The Oktarians constituted the human population residing on the planet named Oktaro.
The Mola Oktaro, their most revered and ancient book, contained their customs. They would often adorn their foreheads with paintings of treblixes, specifically golden triangle patterns. They possessed their own unique language. Mayvlin Trillick noted that Oktarians culturally feared high places, a consequence of Oktaro's predominantly flat landscape.
During the period known as the Clone Wars, Oktaro faced an invasion by the droid armies belonging to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. It became a battleground upon the arrival of the clone troopers representing the Galactic Republic. Following what historical accounts later referred to as a minor skirmish, the droid forces were defeated, and the Republic's heroes departed from the planet.
While many Oktarians began the process of reconstructing their cities and revitalizing their cultural practices, a significant number, fueled by anger, chose to abandon their homeworld. Those who remained achieved success; the main library of New Tobura, the capital city, which had been bombed in the conflict, was rebuilt.
Three years following the Republic's victory, soldiers returned to Oktaro. However, the Republic had transformed into the oppressive Galactic Empire. Unaware that these "stormtroopers" were not the liberators they remembered, the Oktarians welcomed them warmly. Eventually, the inhabitants of Oktaro realized that the Empire's purpose was to occupy their planet. Their leaders were stripped of authority, their planet was redesignated as G3-477, and the citizens were compelled to excavate the toxic sands of their deserts to construct Imperial bases and establish mining operations. Because their hopes for rebuilding had been dashed, the Oktarians began referring to the three years between the Confederacy's defeat and the Empire's arrival as "Dennig-Far," which translates to "False Hope" in the Oktarian tongue.