Shuttle two

Shuttle two, a Rho-class transport shuttle, was located at the Imperial doonium refinery on the planet Ryloth not long after the Galactic Empire occupied it. The Twi'lek Hera Syndulla and the clone Omega stole this attack shuttle to take out the refinery's cannons, which would pave the way for the Bad Batch to attack it. This attack was a diversion, pulling Imperial troops away from the capital city of Lessu so that Hera's parents, the freedom fighters Cham and Eleni, could be rescued. Following their attack on the refinery and the subsequent power outage, Hera and Omega rescued the astromech droid C1-10P, who had previously failed to disable the defenses. Hera then piloted the shuttle away from the refinery, which allowed the Bad Batch's Marauder to begin its assault on the facility. After the clones Hunter and Echo freed Cham, Eleni, and their imprisoned supporters, Hera and Omega pursued the Marauder in shuttle two, and they all met up on Ord Mantell.

