Outer Rim Basic, frequently shortened to Outer Rim, and alternatively called Huttese, functioned as a writing system. Comprising 26 letters, it was implemented within the Outer Rim Territories to represent Galactic Basic Standard in written form, despite its initial design for a distinct language. On occasion, it coexisted with Aurebesh, another prevalent alphabet used for writing Basic.
During the Boonta Eve Classic, the historic event where young Anakin Skywalker secured his freedom, the lap counter at the Mos Espa Grand Arena displayed numbers rendered in Outer Rim Basic, specifically showcasing the symbols for "3", "2", and "1". Furthermore, the console monitors present on his podracer, along with the viewscreen owned by Shmi Skywalker's, also exhibited numerical representations using Outer Rim Basic.
The names of two businesses at Stobar Spaceport during the Clone Wars, Hutt's Grotto and Converter Station, alongside Havoc Outpost and Horizon Base during the Galactic Civil War, were inscribed utilizing Outer Rim Basic characters.
When Anakin Skywalker, accompanied by Clone Force 99, successfully infiltrated Admiral Trench's flagship Invulnerable and obtained clearance to dock with the Separatist Dreadnought, a green monitor situated aboard the ship displayed the word "VERIFIED" written in Outer Rim Basic.
During the Clone Wars period, the refinery control room console located within the Pyke Stronghold's on Oba Diah incorporated Outer Rim Basic in its interface.
In the early years of the Empire's reign, Cid's Parlor, situated in Ord Mantell City, featured a poster on its wall advertising "Master Woopen" and "Berlith Farapon," with the text rendered in Outer Rim Basic.
A graffiti mural titled Credit Exchange, found in the Capital City of Lothal, was divided into two sections. The first half displayed the word "CREDIT" in Aurebesh alongside "EXCHANGE" in Outer Rim Basic. Conversely, the other half presented "EXCHANGE" in Aurebesh, flanked by the word "CREDIT" in Outer Rim Basic on either side.
Jho, the proprietor of Old Jho's Pit Stop on Lothal, utilized Outer Rim Basic to display his name on the sign positioned above the cantina's entrance. He also sported clothing bearing the identical logo.
The logo for a Plop Dribble's diner located at Havoc Outpost was a combination of Outer Rim Basic and Aurebesh characters.
The emblem representing the Kintan Striders Gang took the form of a stylized letter "K" rendered in Outer Rim Basic.
The sign hanging above the entrance of the Mos Eisley Mod Parlor showcased a hand-painted krayt dragon skeleton, with its ribs arranged to spell out the word "MODIFIER" in Outer Rim Basic.
Holographic barricade tape at a crime scene on Plazir-15 displayed "CAUTION" in Aurebesh, accompanied by "CHESS KO" (Huttese for "careful") in Outer Rim Basic.
During the early stages of the New Republic Era, a sign on Borgo Prime was created using an alternative Aurebesh font, announcing "DANCE CLUB". The sign also incorporated red graffiti consisting of random marks and the number 5 inscribed three times in Outer Rim Basic.
Hype Fazon, a Rodian pilot who served in Ace Squadron, wore a patch on the left shoulder of his flight jacket that was imprinted with the letters "JHO" in Outer Rim Basic, mirroring the logo of Old Jho's Pit Stop situated on the planet Lothal.

Outer Rim Basic was devised for the 1999 cinematic release Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, where it made an appearance during the podracing sequence set on Tatooine. Notably, numerical representations in this alphabet are visible on the control panels of the podracers. The numerals symbolizing "3", "2", and "1" also feature prominently on the lap indicators located at the Mos Espa Grand Arena.
In concept art produced for the Hutt swamp speeder in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Hunt for Ziro," a warning message in Outer Rim Basic was positioned around the engines, conveying "DANGER STATIC ELECTRICITY." However, this detail was not included in the final version of the episode.