Honor Salima was a Coruscant native human who called the planet home. She was an officer within the Republic Navy, holding the position of commanding officer for the Coruscant Home Defense Fleet. This Republic fleet, dedicated to planetary defense, was under her command for a decade leading up to the Clone Wars. Following the approval of the Military Creation Act and the start of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, Salima oversaw the integration of new technologies into her fleet.
In 19 BBY, the Confederacy of Independent Systems launched an attack against Coruscant, successfully abducting the Republic's Supreme Chancellor, Sheev Palpatine. Salima, still in command of the Coruscant Home Defense Fleet, rapidly organized her forces. She issued orders to close in on the Separatist forces, preventing their disengagement and escape. Furthermore, she strategically positioned the fleet at the hyperspace jump point to block the Separatists from fleeing the system with the Chancellor.
Honor Salima possessed dark skin, brown [eyes](/article/eye], and dark hair. She typically wore the standard uniform of a Republic officer.
Honor Salima's character was first introduced in the 2017 reference book titled Star Wars: On the Front Lines, authored by Daniel Wallace. Aaron Riley created the illustration of her portrait.