Tensu Run

Tensu Run: A Jedi's Journey

Tensu Run, a human male Jedi Knight belonging to the Jedi Order, remarkably survived the infamous Order 66. During the Imperial Era, Jedi Master Elan took him as a Padawan, inspiring Run to attempt the restoration of the Jedi Order. His legendary status was cemented during the Conquest of Regis Kor, an act that drew the attention of the formidable Sith Lord Darth Vader. Vader, determined to see Run killed, dispatched the Inquisitorius to hunt him down. Run bravely confronted the Inquisitors on numerous occasions, battling the Fifth Brother, Seventh Sister, and Ninth Sister alongside his Jedi allies, Pan Delesec and Jed Uhron. Ultimately, Run met his end on an uncharted world, slain by Vader himself after a fierce confrontation with several Inquisitors.

Life Story

Fleeing the Empire

Tensu Run and Elan at their campsite.

As a young human male, Tensu Run was inducted into the Jedi Order. His life took a dramatic turn following Order 66, forcing him to become a fugitive from the newly established Empire and its Inquisitorius. While evading the Empire's grasp, he received training from a fellow Jedi, Elan.

Shortly after Order 66, the pair established a campsite on a snow-covered, forested planet. At this location, Elan cautioned Run about the perilous path he was treading, one "skewed by sentiments of the dark side." Elan feared that Run's desire to combat the Empire would lead him further down this path. Run countered that the Empire's brutal slaughter of innocents demanded resistance, with the remaining Jedi leading the charge. Elan responded by asserting that they were needed for a greater purpose, and that Run could not recklessly confront the Empire. Run conceded, resolving their disagreement.

Becoming a Legend

Tensu Run during the Conquest of Regis Kor.

Following their discussion, Elan and Run rendezvoused with a group of Jedi aboard the Voyager Dawn, where Elan received medical attention. Subsequently, Run piloted a Delta-7 Jedi starfighter to the planet Regis Kor, where he infiltrated an Imperial outpost and liberated numerous prisoners. This event, later known as the Conquest of Regis Kor, transformed Tensu Run into a celebrated figure.

The Relentless Pursuit of Tensu Run

After his heroic Conquest of Regis Kor, Run joined forces with two fellow Jedi survivors, Pan Delesec and Jed Uhron. Together, they rebelled against the Empire, harboring aspirations of restoring the Jedi Order. Run journeyed to the planet Targyon in search of a refuge, engaging with the native Diagu. Shortly after his visit, the Inquisitorius, led by The Grand Inquisitor, interrogated the same Diagu about Run's whereabouts. One native falsely claimed that Run had departed for the Fourth moon of Targyon, but a scan revealed his absence. As punishment for their lack of cooperation, the Diagu were executed under the Grand Inquisitor's orders.

Tensu Run, Jed Uhron, and Pan Delesec on Zayron

Run eventually established a sanctuary on the planet Zayron, where he conferred with Delesec and Uhron. Delesec and Uhron expressed reservations about the refuge's ability to provide genuine safety for the Jedi. However, Run maintained that the Jedi should remain optimistic in their struggle against the Empire, believing that the Empire was temporary while the Jedi would endure. The group continued to discuss their hopes of rebuilding the Order.

Following his conversation with his companions, Run returned to his Delta-7 Starfighter and flew to the Voyager Dawn, confiding in his master Elan about his anxieties concerning his role as a symbol for the Jedi and the rebellion against the Empire. Run expressed his desire to simply save those in need, rather than becoming a symbol. He felt unworthy of such a title, but Elan reassured him that he was deserving, citing Elan's own teachings as the reason for his belief. Run departed the Voyager Dawn and returned to Zayron, where he sensed his master's death at the hands of the Grand Inquisitor, who had boarded the Dawn in search of Run shortly after his departure. While mourning his master's death on a riverbank, Run told Delesec that he now believed the Jedi should actively pursue the Inquisitors, rather than the other way around.

Taking the Offensive Against the Inquisitors

Tensu Run cuts off Fifth Brother's left hand

Tensu Run traveled to the planet Gerrigon, where he was detected by security drones and bandits, drawing the attention of the Fifth Brother. Before leaving the planet, Run left a communicator inside a ruin. Subsequently, the Fifth Brother arrived on Gerrigon in search of Run. He discovered the communicator left behind by Run, in which Run informed the Fifth Brother that he would soon arrive on Gerrigon to confront the Inquisitor.

As Run flew back to Gerrigon aboard his starfighter, he was ambushed by the bounty hunter Pii-lor (the same individual who had revealed the location of the Voyager Dawn to the Grand Inquisitor in hopes of finding Run aboard) and two fellow hunters. Run swiftly shot down the other two hunters, prompting Pii-lor to plead for mercy. Run accepted, disabling Pii-lor's ship instead of destroying it.

Upon arriving on Gerrigon, Run located and landed near the Fifth Brother. After exchanging threats, the two engaged in a duel. Following a series of attacks, the Fifth Brother struck Run's left shoulder, declaring that the battle would soon be over. Run disagreed, swiftly severing the Fifth Brother's left hand from his arm. Defeated, the Fifth Brother begged Run to kill him, but Run refused, stating that the Fifth Brother would remain alive to inform his master that Run still lived.

Back on the Defensive

The Ninth Sister and Seventh Sister fight Tensu Run and Pan Delesec.

On an unidentified world, Run discovered a Jedi temple within an area known as the Deadlands. Run enlisted the help of a man named Eorgus and his group of armed droids to seal him inside the temple. Inside, Run discussed the possibility of rebuilding the Jedi Order at the temple with Delesec. Upon exiting the temple, they ventured to a nearby market, where they were attacked by a group of ID9 seeker droids that released a toxic gas into the crowd, causing widespread panic. Sensing an imminent attack, Delesec urged them to return to the temple, but Run refused, insisting that they help those in the crowd instead.

While using the Force to calm the panicked mob, they were confronted by the perpetrators of the gas attack: the Seventh Sister and the Ninth Sister. A fierce battle ensued, culminating in Delesec striking the Ninth Sister's left leg and Run slashing the Seventh Sister's torso. Standing victorious over the kneeling Seventh Sister, Run declared that the Inquisitors had failed enough and expressed his desire to meet their master.

The Final Stand

Tensu Run surrenders to Darth Vader.

Upon returning to the temple, Run sat on a rock, gazing out at the horizon. When Delesec inquired about his thoughts, Run confessed that he was weary of fighting. Uhron then arrived, announcing the return of the Inquisitors. The three Jedi boarded their respective starships and ascended into the skies to confront the invading Inquisitor forces. A dogfight erupted between the Imperials and Jedi, resulting in Delesec being shot down and killed.

Delesec's demise forced Run and Uhron to retreat back to the surface, seeking refuge from the Inquisitors within the Jedi Temple. Shortly thereafter, the Inquisitor forces, including the Grand Inquisitor, Fifth Brother, Seventh Sister, and Ninth Brother, landed nearby and breached the temple. Inside, they encountered a small army of staff-wielding droids, which briefly delayed their advance. However, the distraction was insufficient for Run and Uhron to escape, and they were forced to confront the Inquisitor force.

The two briefly held off the Inquisitors until their master, Darth Vader, arrived to join the battle. Upon his arrival, the Fifth Brother impaled Uhron on his lightsaber, killing him. In response, Run questioned the Inquisitorius's purpose of destruction. Vader responded that they brought Order by eliminating the Jedi, who sought to suppress true power. While debating their differing views, Run attempted to attack the Grand Inquisitor, but Vader used the Force to push him out of the room and into the next.

Kneeling before Vader, the Sith Lord declared that Run would be forgotten. Run acknowledged that he would indeed be forgotten, but that he would die in peace, content with all that he had accomplished. As Run asked if Vader could say the same, the Sith delivered the killing blow, severing Run's head as both it and his body plunged down a cliff below.

Personality and Characteristics

Tensu Run was a human male Jedi with short brown hair, brown eyes, and fair skin. Like many Jedi, Tensu Run was exceptionally selfless, consistently prioritizing others over himself. When Pan Delesec recognized that the seeker droids gassing the marketplace crowd were likely targeting the two Jedi, urging them to return to the safety of their temple, Run refused, choosing to remain and assist the crowd despite the personal risk.

Spawned from his nature to save those who cannot help themselves, Tensu Run was sometimes drawn to anger when he could not help those in need.

His altruistic nature made him a formidable adversary to the Empire and its mistreatment of innocent lives. A man of action, he possessed a strong desire to fight the Empire and aid those in need, a trait that clashed with his master Elan's belief that the remaining Jedi served a greater purpose in restoring the Order, rather than providing immediate assistance. Run's inability to help those oppressed by the Empire filled him with anger, a concern that Elan feared could lead Run to the dark side if he failed to control his emotions, a skill Run vowed to cultivate. Despite being a warrior and his actions to save others leading himself to several battlefields, Run hoped that the Jedi could one day live in peace, however he recognized that due to contemporary events, the future for the Jedi was one of war.

Run was also remarkably humble and devoid of ego, telling his friend Pan Delesec that both their lives were equally valuable, despite Run's status as a legend. He also struggled with self-doubt, feeling uneasy with the title of "legend." Run did not believe himself worthy of the title and a part of him felt as though he would prefer hiding from the galaxy then bearing the weight of what he considered a great honor. Despite what that part of him felt, he would take on the role in full and fulfill his late master's wishes in attempting to rebuild the Jedi Order from scratch.

During his fight against the Empire, Run demonstrated a notable lack of fear, deliberately pursuing the Fifth Brother in hopes of defeating him in combat, despite knowing that the Fifth Brother and the other Inquisitors were both powerful and determined to kill him. He valiantly confronted every Inquisitor he encountered, as well as Darth Vader, the man who would ultimately kill him. Even as four Inquisitors closed in on him during his final stand and he knew the end of his story was near, he accepted his end and chose to fight despite it, presenting as the same man even as his own demise stared him in the eyes.

Skills and Proficiencies

Tensu Run flying his Delta-7 Starfighter.

As a Force-sensitive individual, Tensu Run possessed the ability of telekinesis, which he employed to hurl the Seventh Sister against a wall. Run was also an exceptional lightsaber combatant, effortlessly defeating the Fifth Brother and the Seventh Sister using only his lightsaber. In addition to lightsaber combat, Run was also a tremendous pilot, easily out flying both TIE Fighters and bounty hunters alike.


Tensu Run wore brown pants secured with a black belt featuring two brown pouches, black boots, a white shirt, a blue jacket with yellow stripes on the sleeves and back, a yellow scarf around his neck, black gloves, and grey goggles with transparent blue lenses. He carried a single-bladed lightsaber with a blue blade.

Run also owned and piloted a Delta-7 Jedi Starfighter.

Behind the Scenes

Tensu Run was created by comic author Rodney Barnes for the 2024 comic miniseries Star Wars: Inquisitors. The character made his debut in the series' first issue, which was illustrated by Ramon Rosanas and published by Marvel Comics on July 3, 2024.

