Even Piell, a male Lannik who was Force-sensitive, held the esteemed rank of Jedi Master and was a respected senior member of the Jedi High Council during the closing decades of the Galactic Republic Era. Coming from Lannik, a planet known for its political instability, Piell was a seasoned warrior, often perceived as blunt and aggressive, with a reputation as a skilled swordsman. Despite his diminutive size and gruff demeanor, Piell possessed a compassionate and influential presence, qualities he developed through revisiting his troubled homeworld, an experience during which he lost an eye to terrorists there. As a Jedi, Piell felt a deep connection to all beings, believing it was his responsibility to assist those in need. Inspired by the people of Lannik, he championed the cause of younger generations and vulnerable individuals within the Jedi Order, considering himself more attuned to the common person and the Living Force than many of his fellow Jedi.
Before the Clone Wars began, Piell served as a Councillor during the Defense of Kwenn, where he spearheaded a project that restored funding to the local school system. He also served during the Invasion of Naboo and the Separatist Crisis, which ultimately led to the outbreak of the Clone Wars between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, a splinter state. Piell was among the Jedi involved in the First Battle of Geonosis, after which he was formally appointed as a Jedi General within the newly formed Republic Military. A valuable asset to the Jedi, Piell undertook numerous sensitive missions during the Clone Wars, contributing to the protection of Republic territories and information alongside Captain Wilhuff Tarkin. As the conflict progressed, Piell and Tarkin uncovered the coordinates for the Nexus Route, a discovery that posed a significant threat if it fell into Separatist hands due to the route's direct connection to Coruscant, the Republic's capital planet.
As the guardians of the Nexus Route coordinates, Piell and Tarkin's fleet group became a target for Separatist forces, and while under attack, they erased the data from their Star Destroyer and memorized separate halves of the coordinates to prevent complete loss if one of them were to break during interrogation. Following their capture, Piell, Tarkin, and the surviving members of their crew were imprisoned in the Separatists' high-security Citadel prison on Lola Sayu. The Republic then launched a covert rescue operation, led by the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano, who successfully freed Piell and Tarkin but found themselves trapped on the planet's surface by the forces of prison warden Osi Sobeck. While attempting to escape the Citadel and reach a designated rendezvous point with a Republic extraction team, the group was pursued by a pack of anoobas deployed by Sobeck, and Piell suffered fatal injuries from an attack by one of the creatures. Before dying, Piell revealed his portion of the Nexus Route coordinates to Tano.

Even Piell's birth occurred on Lannik, a planet situated in the Mid Rim and the original homeworld of the Lannik species, during the latter part of the Republic Era. Lannik had a history marked by frequent warfare and was experiencing ongoing political instability at the time of Piell's birth. His inherent sensitivity to the Force was discovered during his time as a youngling, eventually drawing the attention of the Jedi Order, a monastic religious organization of Force-sensitives headquartered on Coruscant, a planet in the Core Worlds. When the Jedi offered to raise Piell as they did with other Force-sensitive children, his parents willingly sent him away. Later in life, Piell speculated that they might have believed they were doing the right thing by shielding him from the hardships of life on Lannik. Although Piell was young when he left his homeworld, he was older than most Jedi Initiates when taken to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Consequently, Piell did not receive any training as an infant and began his instruction relatively later compared to his peers.
During his time as a Jedi trainee, Piell continued to stand apart from his fellow members of the Order, retaining characteristics of his homeworld even amidst the diverse mix of species and cultures at the Temple, expressing himself more directly and informally than others his age. As he progressed to the Padawan stage of his training, Piell participated in efforts to aid civilians facing difficulties, gaining a practical understanding of how suffering manifested within society through these missions. In his youth, Piell longed to return to his homeworld, and he eventually had the opportunity to do so when he was older. This first return to Lannik profoundly impacted Piell, and seeing himself reflected in the faces of those who had endured hardship gave him a renewed sense of purpose as a Jedi. At some point during his time on Lannik, Piell faced a confrontation with terrorists, believed to be the Red Iaro. Despite emerging victorious, he lost an eye and sustained extensive facial scarring, wounds he regarded as a mark of honor.

By 33 BBY, Piell had achieved the rank of Jedi Master and had been granted a seat on the Jedi High Council, the governing body of the Jedi Order. Piell held one of the Council's permanent seats and was often seated near Master Yaddle. Despite his position among the Order's leaders, Piell continued to undertake field missions and fulfill diplomatic roles for the Galactic Republic, a democratic union based on Coruscant that governed a significant portion of the galaxy and had a long-standing relationship with the Jedi, even though he held a certain disdain for politicians. In 33 BBY, Piell responded to a request from Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum and the Galactic Senate for Jedi intervention in a conflict on Yitabo, a world in the Mid Rim, between two agricultural corporations and the local civilian government. Although he was not enthusiastic about the assignment, Piell accepted it because he was already in the area and had some familiarity with the individuals involved. While on Yitabo, Piell noticed the number of people migrating from the Mid Rim to the Core Worlds via the Ootmian route.
While Piell was on Yitabo, his attendance at Council meetings was infrequent. On one occasion, he was only able to attend the final part of the agenda, during which Master Qui-Gon Jinn was scheduled to address the Council about a recent mission. Piell joined the meeting holographically at the same time Jinn entered the High Council chamber on Coruscant, and Mace Windu, the Master of the Order, addressed Piell before allowing Jinn to speak. In response to Windu's questioning, Piell explained to the Council the nature of his task on Yitabo, surprising Windu and Master Ki-Adi-Mundi that the Senate had dispatched a High Council member to resolve a minor dispute. After speaking with Piell, Windu turned to Jinn and granted him permission to speak before the Council. Jinn began by noting that Piell was already in the region he wished to discuss with the Council, before transitioning to the topic of how the recent closures of Jedi outposts in the Mid Rim had made life more difficult for the local population.

Jinn pointed out that the closures created a cycle in which corporations relocate, the region loses political influence in the Senate, and people begin to emigrate elsewhere. Master Depa Billaba, who was investigating pirate activity in the Slice, corroborated Jinn's account and noted that even the young were affected, prompting Piell to observe that an entire generation was at risk in the area. Jinn continued his address, gradually clarifying his point: the Jedi Council had become disconnected from the everyday aspects of the Living Force, favoring larger-scale endeavors on behalf of the Republic. While his comments initially faced opposition from some Council members, including Masters Windu, Oppo Rancisis, and Saesee Tiin, Piell voiced his support for Jinn's idea. When Master Adi Gallia lamented that the Council lacked the time to address the needs of everyday beings because they operated on a different level, Piell countered that the Jedi were not meant to be different from everyone else.
Gallia responded to Piell by stating that the Council had numerous responsibilities, after which Jinn continued. Qui-Gon expressed his belief that the citizens of the galaxy held the Jedi in low regard because the Jedi had not engaged with them, drawing further opposition from Windu and others, but finding another supporter in Yaddle. Jinn concluded his address by urging the Council to find a way to reconnect with those the Order served by individually assisting people in need, before departing from the chamber. Although Mundi and Tiin remained skeptical of Jinn's claims, Windu expressed his opinion that Jinn was correct about the Council's disconnect and stagnation, a sentiment echoed by Yaddle and Master Depa Billaba. At that moment, Gallia interrupted and announced that she had just received the year's final list of suggestions regarding Jedi assets from the Chancellor's office. Piell sarcastically remarked that the list was as "final as a politician's promise" but received a warning gesture from Windu, who instructed Gallia to proceed.

Gallia read from a Jedi-conducted study of outposts that could be closed to allow the Jedi to redirect their resources to areas where the Chancellor's office and the Senate were likely to require future Jedi assistance. Among the list of infrequently visited outposts on desolate worlds was Sanctuary Mount, a nearly two-hundred-year-old outpost on Kwenn. Upon hearing the name Kwenn, the Council members fell silent in shock. Piell immediately pointed out Sanctuary Mount's longevity, and others began reminiscing about Kwenn and the outpost. Windu asked Gallia how Kwenn had changed to the point that the outpost was no longer sustainable, and she explained that traffic to the Kwenn Space Station had decreased due to piracy and corporate taxes along the Ootmian route, leading to economic challenges for the planet. Piell interjected that Gallia had missed a step, asserting that the Jedi had abandoned Kwenn first, adding that he had witnessed people leaving the Slice for the Core while on Yitabo.
Recognizing the opportunity before the Council, Windu proposed that the twelve Jedi Masters travel to Kwenn to oversee a public commemoration of the anniversary of the outpost's founding. Windu's idea, inspired by Jinn's prompting, was that the Council could engage with the people of Kwenn while also identifying the artifacts that the Order would retrieve from Sanctuary Mount in the event of its closure. As the Council debated the feasibility of the trip, Master Plo Koon raised concerns about the logistics of supplying enough provisions for a group of twelve, but Piell dismissed his concerns by reminding his colleagues that he was on Yitabo, which served as the breadbasket for surrounding worlds and could provide the necessary food. Despite some initial hesitation, all the Councillors present agreed that a ceremony on Kwenn would be beneficial, both for the planet and for themselves.
At Master Windu's urging, the twelve Council members agreed that it would be preferable for them to arrive on Kwenn at their individual convenience rather than coordinating a collective arrival. After gathering provisions and loading them onto a Limulus-class courier, Piell made the short journey to Kwenn. Before delivering the supplies to Sanctuary Mount, Piell decided to take a proactive approach to Qui-Gon's challenge of assisting citizens and boarded a speeder bus to Essafa Key, the location of the educational district known as the Gem Cities. At a tourist information station near the bus stop, Piell inquired with the adviser about where to go to get "socked in the jaw," hoping to discover where to find troubled segments of the population. Piell's directness confused the adviser. When asked to clarify, Piell repeated the question and asked where the rough part of Essafa Key was, but the adviser dismissed him and walked away. Before leaving himself, Piell yelled at the guide, sarcastically thanking him for his help.

Leaving the information station, Piell decided to head towards the oceanside, recalling an adage from his Padawan days that trouble could often be found near a waterfront. However, while halfway there, Piell heard a commotion down a side street and noticed a patrol officer ignoring it. Inquiring about the disturbance, Piell explained that he was seeking out troubled people, and the officer informed him that Essafa Key was home to the local school system. At Piell's prompting, the officer further stated that the schools were the source of Essafa Key's problems because the children had been running wild instead of attending classes. Piell suggested they hire a truant officer, but the patrolman revealed that he was the truant officer and removed his badge, resigning from his job on the spot. Taking the badge from the former officer and pinning it on his tunic, Piell decided to investigate the noises and walked towards the plaza down the street.
In the plaza, Piell observed several buildings covered in graffiti, bearing markings that indicated they had been constructed during the Grand Renewal of Kwenn. As Piell chuckled at the derogatory graffiti, he was suddenly approached by a dozen or more youths dressed in ragged clothing. A young Twi'lek stepped forward and asked if Piell was admiring his handiwork, and Piell responded by joking about the boy misspelling "poodoo." Piell questioned the Twi'lek about the target of the graffiti, whom he realized was a teacher, and learned that the teacher no longer worked after being thrown out a window. Piell decided to establish a rapport with the children, first by laughing alongside them when they laughed about the former teacher, then by joking that school was good for the Twi'lek, Hadaro, since his name was painted on several buildings. Hadaro remained aloof, however, and four of his companions flanked Piell, who reacted calmly and remarked that the children thought they could push him around because of his size.
At Hadaro's command, the children swarmed Piell and lifted him from the ground, which he allowed them to do since he was in no danger. As the children carried Piell around the corner and down an alley, he heard one suggest putting the Jedi Master in a trash compactor, but another assured him that the compactors were full and non-functional. Recognizing that a pipe spanning the space between the buildings was part of the fire suppression system, Piell reached out with the Force and snapped it in half, causing an explosion of white foam. The children dropped Piell and scattered for cover, allowing Piell to run back into the plaza while a group of pursuers slipped on the foam. In the plaza, a larger group of children had gathered, drawn by the commotion, and Piell swiftly bounded over them and landed on a plinth where statues once stood. Safe for a moment, Piell removed his soaked robe to wring it out, revealing his lightsaber in the process. Seeing the weapon, Hadaro exclaimed that Piell was not a Jedi.

The sight of Piell's lightsaber excited the crowd, and several children wondered aloud why a Jedi had come to Essafa Key. Just then, a chime sounded from across the quad, and Piell told the children to go inside and take a lunch break. To Piell's dismay, Hadaro explained that the Mercantile Guild-operated school's lunch program had lost funding when Rendili Hyperworks stopped subsidizing it, a consequence of the recent population decline. Realizing that the children were, in part, acting out of hunger, Piell contacted his droid co-pilot and requested a pick-up. Hadaro mockingly asked if Piell was calling for backup, but the Jedi responded by asking if he had classes, which Hadaro denied, stating that many no longer met. Soon, Piell's Limulus courier arrived, and Piell guided his droid to land on the plinth. Calculating that he had enough food at the minimum for the children present, Piell unlatched the cargo hold and began unloading the provisions from Yitabo.
As he tossed food into the crowd, Piell asked Hadaro if the students had learned about the Jedi while in school. When Hadaro replied that they had not, Piell announced to the crowd that he would answer any questions they had about the Jedi once every child had something to eat. Smiling at the children's enthusiastic response, Piell told them that if anyone asked, they were having class outside. Over the following days, Piell began organizing activities and outings for the children, substituting an improvised and creative alternative for the shuttered school system. During this time, Piell received a call for help from Master Eeth Koth, who had arrived and had begun work in the Sanctuary Mount archives. Piell offered to send a group of children to aid Koth, but Koth declined. Piell also received a modified speeder bus from Masters Koon and Tiin, who had started aiding Kwikhaul, a local taxi company on Zyboh Key, which Piell used to shuttle his students to other islands.
Equipped with the speeder bus provided by Masters Koon and Tiin, as well as several bikes repaired by the children, Piell began organizing trips to other islands, where he held informal "classes" designed to provide the children with a creative outlet while enhancing the environment. On the morning of the day Master Yaddle arrived on Kwenn, Piell began the day with a "class" at the Mercantile Guild headquarters, where the children planted trees, followed by an "art class" at the Rendili Hyperworks factory on Addoa Key, an industrial island plagued by lax regulations and disrepair. There, he allowed the children to paint the large walls surrounding the factory. Having already attracted the attention of Kwenn Holofeed, partly because Hadaro had attempted to paint their studio on a previous night, Piell invited a press team to the factory grounds to cover his work, believing that public awareness of his efforts would pressure Rendili to continue funding the school districts.

When Master Yaddle arrived on Kwenn, she contacted Piell for assistance in obtaining transportation. Piell dispatched a Rodian child to deliver a speeder bike to Yaddle, simultaneously inviting her to join him on Addoa Key, where he hoped she would take his place in front of the Kwenn Holofeed cameras. Upon Yaddle's arrival, Piell enthusiastically welcomed her to "art class" and introduced her to his project. As she was among the last High Councillors to arrive at Kwenn, Piell also informed her of the activities of the other Masters on the islands. Piell also explained the economic situation concerning the education system but discovered that Yaddle was unhappy about Piell's attempts to restart the former system, in which the children were forced to rely on the Rendili corporation for basic necessities. Although he shared her concerns, Piell reasoned that allowing the children to paint on the factory walls provided them with an alternative to illegal activities.
At that moment, the reporters from Kwenn Holofeed arrived, and Piell asked Yaddle if she would speak with them, as his appearance would be off-putting. Although she was surprised, Yaddle was understanding when Piell explained why he had not asked her directly, as he feared she would have suggested they consult other Councillors. Accepting that she was the best spokesbeing the Council had to offer, Yaddle approached the reporters and, speaking with a holofeed engineer for Remember Kwenn host Reezingrom Abbayav, began discussing the Jedi Council's purpose for visiting Kwenn. The impromptu press conference Piell had arranged outside Rendili Hyperworks brought him and Master Yaddle increased visibility, with Yaddle becoming the Council's unofficial spokesperson in a series of interviews and Piell gaining a hundred new students. Concerned about the unstable home lives of many of his schoolchildren, Piell decided to start a food drive.
Late one evening, Piell and Yaddle decided to visit Master Koth on Kinnawah Key, where he was busy organizing a number of texts from the Sanctuary Mount that had ended up in the Lamplighter Boutique antique store. When Piell and Yaddle entered the store, they were greeted by the owner's wife, Pogee Shrag, and several of Shrag's boolah kits, which crawled over the two Jedi. Shrag showed the two inside, and Yaddle thanked her for her hospitality and complimented her boolahs. Piell, annoyed by two boolah kits hanging off his ears, remarked that he could use the creatures in a soup for his food drive, earning him a reprimand from Yaddle but a laugh from Shrag. Koth led the two inside a courtyard and asked why they had come to Kinnawah Key since they had their own work elsewhere. Piell replied that his schoolchildren had to go home at the end of each day, and despite their troubled home lives, it was a better alternative to keeping them out at dangerous times.

Koth felt pleased that Piell and Yaddle accepted Qui-Gon's challenge; however, they both inquired about Koth's feelings regarding his work sifting through the outpost's archives. Despite Koth's attempts to deny his discontent, Piell and Yaddle discerned his true emotions and offered their assistance. Although Koth hesitated to accept their offer, Piell began examining the stacks of datapads, observing that they mostly contained uninteresting, insignificant texts that would bore his students. Yaddle suggested that she and Piell could divide Koth's responsibilities, and the Zabrak conceded, instructing them to handle the smaller stacks due to their shorter statures. Subsequently, Yaddle dismissed Koth, and Piell instructed him to visit Kwenn. Despite Koth's initial objection, he smiled and expressed his gratitude to Piell and Yaddle for their assistance. As a result of Piell and Yaddle's intervention, Koth departed from the Lamplighter Boutique and enjoyed a night on Kinnawah Key as a tourist.
A few days later, as the bicentennial celebration approached, the Council received reports of a potential pirate attack. While Piell was busy with his students, other Council members were addressing criminal activities on the islands and in Kwenn's surrounding space. Master Depa Billaba informed the Council of her discovery of local pirate leader Zilastra's plan to target Kwenn, specifically the Councillors themselves, during the celebration. When Yoda requested evidence, Master Windu added that recent observations indicated sudden truces between various pirate groups. Recalling his knowledge of pirate activities, Piell questioned why the pirate gangs would follow Zilastra's Riftwalkers, the newest group. Billaba explained that Zilastra had eliminated the leaders of rival gangs. Concerned about potential danger, Adi Gallia and Yaddle proposed canceling the bicentennial.
Master Rancisis and Piell both argued against canceling the festivities. When Gallia and Yaddle reiterated the severity of the danger, Ki-Adi-Mundi and Yarael Poof noted that regardless of the Council's decision, their intelligence suggested a pirate uprising targeting both the Jedi and local authorities. As the Council debated their options, it became evident that Zilastra's subordinates had already compromised the bicentennial. Yoda and Gallia described an attack on an arena manager and an Ithorian leaving the venue, whom Billaba identified as Zilastra's bomb maker, Tokchi. Taking charge, Billaba declared her understanding of Zilastra's plan and the need for the Council to confront her directly. Billaba instructed her colleagues to maintain the appearance of normalcy and proceed with the celebrations as planned.
Following Master Billaba's strategy, Piell and the rest of the Council continued preparations for the bicentennial. On the day of the celebration, amidst final arrangements, Piell decided to recruit about a dozen of his students, including Hadaro, as ushers for the evening. Piell transported them to the Gala Key Arena via several speeders, where they joined Masters Yoda, Yaddle, Poof, Rancisis, and Koth. Upon seeing Piell and the children enter, Poof joked about it being too early for a parade. Piell informed his peers that the children would serve as ushers for the festivities, with more arriving the next day. After Piell introduced Hadaro, the Twi'lek boy criticized the arena decorations and mentioned the availability of art supplies in the speeders. To Rancisis' dismay, Piell agreed with Hadaro's suggestion to have the children paint a mural on the base of the dais. Although Rancisis suggested painting outside instead, Piell pointed out the impending rain.

After Piell instructed his students to retrieve their supplies, Koth grew concerned by a notification on his comlink while Yaddle reentered the arena with Morna. Koth briefly excused himself to consult with his caller, whom he identified as a female acquaintance. Upon his return, he looked around cautiously before approaching Piell and seeking his advice. Koth led Piell to the edge of the stage. Following a brief, private discussion, Koth addressed the other Councillors, requesting that he and Piell be excused, with Piell adding that it would take some time. In private, Koth disclosed his meeting with Inisa, a member of the Poisoned Blades gang, who had provided him with information about several plots planned by local pirate gangs in collaboration with Zilastra. Upon learning that the Blades and the Filthy Creds were planning to disguise themselves as food vendors working for the Tasty Comet Frozen Confection Company, Piell insisted on participating in thwarting their scheme.
Later that night, Piell and Koth raided the Tasty Comet warehouse shortly after the gangs had loaded their street carts, which were equipped with blasters and grenades. After confiscating the weapons, the Jedi secured the hovercarts with locks. In line with the Council's plans to proceed with the celebration and suppress the pirate insurgency, Piell and Koth left the hovercarts in the warehouse, allowing the disguised gang members to venture into the streets. Taking advantage of the severe storm, the Council aimed to ensure the absence of civilians from Gala Key's streets and instructed potential attendees from other islands to remain home and watch the bicentennial, while allowing nearby residents inside the arena. Empty tents would be strategically placed to deceive the pirate gangs, creating the illusion of civilian spectators shielded from the storm. This meant that the only individuals present on Gala Key's streets during the celebration would be those associated with Zilastra.
The following day, Piell and the Council, excluding Billaba, attended the opening ceremony of the bicentennial. After announcing that attendees should seek shelter from the storm, Masters Rancisis and Yoda delivered introductory remarks. Having learned from Billaba that the bomb Zilastra planted in the arena was activated by the phrase "The Jedi stand with you," Yoda concluded his speech by rephrasing it as "With you, the Jedi stand," effectively neutralizing Zilastra's immediate bombing plan. Enraged, Zilastra attempted to infiltrate the arena but was intercepted by Billaba. Zilastra revealed that the phrase also served as a signal for her pirate groups to launch their attack, prompting the Council to swiftly take action. While the rest of the Council addressed the escalating insurgency in other areas, Piell and Koth departed from the arena and headed toward the streets lined with Tasty Comet hovercarts, where the would-be vendors struggled to remove the locks. Together, they approached a Gotal vendor attempting to open his cart.

Piell and Koth taunted the Gotal, initially by sarcastically requesting Tasty Comets, then by commenting on the pirate's difficulty in opening the hovercart. Piell used his lightsaber to destroy the lock, revealing his Jedi identity. The Gotal quickly reached into his cart for a blaster, only to discover it was empty. Piell smirked and informed the Gotal that he and Koth had removed the weapons from the carts. Surprised, the pirate pulled a blaster from his uniform. Aiming it at the Jedi, the pirate moved toward a sealed viewing tent behind him. Upon opening the tent, he found it empty, prompting Piell and Koth to explain how the Council had evacuated nearby civilians and foiled the Blades' and Creds' plan. The Gotal raised his weapon, but Piell and Koth simultaneously used the Force, throwing him to the ground and rendering him unconscious. The pirate's hat fell off, revealing the markings of a Staved Skull pirate. Noticing the commotion, at least a dozen other pirates disguised as vendors drew their weapons and turned toward the Jedi.
Reactivating his lightsaber, Piell told Koth that they had to prevent the pirates from reaching the arena, and both advanced toward the approaching gang. Piell laughed as they charged, joking that his medical droid on Coruscant would appreciate that they were "declaring war on dessert." As Piell and Koth fought the pirates, Master Koon began organizing his Kwikhaul employees to rescue civilians trapped in the arena and the surrounding area. Coordinating with them, Koon dispatched drivers to Piell and Koth, who were traveling to hotspots of pirate activity on the island. Later, Piell and Koth were joined by Yoda and Yaddle in battling Zilastra's pirate horde. As the defense of Kwenn continued, the Jedi began clearing the battlegrounds and assisting Kwenn's law enforcement in capturing the remaining pirates, whose attacks had been disrupted and scattered. Although the planned pirate insurgency was nearing its end, Zilastra's whereabouts remained unknown.
While the Jedi persisted in their efforts on the ground, they received a report indicating that a repulsorlift skiff was ascending Sanctuary Mount. The Council deduced that Zilastra intended to attack the Jedi outpost, where they had stored the suitcase bomb originally planted in the arena. Master Billaba set out to intercept Zilastra, but her attempt failed. Narrowly escaping on her skiff, which plummeted toward the sea, Zilastra successfully detonated the explosive, destroying the outpost. Zilastra's partially functional skiff cushioned her fall into the ocean, where rescue teams alerted by Master Tiin found her unconscious and transported her to the shores of the Windward Chain. Eager to understand Zilastra's motives, Piell and the rest of the Council went to the beach to speak with her. After medical droids attended to the Nautolan pirate, who regained consciousness, Billaba placed her in handcuffs. Rancisis inquired about Zilastra's vendetta against the Jedi, and Zilastra explained that the Order had accepted her friends as younglings while abandoning her.

When Gallia asked when the Jedi had sought out her friends, Zilastra informed the Council that it had occurred over thirty years prior when a Jedi had arrived at her orphanage. Windu asked who this Jedi was, and to the Council's surprise, Zilastra stated that it was Master Sifo-Dyas, a former member of the Council controversial among the Order. Windu told Zilastra that Sifo-Dyas had been heavily focused on the Order's future, which Koth explained meant he had urgently tried to bring potential younglings into the Order. Piell added that Sifo-Dyas was too urgent as a Seeker as if he believed the Republic would fail if the Order didn't expand rapidly. To Zilastra's bewilderment, the Jedi Masters revealed that Sifo-Dyas had broken protocol with his recruitment tactics and was no longer the Council. Taking pity on Zilastra, Billaba apologized to the pirate for the Order's failure to take her into account as a child but admonished her for her actions before Yoda ordered a team of constables to take her away.
Following the defense of Kwenn and Zilastra's arrest, the Council decided against rebuilding the destroyed outpost, opting instead for a new brazier, which they announced in a press conference broadcast by Morna and her news team. As the Jedi concluded their revitalization efforts on Kwenn and prepared to depart, Piell observed the positive outcomes resulting from the publicity generated by the Jedi's actions. The Mercantile Guild had resumed funding the school system, while Rendili Hyperworks had reinstated its lunch program on Essafa Key. Although still uneasy about Kwenn's educational system and disappointed that he could not address the underlying issue of corporate-sponsored schools, he prioritized ensuring the children's well-being in the immediate future. While walking across the quad on Essafa Key, Piell noticed that the children were inside the school buildings instead of lingering outside.
Piell spotted Hadaro running across the plaza, and the boy stopped in front of the Jedi Master. Piell asked if Hadaro was running from someone, but the Twi'lek nodded toward the school building and stated he was late for class. Piell replied that being late was good because being late meant that Hadaro was going, to which the teen shrugged and said that he was fulfilling their deal before adding that Piell had shown him that falling down a criminal path did not work out well. Shaking Hadaro's hand, Piell thanked Hadaro for his help during the bicentennial since Hadaro and the other older children had kept civilians inside the arena during the fighting. When Piell commented that it must have been tempting to peek outside at the battle, Hadaro told him that he and the other children were watching the fight from their datapads, which made Piell laugh. Saying goodbye, Piell told Hadaro to head inside before he remembered he was the truant officer.

In 32 BBY, disputes over taxation in the Outer Rim Territories escalated into open military conflict. In protest against Chancellor Valorum's tax reform policies, including the Galactic Senate's approval of Prop 31-814D, which divested it of its exploitative control over Outer Rim trade zones, the Trade Federation imposed a blockade on the planet Naboo. The Jedi Council remained informed about the Federation's activities prior to the blockade through Master Gallia and subsequently maintained a vested interest in resolving the dispute. Chancellor Valorum and the Council authorized Master Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, to negotiate with the Federation's leader, Viceroy Nute Gunray. Their efforts were thwarted when the Federation launched a full-scale invasion of Naboo, compelling the two Jedi to evacuate Queen Padmé Amidala from the planet and escort her to Coruscant to address the Senate. After the invasion went through, Piell led several vital missions on behalf of the Republic, protecting the government's interests from Nute Gunray's greedy grasp.
Prior to arriving on Coruscant, a malfunction in Amidala's starship necessitated a stop on Tatooine, where Jinn discovered a young boy, Anakin Skywalker, whom he believed to be the prophesied Chosen One, destined to bring balance to the Force by destroying the Sith, the ancient adversaries of the Jedi. Jinn also encountered a mysterious warrior whom he suspected to be a Sith Lord and, upon reaching Coruscant, presented this information to the Council. Piell was present in the Jedi Council Chamber when Jinn and Kenobi informed them of the potential Sith warrior, whom Jinn noted was highly skilled in the Jedi arts. Despite initial skepticism, the Council resolved to allocate resources to uncovering the warrior's identity. At Master Yoda's request, Jinn revealed his belief regarding Skywalker, asserting that the boy was conceived by the midi-chlorians as the Chosen One. When Jinn requested that Skywalker be trained as a Jedi, Yoda and Windu determined that the Council would personally assess Skywalker before making any final decision.

Piell was subsequently present with the full Council to evaluate Skywalker's Force sensitivity. Despite the results of Skywalker's viewscreen test demonstrating the boy's power, the Council remained divided regarding his future, citing his age and strong attachment to his mother. Piell was among those on the Council who voted against allowing Skywalker to begin his training despite having been older than most when he joined the Order. The Council concluded that Skywalker could be susceptible to the dark side of the Force and informed Jinn of their rejection of the boy, but Jinn chose to train Skywalker regardless. The Council reluctantly reversed its decision when Jinn was slain by the warrior, identified as the Sith Lord Darth Maul, while assisting the Naboo in repelling the Trade Federation forces. In accordance with Jinn's dying wish, the Council agreed to permit Kenobi to train Skywalker.
Piell later journeyed to Naboo with his fellow Councillors to attend Jinn's funeral in the city of Theed. In the Funeral Temple, Piell observed as Obi-Wan delivered a eulogy for his fallen master, after which he and the rest of the Jedi present ignited their lightsabers and raised them into the air as a sign of respect as Queen Amidala gave brief remarks. The funeral concluded with Master Yoda igniting the pyre with Jinn's lightsaber in accordance with Jedi funerary tradition, and Piell joined his peers in collective meditation. Sometime later, while still on Naboo, Piell and several other members of the High Council observed the victory parade in Theed, standing on the steps of the Royal Palace to watch the festivities.

In 24 BBY, following years of political unrest, the Republic became entangled in a crisis surrounding the burgeoning Separatist movement, spearheaded by Count Dooku of Serenno, a former Jedi, who established the Confederacy of Independent Systems to challenge the Republic as the central galactic authority. By 22 BBY, the growing influence of the Separatists prompted debate over the necessity of creating a proper military to confront an impending war, compelling the Jedi to engage in discussions with Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine in an effort to preserve peace and delay a Senate vote on the Military Creation Act. A series of assassination attempts on Senator Padmé Amidala, formerly the Queen of Naboo and an opponent of the Military Creation Act, would lead the Council down the path to war. Master Piell and the Council tasked Obi-Wan Kenobi with tracking down the bounty hunter suspected of orchestrating the attempts on Amidala's life and ordered Anakin Skywalker to protect the senator, who was discreetly relocated from Coruscant to Naboo.
Kenobi's investigation led him to the extragalactic planet Kamino, where he made the startling discovery that a clone army was being produced by the Kaminoan government for the Republic. To Kenobi's surprise, Kaminoan Prime Minister Lama Su claimed that the army had been commissioned by Master Sifo-Dyas, who had been deceased for a decade. Kenobi also learned that the template for the army was the bounty hunter he was searching for, Jango Fett, who only deepened the mystery by asserting that he had never met Sifo-Dyas. After following Fett to the planet Geonosis, Kenobi uncovered the Confederacy's droid foundries, where Dooku and other Separatist leaders were constructing a massive droid army. Before being captured, Kenobi transmitted his findings to Coruscant, and the confirmation that the Separatists had amassed an army prompted the Senate to grant Chancellor Palpatine emergency powers to commission the clone army from the Kaminoans to wage the inevitable war.

Piell was chosen to join a team of over 200 Jedi assembled by Master Windu to rescue Kenobi, as well as Skywalker and Amidala, who had failed in their own attempt to rescue him, from execution on Geonosis. Furthermore, the team, the largest deployment of Jedi since the High Republic Era, was dispatched to investigate Kenobi's reports of organized Separatist militarization and quell the potential war in its infancy. Upon arriving at Geonosis, most of the assault team infiltrated the Petranaki Arena while the rest secured their landing site. Inside the arena, the Jedi concealed themselves and awaited Windu's signal to reveal themselves. High above the arena pit, Dooku, Fett, and other Confederate leaders observed as three Geonosian execution beasts, an acklay, nexu, and reek, battled the prisoners. After Kenobi, Skywalker, and Amidala managed to evade the creatures, they were surrounded by a contingent of droidekas. Before Dooku issued the order to kill them, Windu revealed himself and confronted the former Jedi.
When Windu moved to arrest Dooku, the Jedi stationed in the arena ignited their lightsabers in response, prompting Dooku to unleash hordes of battle droids to counterattack. In the ensuing clash between the assault team and the Separatist Droid Army, the outnumbered assault team began sustaining heavy casualties, and Piell witnessed the deaths of many companions and friends. While a small group of Jedi, including several Council members, were surrounded by droids in the arena pit, Piell became separated from the rest. Piell was only able to survive due to the timely intervention of Master Yoda, who arrived with the newly deployed Grand Army of the Republic. The surviving Jedi and the new clone armies quickly organized an attack on the Confederate forces, which were retreating. Despite their efforts, the Jedi's improvised and rushed strategy, as well as the failure to establish a proper orbital blockade, allowed the Separatists to achieve a full retreat.

Despite their apparent victory at the First Battle of Geonosis, the Republic's inability to prevent the Separatist retreat signaled the commencement of the Clone Wars, concluding the Separatist Crisis. In the weeks that followed the conflict's initial engagement, the war rapidly engulfed the galaxy, leaving the Jedi Order uncertain about its role in the unfolding events. Following a bombing incident in Zarra, the capital of Cato Neimoidia, Kenobi, who had recently achieved the rank of Jedi Master and secured a permanent position on the High Council following Coleman Trebor's demise on Geonosis, was dispatched to investigate the situation on behalf of the Republic. Subsequent to his mission, Kenobi communicated with the Council, providing Master Piell and the others with a sequential account of the events, including the public reveal of Count Dooku's apprentice and assassin, Asajj Ventress. The findings from Kenobi's inquiry prompted Chancellor Palpatine and the Senate to enact the Jedi Military Integration Act, formally integrating the Jedi as commanding officers within the Republic Military.
Piell, holding the dual position of Jedi Master and High Council member, was granted the rank of Jedi General and given authority over a fleet group. Among the individuals serving under Piell's command was Captain Wilhuff Tarkin, a former member of the Republic's Judicial Forces whose cruiser was integrated into the flotilla. Although they had never formally met, Piell was familiar with Tarkin from the disastrous Eriadu Conference in 33 BBY, where Tarkin served as the Governor of Eriadu. Due to the Council's missteps during that incident, coupled with his personal belief that the Jedi lacked the qualifications for military leadership, Tarkin held a low opinion of the Order, yet he maintained a respectful and professional rapport with Piell, serving under him as Fleet Commander. Consistently a valuable asset to the Jedi Order, Piell was entrusted with numerous highly sensitive missions throughout the Clone Wars, and he and Tarkin were regularly credited with safeguarding Republic territories and intelligence.

In 20 BBY, one year and nine months into the ongoing conflict, Piell and Tarkin were assigned to investigate a rumored hyperspace lane that provided a connection between Republic-controlled territories in the Core Worlds, including Coruscant, and Separatist-held regions in the Outer Rim. The Republic, recognizing that control of the Nexus Route could shift the balance in the increasingly stagnant Clone Wars, aimed to pinpoint its location before the Separatists, who could potentially launch a devastating assault on Coruscant if they gained access to it. Despite the inherent risks of their covert assignment, Piell and Tarkin successfully retrieved the crucial information. During their patrol on the return journey, Piell's Venator-class Star Destroyer was ambushed by a Confederate fleet composed of two Munificent-class frigates and a Providence-class Dreadnought, with the objective of capturing the Jedi Master. Caught off guard, Piell's flagship was ensnared, and the Separatist fleet deployed droid starfighters and unleashed a relentless barrage on the Venator.
To protect the Nexus Route coordinates, Piell wiped his ship's computers, but only after ensuring that both he and Tarkin had committed half of the data to memory. This measure was implemented so that if either of them were to succumb to interrogation or torture, the recovered information would be rendered useless without the counterpart. As Piell and his crew observed the space battle from the bridge, Separatist forces boarded the cruiser. Piell swiftly neutralized four B2 super battle droids, but the arrival of three droidekas compelled him to surrender along with his crew. Although the Separatists initially believed that only Piell possessed the coordinates, they also took Tarkin and at least four clone Naval officers as prisoners. The captives were transported to the Separatist-controlled planet of Lola Sayu, where they were incarcerated within the maximum-security Citadel complex, notorious for its impenetrable design and its history of housing rogue Jedi.
Within the Citadel, Piell, Tarkin, and the clone officers were held captive under the supervision of the cruel prison warden, Osi Sobeck. Tasked directly by Count Dooku with extracting the Nexus Route coordinates from Piell, Sobeck made the decision to isolate Piell from the other officers by placing him in a separate cell. On Sobeck's orders, Piell was suspended above the floor by a containment field. Over the subsequent weeks, Piell endured repeated torture sessions administered by an EV-series medical droid and its four BX-series commando assistants. Despite the grueling conditions, which included repeated electrocution with an electrostaff, Piell remained resolute and refused to yield. Meanwhile, the Republic became aware of Piell's capture, and the Jedi swiftly organized a rescue operation to extract Piell before the Separatists could obtain the Nexus Route coordinates. Led by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, a team consisting of soldiers from the 212th Attack Battalion and the 501st Legion, along with Skywalker's Padawan Ahsoka Tano, embarked for Lola Sayu.

As the rescue team arrived at Lola Sayu and infiltrated the Citadel, Piell was undergoing torture in his cell, inadvertently alerting Sobeck to their presence. Following several rounds of electrocution, the EV-series droid attempted to negotiate with Piell, promising to cease the pain if he divulged the information. Still reeling from the shocks, Piell stood firm and retorted that no droid could break his resolve. Instructing Piell to "say goodbye to [his] one good eye," the droid prepared to pierce Piell's remaining eye with a needle when the rescue team reached the cell. After Captain Rex and ARC Troopers Echo and Fives eliminated the five droids within the room, Skywalker, Kenobi, and Tano entered while the rest of the team secured the corridor. Skywalker employed his lightsaber to disable the containment field generator, and Kenobi caught Piell before he could plummet to the ground. Upon seeing his Jedi rescuers, Piell quipped about their tardiness and then proudly declared to Skywalker that it would take more than the Citadel to break him.
When Skywalker inquired whether Piell possessed the Nexus Route coordinates, Piell informed the team that he only held half of the information and that Captain Tarkin possessed the other half. Upon learning that Piell's officers were also being held captive, Kenobi and Skywalker revised their strategy to incorporate their rescue. As the team advanced towards the other cell blocks, Sobeck dispatched a squad of commando droids to intercept them. Kenobi returned Piell's recovered lightsaber, and Piell assisted in destroying the droids. Sobeck, monitoring the situation from his command center, activated the magnetized ceiling, causing the team's weapons, along with Skywalker propelled by his mechanical arm, to be pulled upwards. Shortly thereafter, another squad of commandos arrived, and Sobeck warned the group via the intercom that they would remain his prisoners for an extended period. Piell, along with Kenobi and Tano, utilized the Force to push against the oncoming commando droids, only to discover that they were magnetized to the floor.

While the Jedi below continued to resist the droids, Skywalker managed to retrieve his lightsaber and sever the magnetic components within the ceiling. With their weapons restored, Piell and the rescue team swiftly dispatched the droids. With Sobeck in pursuit, the group hurried to the cellblock, where they liberated Tarkin and the other officers. Upon seeing Piell, Tarkin expressed his surprise at seeing him again, and Piell introduced the captain to Kenobi and Skywalker. Addressing the two Jedi, Tarkin inquired about their escape strategy, pointing out that if Sobeck had initiated a lockdown of the facility, there would be at least ten squads en route to intercept them. Kenobi proposed dividing the team into two groups, one under his command and the other under Skywalker's. Kenobi believed this approach would increase the likelihood of at least one group discovering an escape route while also ensuring that Piell and Tarkin remained separated, so that if either group were captured, the Nexus Route intel would remain incomplete.
Despite Tarkin's objections to Kenobi's plan, arguing that maintaining a unified group would enhance their chances of safeguarding the information, Piell sided with Obi-Wan. Piell instructed Tarkin to accompany Skywalker while he would accompany Kenobi, and the captain conceded. While Skywalker's team departed to escape the Citadel through its underground tunnels, Piell and Kenobi's team headed for the upper levels to create a diversion. As the group traversed the facility, the clones strategically placed explosives along the hallways. After Kenobi detonated the bombs, causing the entire Citadel tower to tremble, he, Piell, and the clones concealed themselves within the ventilation shafts to evade detection by Sobeck's droid forces. Coordinating an escape strategy with R2-D2 and his squadron of reprogrammed battle droids, who were piloting the rescue team's shuttle, Kenobi led Piell and the others to a shaft that would lead them to the rear landing platform for extraction. If timed correctly, the shuttle would simultaneously pick up Skywalker's group from a nearby pipeline exit.

As the group ascended the ventilation shaft, Commander Cody encountered a Separatist probe droid, which attempted to flee. With agility, Piell leaped from level to level, catching up to the droid and bisecting it with his lightsaber before descending back to the team below. Kenobi called out to Piell, inquiring whether he had eliminated the droid, but Piell glanced upwards, noticing the security doors beginning to close on each level. Kenobi warned the team to move out of the way, but he was separated from the rest of the group when the door closed beneath him. Piell was also isolated by the closing doors but sliced through to the others with his lightsaber, informing Kenobi that one of his soldiers had been crushed. Re-igniting his lightsaber, Piell informed Obi-Wan that they had some cutting to do. Piell and Kenobi cut their way through the remaining portion of the ventilation shaft, then led the clones down another series of passages to the landing pad, where they observed the Republic's stolen shuttle but found no sign of R2.
Suspecting that they might be walking into a trap, Piell, Kenobi, and the clones utilized ascension cables to reach a platform beneath the landing pad. When Kenobi attempted to contact Skywalker, he instead heard Sobeck, who revealed that he had anticipated the team's movements. Suddenly, several turrets activated and targeted Piell and the others, while a squad of commando droids, droidekas, and an LM-432 crab droid surrounded them. The group was escorted to the command center at the Citadel's peak, where Sobeck demanded that Piell relinquish his half of the information, or else he would commence executing the clones. Piell refused, declaring to Sobeck that he and all his men would willingly die to safeguard the intel. Sobeck scoffed at Piell and then fatally shot one of Kenobi's soldiers at point-blank range. Before Sobeck could execute another clone, the tactical droid K2-B4 informed him that Skywalker's team had been located. Sobeck ordered his droids to transport Piell, Kenobi, and the surviving clones to interrogation for torture.

While Piell and Kenobi's group was being escorted to the prison block, they were intercepted by R2-D2 and his droid squad, who had learned of their capture from a computer terminal within the facility. R2-D2's second-in-command, OOM-10, persuaded the droid escort to transfer the prisoners to the squad. Freed from their restraints, the group returned to the rear landing pad, where they discovered a detachment of battle droids guarding the shuttle. OOM-10 attempted to conceal the escape by claiming that the prisoners were being transported to an outpost at Point Tarron, but the ruse failed to deceive the guards, who responded that there was no such outpost. Piell exchanged a concerned glance with Kenobi, but R2 and OOM-10 insisted that they had orders to board the shuttle. The droid guards briefly relented but, while allowing the group to pass, were notified by K2-B4 that the prisoners were escaping with the assistance of reprogrammed battle droids. Kenobi ignited his lightsaber and struck down one of the droids, and OOM-10 shot the other.
With their escape compromised, the group sought cover as four manned turrets surrounding the landing pad began firing upon them. Piell, Kenobi, and two of Piell's clone officers sought refuge behind one stack of shipping crates, while the rest of the team dispersed behind two others. One of R2-D2's droids was downed in the chaos, and a unit of Separatist battle droids, including two crab droids, entered the landing zone. While Piell and Kenobi's group sought cover, Skywalker and his team arrived from the rear of the landing pad, having implemented Plan B after the shuttle failed to arrive at their designated pickup point. With no immediate solution in sight, Tarkin suggested that the group launch a frontal assault against the oncoming droids and reclaim the shuttle. Kenobi reminded him of the turrets, which would obliterate the ship. Before they could reach a decision, Skywalker pointed out an approaching trio of STAP vehicles, which opened fire on Piell and the others. After evading the blasterfire, the four Jedi ignited their lightsabers and prepared to deflect the second volley.

As the STAPs closed in during their second pass, Piell leaped onto Skywalker's shoulders before using him as a springboard to launch himself higher above the ground, where he sliced through one of the STAPs and its droid pilot. Taking inspiration from Piell, Skywalker jumped into the air and commandeered another STAP. When the third STAP attempted to shoot Skywalker down, Anakin flew close to the ground, enabling Piell to leap into the air and latch onto him. Hanging off Skywalker's back, Piell used his lightsaber to redirect the blasterfire back towards the STAP, causing it to explode. Simultaneously, a squadron of commando droids entered the landing pad, one of which proceeded to take control of one of the turrets. ARC Trooper Echo notified Skywalker of this, and Skywalker piloted the STAP towards the turret. Both opened fire, but the commando droid managed to strike the STAP first, sending Piell and Skywalker hurtling towards the ground. Echo attempted to board the shuttle, but the commando droid fired upon the ship, destroying it.
With the destruction of their craft and Echo's apparent demise, Piell and the strike team were compelled to escape into the cave system beneath the Citadel. Resorting to a final contingency plan, Kenobi and Skywalker contacted the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Upon learning of the shuttle's destruction, Masters Koon and Tiin immediately prepared to assemble a much larger rescue operation and transmitted a rendezvous point to the group. Within the caves, Captain Rex informed the group that they would need to hold out until the Republic ship arrived. Piell responded with determination, asserting that it would not pose a problem for them. Fives cautioned that the Lola Sayu landscape would be challenging to traverse, but the group remained committed and commenced their trek towards the rendezvous point. During the hike, their route was compromised by Sobeck's droid forces, who were patrolling the region. After evading detection and finding a secluded spot, Tano inquired about the team's next course of action.

Kenobi stated that they needed to contact the Council to ascertain when the rescue would take place. Piell insisted on handling it himself, and R2-D2 established contact with Masters Windu and Yoda. Windu remarked that it was good to see Piell alive, and Piell informed his old friend that their route had been compromised and Sobeck's droids were closing in. Windu replied that Koon's fleet was already en route. Yoda added that LAAT gunships would be dispatched to the surface to evacuate the group, but the rescue had a limited window of opportunity. After the briefing concluded, a trio of commando droids arrived and opened fire. Rex and Fives were able to eliminate the droids, and the group continued on their journey. After exiting the caves, the group found themselves on the edge of a cliff face, where Sobeck's droids began to encircle them. While R2 and his squad held off the oncoming droids, Piell and the others utilized ascension cables to descend the cliffs to the lava riverbank below.
Despite their efforts, the Separatist droids decimated R2's squad. One droid fired at the cables, severing one and causing two clones, including one of Piell's officers, to plummet to their deaths. The surviving group escaped into another cave opening, which led further down the river. After ensuring they were clear, Kenobi and Piell led the group out of the caves and back into the open. Emboldened by his belief that the Jedi were ill-equipped for military strategy, Tarkin inquired what the strike team would do if Koon's gunships failed to arrive. Annoyed by Tarkin's attitude, Piell retorted that Tarkin would not need to concern himself with that as long as he kept moving. Shortly thereafter, Piell heard the howls of a pack of anooba hounds that Sobeck had unleashed and remarked that they were about to have company. As they continued walking, Skywalker advised Tarkin that it was unwise to argue with Piell, but Tarkin dismissed his concern, stating that he could stand by his principles since he was in Chancellor Palpatine's favor.

As the group continued their trek, the howls grew louder, and Piell realized that if the creatures had caught their scent, they would lead the droids directly to the fugitives. He proposed that if they could lure Sobeck's forces past them, they could launch a surprise attack from behind. Skywalker, Kenobi, and R2 volunteered to proceed forward to distract the hounds and the droids, and Piell directed the rest of the survivors to follow him into the caves. Piell's plan proved successful, and the anoobas followed Skywalker and Kenobi's scent right past the rest of the group. While trailing the anooba hounds, however, they were ambushed by two crab droids, which killed one of Piell's two remaining clone officers. After using his lightsaber to destroy one of the droids, Piell instructed the rest of the strike team to continue moving while he and Tano dealt with the droids. As Tarkin and the clones fled towards Kenobi and Skywalker's position, Piell and Tano engaged the crab droids. Utilizing his leaping abilities and stature to evade blasterfire, Piell was able to slice straight through one of the droids.
Soon, Piell and Tano had destroyed the remaining two. While plunging his lightsaber into one, however, Piell failed to notice an anooba stalking the cliff above. The hound pounced and attacked him. Seizing Piell's neck with its teeth, the anooba lifted him and slammed him back onto the ground before Tano intervened. Positioning herself between Piell and the anooba, Tano used the Force to hurl the hound over the cliff. Distraught by Piell's condition, Tano went to seek help, but Piell instructed her to remain and informed her that he would entrust her with his information regarding the Nexus Route and that she had to deliver it directly to the Jedi Council. Despite his pleas, Tano suggested finding Kenobi or Skywalker before revealing that she had fabricated her reasons for joining the mission. The dying Piell dismissed her concerns, telling her that she was now the most crucial element of the mission. In his final moments, Piell imparted his half of the intel to Ahsoka before succumbing to his injuries.

Following Piell's death, Tano carried his body to Kenobi and Skywalker's location, where the remainder of the strike team had defeated the remaining anoobas and more of Sobeck's forces. Kenobi expressed disbelief at Piell's demise, and Tano somberly informed the group that he had died honorably and revealed that she now possessed his half of the Nexus Route coordinates. With limited time remaining and no opportunity to transport Piell's body with them, Kenobi, Skywalker, and Tano wrapped his body in cloth and conducted a brief funerary service. Paying tribute to their fallen comrade with a makeshift Jedi funeral, Kenobi and Skywalker gently levitated the body using the Force and placed him on the lava river, where it was consumed by flames and cascaded down a lava-fall, and Piell's body merged with the Force. Continuing with their mission, the strike team reached the rendezvous point while Master Tiin led a naval fleet in battle above Lola Sayu. Sobeck himself attempted to impede the fugitives but was slain by Tano when he attempted to kill Tarkin, after which Koon arrived to extract them.
Barely escaping Lola Sayu, the Republic task force fled the planet and returned to Coruscant with the Nexus Route coordinates secured. At the Jedi Temple, Yoda and Windu expressed their sorrow upon hearing of Master Piell's death. Koon added that Piell's sacrifice had prevented the coordinates from falling into Separatist hands. A complication arose when Tarkin refused to provide the Order with his intel, having been instructed to deliver his half to Chancellor Palpatine. Upholding her promise to Piell, Tano was adamant in providing her half of the information solely to the Council, and Yoda opted to consult Palpatine to find a resolution to the issue. Although honored for his sacrifice and protection of the Nexus Route, Piell's death ultimately proved futile. Historians theorized that Palpatine, secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious who had orchestrated both sides of the Clone Wars, provided the Nexus Route coordinates to his Separatist pawns to facilitate a surprise attack on Coruscant during the war's final stages.

At the conclusion of the Clone Wars, Sidious presided over the surrender of the Confederacy and the transformation of the Republic into what would become the first Galactic Empire. As an integral part of his Grand Plan, he also initiated the Great Jedi Purge, which resulted in the extermination of the vast majority of the Jedi Order. Among the officers who transitioned into service within the Empire was Tarkin, whose career trajectory saw incredibly fast advancement. Despite his significant influence and elevated standing within the Empire, coupled with widespread anti-Jedi sentiment, Tarkin continued to harbor personal respect for Even Piell, even many years after the general's passing. Although he admired Piell's combat prowess, Tarkin consistently argued that Piell was a poor strategist and that their capture by Separatists would have been avoided had Piell listened to him instead. During a mission to Murkhana in 14 BBY, Tarkin challenged Darth Vader's command style of dividing their forces, recalling how the Jedi's use of the same tactic on Lola Sayu had resulted in the deaths of Piell and numerous others.
Even Piell, who passed away during the Clone Wars, was remembered fondly by some, and tales of his heroic acts continued to circulate. An unidentified artist, who archivists at the Graf Archive believe to be the isolated Ithorian named Gammit Chond, learned about the legendary Jedi Master and portrayed him in a journal filled with sketches of various species. This journal found its way into the Shadow Stacks of the Graf Archive located on Orchis 2, where it was eventually restored and made available to the public. For the publication, the Archive paired each artwork with information sourced from its extensive library. In the entry dedicated to Lannik, Piell was recognized as one of the most celebrated members of his species.
Even Piell was a Lannik male characterized by blue eyes and hair that had begun to gray by the time he was 32 BBY. Piell styled his hair in a Jedi topknot, secured by a band at the base of his head and a decorative clip at the end. During a confrontation with terrorists on his home planet, Piell sustained severe facial injuries that left him with extensive scarring and the loss of one eye. Piell chose not to conceal his missing eye or attempt to heal the prominent scars on his face, instead regarding these wounds as a badge of honor and a testament to his courage. As is typical of the Lannik species, Piell was of short stature, standing at only 1.22 meters, or 4 feet. He weighed 41 kilograms and jokingly compared his physique to that of a "hovertank." As a Lannik, Piell possessed long and pink ears that were considered attractive among his people, although their length sometimes presented challenges.

Despite his diminutive size, Piell was a towering figure among the Jedi, and his height often led to underestimation by others. As a formidable warrior and seasoned Jedi who strongly upheld the Order's traditions, Piell had a reputation for being gruff. Some perceived him as blunt and aggressive, an impression reinforced by his scarred face, which perpetually gave the impression that he was scowling. Due to joining the Jedi Order relatively late in life, Piell retained some of the cultural influences from his homeworld and, throughout his life, spoke in a more informal manner than his peers, including the use of slang and curse words. Piell's voice had a rough quality, almost like a growl, and he spoke with a thick accent that some found difficult to understand, a reality he had come to expect when interacting with those unfamiliar with his voice. He frequently spoke with remarkable directness, making statements or asking questions that could catch people off guard.
Although Piell was comfortable with his physical appearance and mannerisms, he was keenly aware that he could be perceived as off-putting. As a result, Piell struggled with first encounters, as strangers often did not know what to make of the Jedi Master. Despite his gruff exterior, he possessed a deep affection for people and accepted that it was his fate to intimidate some despite his outgoing personality. Piell's inherent compassion for others was nurtured during his initial return to his homeworld after joining the Jedi Order. During that visit, Piell witnessed the suffering and hardships faced by his fellow Lannik and saw reflections of himself in each of the individuals he had left behind. Piell believed that this journey transformed his consciousness, leading him to the conclusion that all beings were his kin. Consequently, he considered himself to be the most attuned to the Living Force among the members of the High Council. Unlike some of his colleagues on the Council, Piell found it significantly easier to connect and engage with ordinary citizens of the galaxy.
Preferring the company of everyday people over matters of galactic importance, Piell had a disdain for political intricacies and a distrust of politicians. He also held negative views of corporate and industrial entities and, during the Council's mission to Kwenn, only tolerated the education system's funding by Rendili Hyperworks and the Mercantile Guild because he lacked the authority to implement the reforms he desired. As a Council member, Piell also advocated for younger generations, including those in the Slice, such as on Yitabo and Kwenn. On Kwenn, his primary role was organizing outings for truant students, and he dedicated much of his time to serving as a positive role model for the hundreds of troubled children he mentored, many of whom faced challenging home environments and a lack of education. With his understanding and sharp wit, Piell easily won the affection of the children.

Even during the Clone Wars, a period marked by the deaths of many comrades and weeks of torture at the Citadel, Piell remained the battle-ready and larger-than-life Lannik he had always been, even displaying his characteristic humor after being freed from captivity. As a General, Piell maintained a relationship of mutual respect with his second-in-command, Wilhuff Tarkin, although their differing strategic views occasionally led to tension. Tarkin, who believed that the Jedi were ill-suited for military leadership, criticized Piell's tactical decisions and held him responsible for their capture during the Clone Wars, while Piell found Tarkin's arrogance irritating. Although some, including Anakin Skywalker, considered arguing with Piell a futile endeavor, Tarkin openly voiced his opinions due to the backing of Chancellor Palpatine. Despite their disagreements, Piell and Tarkin formed an effective team, leading numerous successful missions during the war.
While he maintained his sense of humor even in the heat of battle, Piell understood the gravity of certain situations and demonstrated unwavering devotion to the Jedi Order. In the Citadel, he notably refused to break under the torture inflicted by Osi Sobeck, quickly regaining his composure after being freed and firmly asserting that nothing within the Citadel could break him. When later recaptured by Sobeck, Piell remained steadfast in his defense, declaring that he and his soldiers were willing to die to protect the Nexus Route coordinates. Even after the strike team faced significant challenges escaping the prison complex, Piell sought to inspire the others with confident assertions that they could defeat Sobeck's forces a second time. In his final moments, Piell continued to demand resilience, this time from Padawan Ahsoka Tano. To persuade her to accept the responsibility, Piell dismissed her concerns about her age and status on the mission before entrusting her with his half of the Nexus Route coordinates.

Even Piell, a seasoned and formidable warrior, was an accomplished swordsman, and his prestigious rank within the Council attested to his exceptional combat skills. According to Captain Tarkin, Piell was highly skilled in lightsaber combat and, in his estimation, seemed to have incorporated elements of every Form into his fighting style. Due to his short stature, Piell favored an acrobatic style that suited smaller duelists. As a Force-sensitive individual, Piell could employ telekinesis during combat, as demonstrated during his capture during the Clone Wars and the Battle of Lola Sayu. Furthermore, Piell possessed strong meditative abilities.
Although Piell excelled in combat and was a natural leader, some considered his strategic abilities to be lacking. According to Tarkin, a renowned military strategist, Piell's tactical skills were somewhat below par. As a Lannik, Piell benefitted from enhanced hearing due to his species' long ears, although they could be cumbersome and sensitive in thin atmospheres.
As a member of the Jedi Order, Piell carried a lightsaber, but his small size required him to use a shoto lightsaber. Similar to Master Yoda, Piell wielded a shoto that was significantly shorter than the standard lightsaber length, a practical adjustment to accommodate his height. The hilt of Piell's lightsaber had a chrome-like sheen, and the plasma energy blade emitted a vibrant green color. While some Jedi wore distinctive cultural attire, Piell wore standard Jedi robes and also owned a medical droid that he kept stationed on Coruscant.
Even Piell made his first appearance in the film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, written and directed by George Lucas and released on May 19, 1999. Although the character is male, Piell is portrayed in The Phantom Menace by actress Michaela Cottrell, and is seen in scenes featuring the Jedi High Council. To portray Piell, Cottrell had to wear facial prosthetics and heavy makeup. Piell's short height and long ears led some fans to speculate about a possible connection between Piell and Yoda, and the resemblance led some to refer to Piell as "the pink Yoda," although he is a different species. Archival footage of Cottrell as Piell is used for Council scenes in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones.

In the television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Piell is voiced by Blair Bess in the season three episodes "The Citadel," "Counterattack," and "Citadel Rescue," which were released between February 18 and March 11, 2011. Before the release of these episodes, Piell's in-universe death is depicted in the Legends novel Coruscant Nights I: Jedi Twilight, but the story was retconned by The Clone Wars when Piell dies during the events of "Citadel Rescue."
When writing the 2024 novel The Living Force, which features Even Piell and expands upon the character's Canon backstory, author John Jackson Miller, whose works often offer a critique of the Jedi Order, wanted Piell to be among the members of the High Council who were open to new ideas and thus had Piell sympathize with Qui-Gon Jinn's criticism of the Council. For inspiration when writing Piell, Miller consulted his appearances in the 1998 comic series Star Wars: Republic and based his personality on the background information provided in the comic. In The Living Force, Miller portrayed Piell as a "street-wise and tough" Jedi, further emphasizing the heavy accent he has in The Clone Wars as a way to distinguish Piell from the other High Council members.
In the 2015 reference book Ultimate Star Wars, Piell's species is mistakenly identified as Zabrak. "A Jedi Tale," a 2021 short story published in Star Wars Galactic Storybook, depicts the Jedi High Council as it appears in The Phantom Menace but excludes Piell, who is replaced by a human Jedi in the adaptation.