Military Creation Act

The Military Creation Act was a piece of legislation brought before the Galactic Senate during the Separatist Crisis. Its purpose was to authorize the Galactic Republic to establish a formal army for defense and combat against the Confederacy of Independent Systems, a collection of star systems that had seceded from the Republic. Senator Padmé Amidala, along with other senators within the Loyalist Committee, voiced opposition to the proposed law. As the Separatist threat became increasingly apparent to the Senate, Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks suggested granting Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine emergency powers to independently raise an army. The subsequent passing of the Emergency Powers Act led to the Republic's adoption of the clone troopers from Kamino as the Grand Army of the Republic, ultimately triggering the Clone Wars and the eventual rise of the Galactic Empire.

The ramifications of this legislative action were felt immediately. Several star systems proclaimed their independence, hesitant to increase their tax contributions to fund the new military. Others stated their intention to maintain their existing armed forces rather than rely on the future Republic Army. The Corellia system, a founding member of the Galactic Republic, even chose to close its borders, though without formally declaring independence.

Honor Salima, who served as the commander of the Coruscant Home Defense Fleet, gained access to enhanced technologies made available as a result of the act.

