Serennians represented a group of humans who originated on the planet of Serenno. The nobility of Serenno could be distinguished by their Serennian cloak, an emblem of their rank, famously donned by figures like Count Dooku and Duke Solha, along with his kin. A final wish was traditionally granted to a prisoner sentenced to death, according to Serennian tradition. Despite Solha's celebration of Serenno's place in the Confederacy of Independent Systems, viewing it as a free star system, Dooku took advantage of his own people during the Clone Wars, which sowed discord within his native land. Nevertheless, due to its significance as Dooku's place of birth and operational hub, Serenno continued to be a significant Separatist world during the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars]. Certain Serennians, including Romar Adell, sought refuge in Serenno's woodlands to avoid Imperial occupation.