Fifth Brother

Several years prior to the Battle of Yavin, the Fifth Brother served the Galactic Empire as a humanoid male Inquisitor. On the orders of the Emperor, Darth Sidious, the Sith Lord Darth Vader dispatched the Fifth Brother to pursue the growing rebellion against the Empire. He was involved in the mission to find Eeth Koth, and collaborated with the Grand Inquisitor and Third Sister in the search for Nari, a Jedi concealed on Tatooine. Following the death of the Grand Inquisitor, he was sent after the Spectres, but came into conflict with Seventh Sister. The Fifth Brother ultimately perished on Malachor, killed by the former Sith Lord Maul.


Early life

The Fifth Brother trains as a Jedi.

Before assuming the title of Fifth Brother, he was a Force-sensitive individual born into a family on the planet of Artemesium. Recognized for his connection to the Force, he was recruited by the Jedi Order. They promised a life dedicated to spirituality and service to the Force, before removing him from his family. He was then raised within the Jedi temple located on Coruscant. During his training, he worked with a blue-skinned Jedi. As he matured, he came to believe that the Jedi Order deceived him. He felt they forced him to serve corrupt politicians within the Galactic Senate rather than upholding the balance of the Force. Further, he believed they failed to intervene when those senators prioritized resource extraction from Artemesium over the lives lost on the planet.

Fallen Jedi

The Fifth Brother loses his right hand during training with Darth Vader.

Following the execution of Order 66, which mandated the elimination of all Jedi, and the reorganization of the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire, he willingly joined the Inquisitorius. This Imperial organization consisted of Force-sensitive assassins. He became known as the Fifth Brother, an Inquisitor tasked with hunting down and killing Jedi who survived Order 66. Among his victims was the blue-skinned Jedi he once trained with, whom he murdered after Order 66 was initiated. To achieve his objectives, Fifth Brother and his fellow Inquisitors underwent training by the Grand Inquisitor at the Inquisitorius Headquarters in the Works on Coruscant. They were later placed under the command of the Sith Lord Darth Vader after the Emperor, Darth Sidious, introduced the Inquisitorius to Vader. Vader then extended their training in the ways of the dark side of the Force. During his training with Vader, Fifth Brother lost his right hand.

Age of the Empire

Working with Darth Vader

After the hunt on Chandar's Folly, Darth Vader led a team of Inquisitors, including Fifth Brother, on a mission to locate Eeth Koth. Upon arriving, Vader and the Inquisitors discovered Koth with his wife, who had recently given birth to their daughter. The Inquisitors were tasked with finding the child. As they entered the city, Tualon Yaluna inquired about their strategy for locating the infant, and the Fifth Brother suggested they split up. After they did so, Thirteenth Sister was the first to find the child. Shortly after, the Fifth Brother arrived and expressed surprise that she had allowed Koth's wife to escape with the baby. However, after the Twi'lek Inquisitor also arrived, Akaris used the Force to pull the baby from her mother and over to her. They returned the child to Vader, and Koth saw the infant in their hands before he was killed. The baby became a part of Project Harvester and was taken back to Coruscant with the Fifth Brother and the others.

Following the mission, the Fifth Brother reported Akaris' actions to Vader, who already suspected her attachment to Tualon. Vader concluded that she was a traitor. While the Inquisitors were socializing in a bar, Vader approached Akaris and ignited his lightsaber, interrupting her conversation with Tualon. Standing across the room behind the Grand Inquisitor, the Fifth Brother watched as the Grand Inquisitor asked Vader if this was a test or training exercise. Vader bluntly replied no and tried to kill Akaris, only to have his lightsaber blocked by Tualon's. Vader confirmed his suspicions of their special attachment and threw Tualon into the wall while Akaris got away. Tualon then followed her and the Grand Inquisitor asked Vader if he needed the Inquisitors around to help. Vader told him he did not and made chase for the two rogue Inquisitors.

Hunting Tensu Run

Tensu Run cuts off Fifth Brother's left forearm

The Fifth Brother embarked on a mission to the planet Gerrigon with the goal of capturing the Jedi Knight Tensu Run. Bandits and security droids that used Gerrigon as a safe haven reported Run's presence to the Fifth Brother. Despite Vader's warning against underestimating Run and about the consequences of failure, the Fifth Brother and a probe droid explored the ruins of the urban environment. The probe explained the culture of Gerrigon, detailing how it descended into a civil war and how the Republic and Jedi failed to provide assistance. While examining the ruins, they were attacked by old droids from the civil war. After defeating the droids, the Fifth Brother encountered a hologram of Run, who confirmed that they would face each other.

When Run arrived at Gerrigon, the two exchanged words of the Jedi Order and the outcome. They then charged at each other and engaged in lightsaber combat. Run successfully evaded many of the Fifth Brother's attacks, but the Inquisitor managed to inflict a small jab on his shoulder. As the Fifth Brother moved to kill Run, the Jedi leaped at the Fifth Brother and severed his left forearm. Defeated and in shock, the Fifth Brother wanted the Jedi to end his life, but Run refused, wanting the Fifth Brother to tell Vader he survived.

Conflict with the Mantis crew

Sometime between 12 BBY and 11 BBY, the Grand Inquisitor assigned the Fifth Brother to retrieve the Shroud, a powerful technology with the potential to eradicate the remaining Jedi. Around that time, Chellwinark Frethylrin deserted the Empire and sought protection from the crew of the Stinger Mantis, offering valuable information about the Shroud in exchange. This put them on a collision course with the Fifth Brother.

The Fifth Brother faced Cal Kestis, the Jedi who defeated the Second Sister, confident that Kestis would not find the same weaknesses in him.

On Murkhana, the Fifth Brother engaged in a duel with Cal Kestis and Cere Junda. Junda attempted to persuade the Inquisitor to return to the light side, but the Fifth Brother had completely abandoned his past. Confident that he had overcome the weaknesses that led to the Second Sister's defeat, the Inquisitor rejected her offer of redemption. Junda used the Force to disassemble the Fifth Brother's lightsaber, but the Jedi's hesitation to intervene created an opportunity. The Fifth Brother used the Force to retrieve Junda's lightsaber and attempted to strike down an incapacitated Kestis. The Mantis' pilot, Greez Dritus, intervened, sacrificing an arm to save his friend.

The Fifth Brother pursued the Mantis crew, as the Empire had placed a tracking device on Irei. On Hosnian Prime, the Inquisitor killed Qeris Lar and prepared to fight Kestis and the Nightsister Merrin. Merrin reanimated Qeris' corpse, distracting the Fifth Brother.

On Kenobi's trail

Fifth Brother confronts Third Sister.

In 9 BBY, the Fifth Brother accompanied the Grand Inquisitor and the Third Sister to Tatooine in search of Nari, a Jedi survivor of Order 66 who had drawn attention to himself by assisting the owner of a local saloon. The trio arrived on the planet aboard their ship, the Scythe. As the Inquisitorius marched through the town, the Fifth Brother stared at the observing civilians. They arrived at the saloon, where the Fifth Brother stood by the entrance as the Grand Inquisitor questioned the owner. Impatient, Sevander threw a knife at the man in an attempt to expose the rogue Jedi. Sevander was successful, as Nari used the Force to hold back the knife. Nari then attempted to escape, before being blocked by the Fifth Brother. The Jedi survivor was soon surrounded, and the Grand Inquisitor ordered the Inquisitorius to prepare Nari for interrogation. However, Sevander attempted to strike the Jedi down, causing the Grand Inquisitor to intervene and hold back Sevander's lightsaber blade with the Force before pushing her aside, which allowed Nari to escape. The Fifth Brother remained on the planet in order to hunt the fugitive Jedi.

Later on, the Fifth Brother and the Third Sister travelled to Anchorhead to ask for information on Nari's whereabouts. As he approached the crowd, the Fifth Brother shouted at some civilians, demanding that they move out of his way. The Fifth Brother then revealed to the townspeople that there was a Jedi hiding on the planet, and that there would be a reward for anybody who could provide any information regarding his location. However, Sevander interrupted, stating that she would punish anyone with information. Sevander then made eye contact with a moisture farmer named Owen Lars, and questioned him on if he knew anything. Unbeknownst to the Inquisitors, Lars was the stepbrother of their master Darth Vader, and was raising Vader's son Luke Skywalker. Lars also knew exactly where Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi was, having just spoken to him moments earlier. Sevander then held her lightsaber up to Lars' neck and threatened to kill him and his family if nobody revealed any information, frustrating the Fifth Brother. Eventually, the Fifth Brother intervened and placed down a hologram, before reiterating that rewards would be given to those who knew anything of Nari's location, and ordering Sevander to stand down. After the pair left, the Fifth Brother grabbed Sevander and pushed her up against the wall, reprimanding her for her impulsiveness and telling her that the Grand Inquisitor was right about her obsession with Kenobi. The Fifth Brother claimed that Kenobi is gone, however, Sevander insisted that the Inquisitorius had been looking in the wrong places. The Fifth Brother questioned her on what she would have to gain from this and replies that she will be gain what is owed as she walks away. The Fifth Brother warned Sevander that she had gone too far, whilst Sevander claimed that the Inquisitorius don't go far enough.

The Fifth Brother and a battalion search for Obi-Wan Kenobi on the planet Daiyu.

After the hunt on Tatooine, Sevander traced a connection between Kenobi and Bail Organa. Determined to capture Kenobi, Sevander hired mercenaries to kidnap Bail Organa's daughter Leia Organa in an attempt to draw him out. The princess was taken to Daiyu, prompting Kenobi to visit the planet, followed by Sevander. Angered by Sevander's kidnapping of an Imperial Senator's child, the Grand Inquisitor, the Fifth Brother, and the Fourth Sister confronted her. The Fifth Brother arrived with a battalion of Imperial stormtroopers.

The Fifth Brother accused Sevander of seeking favor from Vader. The Grand Inquisitor instructed the Fourth Sister and the Fifth Brother to secure the city while he captured Kenobi himself. He then ordered the Fifth Brother to lead a garrison to continue locking down the city, emphasizing the importance of capturing Kenobi, a significant target and a remnant of a past era. The Fifth Brother led a squad of stormtroopers through the city, but Kenobi and Organa escaped.

During the hunt for Kenobi on Daiyu, Sevander stabbed the Grand Inquisitor. A meeting was later held in Fortress Inquisitorius by the Fourth Sister and the Fifth Brother. When Sevander entered the room, the Fifth Brother prevented her from sitting in the Grand Inquisitor's chair, claiming he was next in line. Sevander revealed that she had contacted Vader and been tasked with leading the hunt for Kenobi. She ordered them to deploy probe droids. Frustrated, the Fifth Brother declared that he will get what he owed, and that Sevander will get what she deserves, before departing the room.

Soon after, the Fifth Brother joined Darth Vader, Fourth Sister, and Reva on the planet Mapuzo after Imperial viper probe droids located Kenobi. The Sith Lord and the Inquisitors caused chaos in the village where Kenobi was hiding in an attempt to draw him out.

After Leia was kidnapped by Leia and transferred to to the Fortress Inquisitorius. Kenobi and Tala Durith launched a rescue mission. During the mission Fifth Brother ordered that Fortress Inquisitorius be locked down, while blaming Reva for mishandling the situation. After the successful rescue of Leia, he was present when a furious Lord Vader entered and force chocked Reva. When Reva stated that he installed a tracking device on their ship, and Vader said that he underestimated her, the Fifth Brother protested, reminding them that the base was almost destroyed.

The rebellion

The Fifth Brother was sent by Darth Vader to continue the Grand Inquisitor's hunt for the rebels in the Lothal system.

Following the death of the Grand Inquisitor and after Vader hunted and broke a growing rebel fleet during the Siege of Lothal, Emperor Palpatine ordered Vader to dispatch another Inquisitor to address the growing rebellion against the Empire. Vader then sent the Fifth Brother to continue the work he and the Grand Inquisitor had begun.

During the Imperial assault against the Lothal rebel cell on the planet Seelos, Admiral Kassius Konstantine was instructed to have his Star Destroyer meet with a shuttle he was led to believe carried Lord Vader. However, the shuttle actually carried the Fifth Brother, who arrived aboard Konstantine's Star Destroyer to begin hunting the rebellion. Konstantine questioned why his vessel had to divert from Seelos to rendezvous with an Inquisitor, as the diversion may have compromised the assault that ISB Agent Kallus was leading on Seelos, but the Fifth Brother had no interest in the assault and pledged to stop the rebellion himself.

The Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister clash aboard a Republic medical station while searching for the Spectres.

Later, he was present with both Kallus and Konstantine on the bridge of the Star Destroyer when a power surge at an abandoned Haven-class medical station was detected. Though Kallus dismissed it, the Fifth Brother quickly took command and immediately set out for the medical station, unaware that the Seventh Sister was already there and hunting the rebels. When Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren were fleeing the Seventh Sister, they were met by a grinning Fifth Brother who ignited his lightsaber threateningly. Ezra was captured helping Sabine to escape, with the Fifth Brother reaching him just as the latter fled. He attempted to kill the young Jedi with his lightsaber, only for the Sister to deflect it with her own blade. When the Fifth Brother protested, citing Bridger as his kill, the Sister derided him for short-sightedness and pointed out that the boy could be used to trap his friends.

The Fifth Brother threatens Sabine Wren.

While Ezra was being questioned by the Seventh Sister, the Fifth Brother, along with two of the Sister's ID9 seeker droids, set out to find Sabine. He tracked her through the corridors and sensed Sabine's presence, as well as the Lasat Garazeb Orrelios, who had set up an ambush with several thermal detonators placed in the corridor. Using the Force, the Fifth Brother lifted the detonators and hurled them at the rebels, incapacitating Sabine. He then hoisted the unconscious Mandalorian over his shoulder and instructed the two seeker droids to deal with Orrelios as they saw fit; however, the Lasat crushed both droids against boxes of medical supplies, destroying them.

Upon returning, the Brother discovered that Ezra had not provided much information. At that moment, they received a communication from "Commander Meiloorun" inquiring about their need for assistance. The Brother, at lightsaber point, forced them to accept the help and proceeded to Bay Six, where the rebels were expected to arrive. Upon their arrival, Orrelios ambushed them in the Phantom. Amidst the chaos, Ezra retrieved his lightsaber, and both boarded the shuttle. The Inquisitors attempted to hold the shuttle in place using the Force, but the Brother had to break off to deflect blaster fire, and the Sister was nearly pulled into space when the shuttle broke free, leaving them both enraged.

Later, the Fifth Brother and the Seventh Sister boarded a passenger ship above the planet Chandel with the intention of seizing a Force-sensitive infant named Alora. Despite [Darja](/article/darja], Alora's grandmother, efforts to prevent them, the Inquisitors cornered them and took Alora into custody. Before departing the ship, the Brother used his double-bladed lightsaber to kill all the other passengers. These actions drew the attention of Ahsoka Tano, a former Jedi Padawan, and the rebel crew of the Ghost. While Ahsoka journeyed to Chandel, Ezra, his master Kanan Jarrus, Zeb, and Chopper traveled aboard the Phantom to the planet Takobo to investigate. Taking Alora with them, the Fifth Brother and the Seventh Sister traveled to Takobo to collect a Force-sensitive Ithorian infant named Pypey. After parking their TIE Advanced starfighters in a spaceport hangar bay in Hammertown, the two Inquisitors left a seeker droid to guard their ship and the baby. They then went to Pypey's home and confronted her mother Oora. However, Oora had already sent her child away with a droid. Before leaving the house, the two Inquisitors accosted her and smashed the furniture in her home.

While searching the streets of Takobo, the Inquisitors intercepted the droid. However, Zeb had already picked up Pypey. The Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister then chased Zeb to an apartment building nearby. The Brother used Pypey's fear to track the Jedi, while the Sister sent one of her seeker droids to watch outside. Shortly after, Ezra and Kanan entered the building to help Zeb.

Pypey began to cry because Ezra's presence triggered the boy's fear. The Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister, closing in on the rebels, tried to attack them with their lightsabers. Bridger temporarily misled the Inquisitors using a comlink to play a recording of Pypey's cries. The Fifth Brother fell for the trick, and the Seventh Sister warned him to stop wasting their time. Meanwhile, the rebels escaped the room and fled towards the stairs. They split up to confuse the Inquisitors; Bridger and Pypey went into the ventilation shafts, while Kanan and Zeb confronted the Inquisitors.

Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister encounter Kanan and Zeb

The Fifth Brother sensed Ezra and Pypey in the ventilation shaft above and resumed their pursuit. He used his lightsaber to create holes in the ceilings in an attempt to force them out. Before the Inquisitors could corner their prey, Kanan and Zeb confronted them. Zeb fought the Brother but couldn't match the Inquisitor's Force powers. Kanan and Zeb were forced to retreat, jumping out of the window and fleeing on a speeder. The Inquisitors commandeered another speeder and continued the chase. After another skirmish, the Inquisitors cornered the rebels outside the spaceport.

The Inquisitors quickly overpowered the three rebels. Before they could finish them off, the spaceport doors opened, revealing Tano. While the other rebels retreated aboard the Phantom with Pypey, Ahsoka engaged the two Inquisitors in a lightsaber duel. Armed with two lightsabers, she fought both Inquisitors for a brief period before easily deflecting the Fifth Brother's clumsy attack and throwing him against a pillar, knocking him unconscious. The Seventh Sister fought better, but was soon defeated as well. Before Ahsoka could finish the Sister, Imperial reinforcements arrived in the form of stormtroopers and Imperial Troop Transports. The Brother threw his lightsaber at Ahsoka to prevent her escape, but she dodged it and escaped with her rebel comrades and the babies aboard the Phantom. To make matters worse, the Inquisitors discovered that the rebels had also destroyed their TIE Advanced fighters and taken Pypey. However, the Inquisitors were pleased to learn from one of the Sister's seeker droids that the rebels were hiding on the planet Garel.

Fifth Brother duels Kanan Jarrus on Bilzen.

Jarrus and Bridger traveled to the planet Bilzen to train as Jedi. The Fifth Brother and the Seventh Sister tracked them there and fought them in the icy caverns of Bilzen. Ultimately, the Inquisitors were defeated, and Jarrus and Bridger escaped.

The Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister come face-to-face with Ezra Bridger.

After the duel on Bilzen, the Fifth Brother and the Seventh Sister teamed up with Kallus and Konstantine to attack the rebel presence on Garel. The Inquisitors agreed with Kallus' plan to work together to capture Phoenix Squadron, which included the crew of the Ghost. The Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister participated in the ground assault and encountered Bridger and Jarrus in their hangar bay. Despite the Sister's attempts to provoke Ezra into attacking, Kanan prevented the fight by closing the blast door, trapping the Inquisitors on the other side. The crew of the Ghost used this delay to escape into the atmosphere above Garel.

The Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister fighting Ezra and Kanan.

For several months, the Fifth Brother and the Seventh Sister pursued Kanan and Ezra. The Inquisitors cornered the two Jedi while they were scouting Oosalon as a possible location for a new rebel base. During the duel, the Fifth Brother threw Ezra down a cliff, but the young Jedi managed to hold onto his master. The Jedi counter-attacked with their lightsabers, but the Inquisitors pushed them back to the edge of the cliff. Before the Inquisitors could finish them off, the Jedi escaped on the back of a tibidee before being picked up by Chopper in the Phantom.

Later, the Fifth Brother and the Seventh Sister visited the Jedi Temple on the planet Lothal. They landed their TIE Advanced v1 starfighters shortly after Chopper had left the scene on the Phantom. The Brother didn't sense the Jedi's presence and thought they were gone, but the Sister sensed they were still hiding in the Temple. Using their Dark Side powers, the Inquisitors forced their way into the Temple. They were confronted by spectral Jedi Temple Guards, part of a Force vision. The Inquisitors recognized the leader as the late Grand Inquisitor, who had once been a Jedi Knight.

Although both Inquisitors survived this supernatural encounter, they didn't capture the Jedi. However, they captured the Temple and informed their master Darth Vader, who came to visit the site. Imperial reinforcements, including stormtroopers and patrol transports, surrounded the Temple. When the Fifth Brother reported that the Jedi were growing stronger, Vader assured him that it would be their "undoing."

The Fifth Brother arrives on Malachor.

Darth Vader commanded the Fifth Brother to travel to Malachor with the Seventh Sister and retrieve a Sith holocron from a Sith temple beneath the planet's surface. She and her accomplice assisted the Eighth Brother after Jarrus and Tano captured him. All three Inquisitors retreated when Bridger and his new companion, the former Sith Lord Maul, joined their opponents. After escaping her enemies, the Seventh Sister sent ID-9 seeker droids to spy on them.

While the Sister pursued Maul and Ezra, the Fifth Brother ambushed Ahsoka and Kanan on one of the Temple parapets. Catching them off guard, he was soon joined by the Eighth Brother, and together they engaged the Jedi. The situation turned against them when Maul, having killed the Seventh Sister, joined the fight and engaged the two Inquisitors on behalf of the Jedi. Taking advantage of the Fifth Brother's distraction in fending off Maul, Ahsoka lunged forward and struck the hilt of his lightsaber, damaging it and causing him to drop it. Defenseless, Maul swiftly cleaved through the Fifth Brother's stomach with his lightsaber, ending his life.

Personality and traits

The Fifth Brother had mint eyes and gray-green skin.

The Fifth Brother was a tall, muscular humanoid male characterized by his sallow gray-green skin and light mint-colored, upward-tilted eyes. However, during the hunts for Nari and Kenobi in 9 BBY, his eyes appeared greyish-blue. He also had two sets of eyelids, one of which closed horizontally. He wore the gray and black uniform of an Inquisitor, including a lightsaber-resistant metallic headpiece, and wielded a double-bladed spinning lightsaber. Upon arriving at Admiral Konstantine's Star Destroyer, the Fifth Brother displayed a confident, almost arrogant, personality, dismissing the admiral and Agent Kallus' "struggles" as insignificant and promising to succeed where they had failed. As the next in line for Grand Inquisitor, he disliked being ordered around by fellow Inquisitors and became aggressive towards those he considered inferior. He was bloodthirsty and brutal, eager to hunt and kill Jedi survivors, but lacked foresight and strategic thinking, focusing solely on the immediate kill without considering broader objectives, leading the Seventh Sister to call him "short-sighted".

He showed no hesitation in murdering children or young adults, attempting to kill Ezra Bridger when he was defenseless and threatening to behead Sabine Wren to force Ezra to summon rebel reinforcements for capture. The Fifth Brother disregarded the safety of innocents. He was unfazed when the Third Sister chopped off a Tatooine citizen's hand, instead annoyed by her recklessness. He only stopped the Third Sister from threatening Owen Lars out of pragmatism, believing she was acting rashly again. Despite his poor track record in hunting and battling rebels, he remained arrogant and entitled, asserting his authority over the Seventh Sister and threatening Admiral Konstantine when they doubted him. When encountering the apparent ghost of the former Grand Inquisitor as a noble Jedi Knight and Temple Guard, along with other Temple Guards' spirits, the Fifth Brother showed confusion and fear at this Force apparition.

Powers and abilities

Lightsaber skills

The Fifth Brother's lightsaber

The Fifth Brother's lightsaber skills were not his strength; he relied more on his Force abilities. His wide, sweeping attacks left him vulnerable to counterattacks from agile opponents, a weakness exploited by Jedi Knight Cal Kestis during their duel on Murkhana. Despite these flaws, he still contended with and defeated the seasoned Jedi Knight, who survived only due to his Master Cere Junda's intervention. He was skilled in Jar'Kai dual-blade fencing, as demonstrated on Murkhana against Cere Junda and Cal Kestis, keeping both experienced combatants on the defensive and nearly overwhelming them.

His lack of finesse and aggressive style could be problematic against more experienced opponents, like Ahsoka Tano, who easily defeated him with a well-placed Force Push. He fought slightly better against her on Malachor, supported by two other Inquisitors, but was utterly outmatched by former Sith Lord Maul, who toyed with and killed him.

Force abilities

The Fifth Brother was Force-sensitive.

The Fifth Brother was among the most dangerous Inquisitors. He could read minds and possessed considerable Force power. His telekinesis was precise, allowing him to control transport door mechanisms to the point of jamming them. He expertly manipulated thermal detonator activation mechanisms. His Force pushes and shoves easily flung opponents several meters or incapacitated a Lasat warrior with deadly accuracy.

His telekinetic grips caused targets to groan in pain from immense pressure. During his duel against Cal Kestis and Cere Junda on Murkhana, he used the Force to fling Cal into the prison's concrete ceiling with such force that it cracked and knocked the Jedi Knight unconscious.

Later, he Force pushed Cere Junda across the room into a wall with enough force to fracture her bones. During his second encounter with Cal Kestis and his allies on Qeris's tower, he used the Force to freeze Merrin and Qeris in place before dispatching Qeris easily. He then engaged Cal in lightsaber combat while simultaneously keeping Merrin frozen with little effort, and she only freed herself when he shifted his focus to restrain Cal.

The Fifth Brother possessed incredible skill in Force-based physical augmentation, allowing him to overpower and throw a Lasat warrior several meters into a wall with enough force to shatter it. During his fight against Cere Junda and Cal Kestis in the Murkhana prison, he ripped apart a metal cage Cere had fashioned from a prison door with his bare hands.

The Fifth Brother excelled at sensing Force anomalies, deducing that the disturbance on the medical station in sector 11 was caused by his targets, not scavengers or a malfunction. He also sensed Zeb and Sabine's location and their trap intentions on the same medical station. When hunting Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, and Garazeb Orrelios after their interference on Takobo, he sensed where they had hidden the Force-sensitive child Pypey in an apartment complex.

He also sensed Ezra Bridger in the apartment's vent system while the Seventh Sister could not. The Fifth Brother showed skill in reading his quarry's emotional and mental states, using this against Cal Kestis on Murkhana by sensing the Jedi's fear of falling to the dark side and becoming an Inquisitor.

Behind the scenes

Unused concept art from Star Wars: The Force Awakens that inspired the design for the Fifth Brother

The Fifth Brother was created for the second season of Star Wars Rebels, an animated television series. Philip Anthony-Rodriguez provides the character's voice. His design was inspired by unused artwork from the 2015 film Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, the first film in the Star Wars sequel trilogy. Christian Alzmann drew the artwork, depicting a Sith, and it was labeled Villain 03 early in the film's production.

In the Obi-Wan Kenobi television series, Sung Kang played the Fifth Brother. Reva was initially intended to be the only Inquisitor in Stuart Beattie's script for an Obi-Wan Kenobi feature film. The film was adapted into a series that included the Fifth Brother. Kang was given considerable freedom to shape the character. The lightsaber was modified to fit Kang's hands.

The Star Wars Encyclopedia booklet "Darth Maul and Other Followers of the Dark Side" mistakenly identifies the Fifth Brother as human.

