A prank graffiti painted by Sabine Wren.
Graffiti, a form of defacement, involved individuals inscribing messages onto the properties of others.
During his visit to the planet of Kwenn in 33 BBY, Jedi Master Even Piell derived amusement from observing the local graffiti. He remarked to the artist, Hadaro, about an error in the spelling of "poodoo". The Twi'lek responded sarcastically, questioning whether Piell was a professor, to which Piell replied with humor, "Not of poodoo." However, he understood that the Twi'lek was actually referencing an educator through the use of "poodoo" in his graffiti.
Sabine Wren, a Mandalorian, functioned as a graffiti artist who routinely applied spray paint to Imperial structures subsequent to performing acts of sabotage. The starbird symbol served as her signature graffiti. Her specialized explosives were created to generate graffiti, and she frequently employed her airbrushes to deface stormtrooper armor.
Operating on Tatooine during the New Republic Era, the Kintan Striders, a Nikto gang, would spray-paint their emblem, a stylized "K" in Outer Rim Basic, onto the buildings of those they had raided.