Oosalon was a desolate, mountainous world situated within the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy.
Located in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy was Oosalon, a stark and rocky planet marked by its mountainous terrain. The atmosphere of this world was suitable for oxygen-breathing beings, such as humans. The tibidee, a non-sentient species, called this planet home.

In 34 BBY, Jedi Master Mace Windu found himself captured by the warlord Guattako's army while he was in search of missing Padawans that Guattako had abducted. Upon capturing Windu, they destroyed his lightsaber and planned to broadcast Windu's execution across the galaxy, hoping the Jedi's demise would galvanize many new followers to his cause. Windu later used the Force to rebuild his lightsaber. Eventually, Windu triumphed over Guattako's forces. He confronted Guattako and battled him, only to be knocked unconscious by Guattako's staff. As Guattako prepared to kill Windu, a young Jedi intervened, fatally shooting Guattako. Subsequently, Windu and the rescued Padawans made their escape.

In 3 BBY, Kanan Jarrus, a Jedi, along with his Padawan Ezra Bridger—both rebels—explored Oosalon as a possible site for a rebel installation. Instead of finding a base location, they encountered two Imperial Inquisitors, specifically the Seventh Sister and the Fifth Brother, leading to a lightsaber duel on Oosalon Mesa. They managed to escape by riding a tibidee.
The first appearance of Oosalon, though unnamed at the time, occurred in "Shroud of Darkness," the sixteenth episode of Star Wars Rebels'second season, a canon animated series. It initially aired on March 2, 2016. Its identification as Oosalon was later confirmed in the "Shroud of Darkness" episode guide trivia gallery, which revealed that the name Oosalon was present in the episode's script.