Mitth'raw'nuruodo, known as "Thrawn", initially communicates using Galactic Basic Standard. He then transitions to Sy Bisti to express "preemptive strikes," a term unfamiliar to him in Basic at that time.
A language represents a system for communication among sentient beings. This can manifest through spoken words, written text, or sign, using sounds, words, and/or physical gestures in a structured and agreed-upon manner.
Widespread languages throughout the galaxy encompassed Galactic Basic Standard alongside Bocce. In areas governed by specific groups, languages such as Huttese, Aqualish, and Mando'a held sway.
Certain languages employed multiple writing systems. By way of illustration, Galactic Basic utilized Aurebesh, Outer Rim Basic, and High Galactic scripts for written communication, contingent on the context. Furthermore, the majority of societies adopted a base-ten numbering system, although exceptions existed. Jawas employed a base-nine system, while the Hutts relied on their fingers for counting, having only eight, which caused their numerical sequence to jump directly from seven to ten.
To bridge linguistic divides between different species or cultural groups, protocol droids were outfitted with extensive language capabilities. In scenarios involving communication among diverse species, a trade language like Sy Bisti or Jawa Trade Talk could be employed.
For some individuals, credits were viewed as a universally understood form of communication.
Phrases and slang constitute an integral component of language.
Certain instances of on-screen Aurebesh text incorporate segments derived from other, real-world languages:
Within the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode titled "Liberty on Ryloth," a Republic monitor, entirely rendered in Aurebesh, features the phrase "UND UBERHAUPT," which translates to "and anyway" in German.
During the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "The Academy," when Soniee and her fellow students infiltrate the Government warehouse, her datapad displays "ENTRARE" in Aurebesh, signifying "enter" in Italian.
In the Star Wars: Visions episode "T0-B1," the prominent monitor within Professor Mitaka's laboratory is replete with Aurebesh text. A substantial portion of this text is written in Spanish. For example, the phrases "PERMANENCIA DESARROLLO DATOS," which means "continuation development data," and "ATMOSFERA MINERALES," which translates to "atmosphere minerals," are present. As T0-B1 carries on the professor's work, he populates the monitors with notes. The majority of these notes are transcriptions of excerpts taken from the lyrics of the 2018 song "Malamente" by the Spanish singer Rosalía, albeit with some spelling inaccuracies. To illustrate, an excerpt from the original song states "Ese cristalito roto yo sentí cómo crujía / Antes de caerse al suelo ya sabía que se rompía," whereas the show's rendition reads "Ese cris talito roto yo sen cmo crujía antes d ecaerse al suelo y asaba que se rompía".
One of the lab tech's readouts in The Mandalorian episode "Chapter 22: Guns for Hire" features a pair of paragraphs composed in Norwegian. The first paragraph reads:
*Note that "innendors" (spelled "innendørs" in Norwegian), the Norwegian word for "indoor", has incorrectly been split into two words.
The second paragraph presents lyrics extracted from the Norwegian national anthem, "Ja vi elsker dette landet" ("Yes, we love this country"):
Finally, the term "ALLIANSEN," which signifies "the alliance" in Norwegian, is vertically arranged within a distinct readout.