The snow-covered peaks of Alderaan's mountains.
A mountain can be described as a landform that rises considerably higher than the surrounding terrain. Across the known universe and throughout the galaxy, many terrestrial planets were home to mountains, for example: Asmeru, Carida, Moraband, Serenno, Ryloth, Geonosis, Oba Diah, Oosalon, and Lothal. They also existed on the extragalactic planet of Peridea, as well as in the mystical realm of Mortis. The mountains located on Alderaan, Vandor, and Scipio had snow on their peaks. On Coruscant, the single visible mountain peak was situated in Monument Plaza. A volcano is a mountain that releases lava.
The Galactic Empire's Advanced Science Division had a secret base at Mount Tantiss on Wayland.
It was possible for mountains to be inhabited. Examples include the base of the Galactic Empire at Mount Tantiss, which was built into a mountain on Wayland, and the mountains of Dathomir, where a witch clan resided. On Vagadarr Prime, a series of blue mountains were home to both warring tribes and giants made of living stone. On the desolate planet Skara Nal, a mountain contained an ancient superweapon that was kept dormant by an artifact known in pirate stories as the Heart of the Mountain.