successor, the Galactic Empire, and its Imperial Navy. This class, a transport variant derived from the Nu-class attack/transport shuttle, primarily functioned in cargo transport and as a medical transport. Within the Republic Navy, when serving as a mobile hospital, the Rho-class transport shuttle was designated as the Republic medical shuttle.


Visually, the Rho-class transport shuttle bore a striking resemblance to the Nu-class attack/transport shuttle. Distinguishing features included a dorsal wing, an extended hull, and the capability to attach and transport cargo pods—accommodating passengers, supplies, or mobile barracks—beneath its ventral hull. This shuttle class was equipped with a hyperdrive, engine systems, six laser cannons, and magnetic clamps. Operated by a crew of two pilots, these starships could accommodate numerous passengers. Its main functions encompassed medical and general transport duties, and it was also recognized as a Republic medical shuttle.

Beyond the standard red and yellow markings common to both Rho-class and Nu-class shuttles, those utilized by the Republic Medic Corps featured orange and blue markings. Certain Rho-class shuttles, such as one used after the Siege of Mandalore, displayed light grey and red markings reminiscent of the paint scheme found on a Venator-class Star Destroyer. Imperial Rho-class shuttles were uniformly painted grey.


Clone Wars

A Rho-class transport shuttle used by D-Squad during the Carida incident.

During the Clone Wars, the Galactic Republic utilized the Rho-class transport shuttle. One such shuttle was stationed on Abafar, where Separatist Alliance forces employed it to move rhydonium from a Separatist mining installation to the Renown, a captured Republic Venator-class Star Destroyer. D-Squad, a Republic special forces unit under Colonel Meebur Gascon, retook the shuttle. Once aboard the Renown, the squad discovered the ship was under Separatist control while in hyperspace. As the squad evaded Separatist droid forces, the Renown eventually reached its destination, the Republic space station Valor in the Carida system. The station was hosting a strategy conference with the high echelons of the Republic Military. There, D-Squad managed to escape from the Renown on the Rho-class shuttle they previously used, and survived the blast when the Renown detonated prematurely.

A Rho-class transport shuttle that carried Tup was ambush.

The Rho-class transport shuttle saw further action during the Battle of Ringo Vinda. In this engagement, one was utilized in its medical capacity to transport clone trooper Tup, who experienced a medical emergency and killed Jedi General Tiplar during combat. Despite an escort of four ARC-170 starfighters and a small clone trooper contingent, Separatist forces ambushed the shuttle and captured the sedated Tup. Subsequently, Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, Clone Captain Rex, and ARC trooper Fives investigated the wreckage and launched a mission to retrieve their comrade.

At a later time, another medical shuttle was deployed after the Battle of Ord Mantell, a conflict between the Separatist Alliance and the Shadow Collective. Another Rho-class shuttle was deployed in the aftermath of the Siege of Mandalore between the Republic and the Shadow Collective. There, the shuttle transported the Collective's leader, renegade Sith Lord Maul, to the Venator Tribunal under armed guard.

Imperial Era

Following the reorganization of the Republic into the Galactic Empire as the Clone Wars ended, the Imperial Military continued to operate the Rho-class transport shuttle. Bearing Imperial colors, a number of these shuttles were employed on the Imperial planet Ryloth to ferry local Twi'lek workers to an Imperial doonium refinery. Hera Syndulla, a member of the Free Ryloth Movement, and Omega, a young clone from the rogue special forces unit Clone Force 99, commandeered a Rho-class shuttle from a landing pad and utilized it to destroy the control systems for the facility's turbolaser defenses. This action disabled the five autocannons, leaving them vulnerable to attack by Clone Force 99's Omicron-class attack shuttle, the Marauder.

Palpatine used Rho-class transport shuttle when he went to Tantiss.

During the early reign of the Galactic Empire, the Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine utilized one such shuttle as his personal transport to Tantiss Base on the planet Wayland. This vessel was heavily guarded by Emperor's Royal Guards and escorted by four Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighters. Unlike most Rho-class shuttles, it lacked the ventral cargo pod and was gray-colored with red highlights on the wings.

Unbeknownst to Palpatine, Omega and Crosshair managed to escape by stealing a Rho-class shuttle. Despite the shuttle being damaged, the pair managed to land it on the planet Lau. Despite their disguises, Captain Mann managed to deduce where they came from, forcing them to steal one of Lau cargo ships.

When the Clone X trooper CX-2 located CX-1 at the B'omarr Order Monastery on Teth, he planted thermal detonators on the Clone Underground's Rho-class transport shuttles and had them exploded which killed several of the Underground members. When Clone Commander Wolffe lead a Recovery Strike Team to capture Omega, they arrived in two Rho-class transport shuttles. One of the shuttles was destroyed by Crosshair when he shot the pilot and engine with his 773 Firepuncher sniper rifle. After Wolffe allowed the Underground members go, he and the strike team left on their last Rho-class shuttle.

After breaking out former Imperial Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart, Echo arrived in a stolen Rho-class shuttle called Alpha-44 to travel to Imperial Station 003 above Coruscant. Although when they arrived at Wayland, several V-wing starfighters shot the shuttle down, but not before the Bad Batch and Rampart manage to escape and hide in the forest surrounding Tantiss Base.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of the Rho-class shuttle occurred in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars season five episode "Missing in Action," which debuted in the United States on January 5, 2013. Its designation as the Rho-class transport shuttle was first established in its StarWars.com Databank entry, published on July 19, 2021.

