Sentient, bipedal mammals exhibiting bilateral symmetry were categorized as humans, a species that held cultural dominance across the galaxy. Their presence was widespread on most settled planets, from the lush landscapes of Naboo to the arid expanse of Tatooine. While some theorized that their homeworld may have been the planet Coruscant, this remained a contested point.
From politics to the occupation of bounty hunting, their activities were diverse. Creatures sharing structural similarities with humans (two legs, two arms, an opposable thumb) were classified as "humanoids." Those exhibiting close physical resemblance to, but differing from, typical humans were termed "near-humans."
By the time the Galactic Civil War was underway, humans had become the most abundant sentient species in the galaxy. Nevertheless, the total number of non-human sentients exceeded that of humans, making humans a plurality rather than an absolute majority.

Humans were a mammalian species possessing intelligence, with a potential origin on Coruscant. They were viviparous, giving birth to live offspring. As bipedal organisms, they displayed bilateral symmetry, featuring a distinct front and back, as well as a top and bottom. Their anatomy consisted of a central torso, to which a head and four limbs were attached. The upper limbs, known as arms, terminated in hands, each equipped with five digits; the lower limbs, or legs, ended in feet. Human fingers had multiple joints, including an opposable thumb facilitating precise manipulation. Positioned atop the torso was a single head. Numerous other species, such as the Twi'leks, Mon Calamari, and Zygerrians, were categorized as "humanoids" due to their structural similarities to humans. Like many other species, humans needed to take in oxygen from their environment to sustain life.
In contrast to the Wookiees hailing from Kashyyyk, humans possessed relatively sparse body hair. The majority of their hair was concentrated on the scalp, with some males also exhibiting facial hair, often styled or removed for personal expression or hygiene. Above the eyes were strips of concentrated hair, known as "eyebrows," which played a role in non-verbal communication. Human skin tones varied across a spectrum from dark brown to lighter shades, including pale. The skin of most humans native to Lothal exhibited a coppery tint. Human eyes were observed in shades of blue, green, and brown. Infrequently, humans with purple or even red eyes could be encountered. The average human height was slightly under 1.85 meters.
Upon examining the human [Luke Skywalker](/article/luke_skywalker] after his capture, a wampa formed the opinion that humans were inherently weak and useless. The wampa struggled to comprehend how such a creature could survive, especially given that Skywalker was not a youngling. Furthermore, the wampa observed that the human's arms lacked the strength and claws necessary for hunting, and that their legs were too short for swift movement across snow or ice. The anatomical differences in their throats rendered most humans incapable of speaking Shyriiwook, the Wookiee language. However, some humans possessed the ability to mimic Shyriiwook sufficiently to be understood by Wookiees. Compared to most other species, humans had a relatively weak sense of smell.

They, like numerous other species, could exhibit sensitivity to the Force, a mysterious energy connecting all living beings in the galaxy, granting those who mastered its manipulation special powers. Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One, was human, as were many Sith and Jedi, including Darth Sidious, Count Dooku, Mace Windu, and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Humans engaged in a wide range of professions, from politicians and bounty hunters to [moisture farmers](/article/moisture_farm], but they were thought to be unable to work as podracers. Anakin Skywalker was said to be the only human who could race pods. Humans were notably successful as a colonial species, migrating and adapting to dominate new worlds, resulting in diverse planetary groups with unique cultures, such as the Alderaanians and Pamarthens.
The Grindalid Prybolt Garavult believed humans, based on his observations, were reckless in their tendency to encounter danger. He noted their past involvement in situations involving diseases or death through murder, with some humans escaping such crises but suffering severe injuries. He believed humans had a habit of running into a situation no matter the danger present, and could not be trusted to follow basic safety procedures.

The origin of humans was speculated to be Coruscant, one of the galaxy's Core Worlds, although this theory lacked definitive proof. Humans significantly influenced galactic history, occupying roles from politicians to slaves and Jedi Knights. Darth Sidious, the Sith Lord who established the autocratic Galactic Empire, which governed the galaxy for over two decades, was a human from Naboo. Many members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, including its founding members Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, and his adopted daughter Leia Organa, were also human. The Galactic Empire favored humans over nonhuman species, often referred to as "aliens." Humans dominated the Empire's government and Imperial Military. During the Age of the Empire, some humans like the Lothalite athletic director Janus Fhurek harbored xenophobic attitudes towards aliens and thought that their alien physiology gave them an unfair advantage over human grav-ball players.

Humans, similar to Duros, were a highly successful colonial species, having migrated and adapted to thrive on numerous worlds. Their diverse cultures beyond Coruscant included those of Naboo, Ming Po, Alderaan, Corellia, Pamarthen, Chalacta, and Chandrila. By the time of the Galactic Civil War, humans had become the most abundant intelligent species in the galaxy, with their presence felt in almost every populated area.
While humans generally viewed their adaptability as a strength, some aliens criticized their widespread expansion throughout the galaxy, accusing them of imposing themselves on foreign ecosystems. Burta, a female Krish, notably expressed this viewpoint, defending it vehemently against Jyn Erso. They discussed human adaptations, such as the use of radiated igurts on ice planets, ridgecrawlers in mountainous regions, and scub-subs in aquatic environments. Erso argued that some considered human adaptation a valuable skill. Burta countered that humans either adapted or forced the planet to adapt to them.
Humans have been featured in all nine of the main Star Wars films. They have also appeared as main characters in several spin-offs and TV shows.
In the Star Wars universe, the Star Wars Legends initially established that humans had longer lifespans than in reality, primarily to avoid accounting for the actors' aging. However, in the new canon, Holocron continuity database keeper Leland Chee has stated that humans lived the same real-world average lifespan, which is estimated to be 71 years old.