An Imperial doonium refinery was a mining and refining operation for the element doonium. It was established by the Galactic Empire near the Tann Province on the planet Ryloth not long after the Empire's formation in 19 BBY. The Empire stated that this refinery would provide employment opportunities for the Twi'lek people, with plans for it to be the first of numerous similar facilities. Nevertheless, local residents including Eleni Syndulla and Gobi Glie harbored doubts about the Empire's true intentions. They observed that the new government was acting with considerable secrecy, which seemed contradictory to their claims of transparency. Syndulla also expressed concern regarding the refinery's defensive turbolasers and the presence of military forces, given the Empire's assertion that it was not a military base.
Located on the planet Ryloth, this extensive Imperial installation served as a doonium mine and refinery. Constructed in 19 BBY, it represented the initial step in a broader plan for similar facilities. Extensive pipeline systems extended deep into a substantial mountain, extracting doonium for processing within the installation. The majority of the refinery's labor force consisted of local Twi'lek individuals. The refinery was protected by a number of turbolasers and a garrison of clone stormtroopers.