The year 19 BBY, which corresponds to 3258 LY on the Lothal Calendar and 7958 in the C.R.C. calendar, witnessed a series of significant occurrences. It's worth noting that, using the C.R.C. system, events from 19 BBY could also be dated to the year 7959. ## Key Events - The criminal enterprise established by Maul , known as the Shadow Collective , was initially created [9] , subsequently dismantled [10] , and then brought back together [11] . - Despite being acquitted at her trial concerning the Jedi Temple hangar bombing (where Barriss Offee was the actual perpetrator), Ahsoka Tano chose to depart from the Jedi Order [12] . - Order 66 was prematurely triggered in clone trooper Tup during the Battle of Ringo Vinda , which led ARC trooper Fives to uncover the existence of control chips and understand their ability to force clone troopers to eliminate the Jedi without question. Tragically, the ARC trooper was killed by members of the Coruscant Guard before he could adequately alert his fellow clones and the Jedi [13] [14] [15] . - Following a genocidal attack on the planet Mahranee , the Jedi High Council reluctantly gave the go-ahead for a plan to assassinate Count Dooku , dispatching Jedi Master Quinlan Vos on a covert mission to collaborate with Dooku's former assassin, Asajj Ventress , to carry out the task [16] . - Mother Talzin met her end at the hands of General Grievous during the Second Battle of Dathomir [10] . - Tano formed friendships with Level 1313 inhabitant Trace Martez and her sibling Rafa ; subsequently, the trio became embroiled in difficulties with the Pyke Syndicate after Rafa was compelled to enlist her sister in a spice -smuggling operation [17] [18] . - Echo , an ARC trooper, was discovered to be alive and held captive by the Techno Union . Anakin Skywalker , Captain Rex , and Clone Force 99 successfully rescued him [19] . - The Siege of Mandalore commenced. Ahsoka Tano, in cooperation with Lady Bo-Katan Kryze and the Mandalore resistance , requested assistance from Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi . With the abrupt recall of the two Jedi Generals to the Battle of Coruscant , Skywalker divided the 501st Legion and granted Tano a new division , which included the 332nd Company . Given Tano's status as a non-member of the Grand Army of the Republic , Skywalker promoted Rex to Commander to command the unit, while Tano officially functioned as an advisor [20] . - Anakin Skywalker decapitated Count Dooku after a lightsaber fight on the Invisible Hand [1] . - Skywalker and Kenobi were successful in their mission to extract Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from the Invisible Hand [1] . - Skywalker received the revelation from Chancellor Palpatine that he was a Dark Lord of the Sith [1] . - Kenobi killed General Grievous on Utapau [1] . - Anakin Skywalker shared his findings regarding Chancellor Palpatine with Mace Windu [1] . - Upon discovering that the Chancellor was a Sith Lord , Mace Windu, Kit Fisto , Agen Kolar , and Saesee Tiin attempted to apprehend Palpatine; however, they failed and were slain by Sidious, who received aid from the manipulated Anakin Skywalker. Following this, Skywalker transitioned into Darth Vader, becoming Sidious's new apprentice [1] . - Under Vader's command, clone troopers besieged the Jedi Temple [1] . - The Great Jedi Purge was initiated with Order 66 [1] . - Palpatine, declaring himself the Galactic Emperor , founded the Galactic Empire , which replaced the Galactic Republic and placed the galaxy directly under the control of the Sith [1] . - The Galactic Senate was reformed into the Imperial Senate [1] . - Darth Vader slaughtered the Separatist Council on Mustafar , remotely deactivated the Separatist Droid Army , and thereby dissolved the Confederacy of Independent Systems , bringing an end to the Clone Wars [1] . - Yoda and Sidious engaged in a duel within the Senate Building [1] . - Kenobi and Vader fought a duel on Mustafar. After losing his remaining organic limbs, Vader was encased in a cybernetic suit of armor [1] . - Padmé Amidala , Anakin Skywalker's secret spouse, passed away on Polis Massa after giving birth to their offspring, Luke and Leia . Her funeral was held on Naboo [1] . - Fearing that Anakin's children would be targeted due to the threat they posed to the Emperor, Jedi Masters Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi , along with Senator Bail Organa , made a pact to conceal the whereabouts of the Skywalker twins [21] [1] . Consequently, the House of Organa , the royal family of Alderaan , adopted Leia, while the Lars family of Tatooine took in Luke Skywalker [1] . - Yoda entered a period of self-imposed exile on Dagobah , while Kenobi chose to live as a hermit on Tatooine , keeping watch over Luke Skywalker [1] . - Following the crash [22] of the Tribunal [23] , which was triggered by onboard fighting resulting from the implementation of Order 66 and the escape of Maul [22] , Ahsoka Tano and Rex went into hiding in the Outer Rim to evade the Empire. Tano staged her own death [24] by leaving her lightsabers at the crash site [25] . - Saw Gerrera from Onderon established his rebel group, known as the Partisans [26] . - The " dark times " began with fall of the Republic [1] [27] . - Tipoca City was destroyed by the Empire [28] [29] - Tano, using the alias Ashla, settled with the Fardi clan on the Outer Rim planet of Thabeska [24] . - The Hidden Path was established [30] . ## Combat Engagements Fall of the Republic/Clone Wars: - Duel at unidentified Outer Rim spaceport [31] - Raid on the Cybloc Transfer Station [31] - Skirmish on Florrum [31] - Mission to Mustafar (Death Watch) [9] - Mission to Nal Hutta [9] - Attack on Jabba's Palace [9] - Takeover of Mandalore [32] - Battle of Mandalore [3] - Battle of Cato Neimoidia (501st Legion) [33] - Bombing of the Jedi Temple hangar [33] - Funeral of the Jedi Temple bombing victims [34] - Escape from the Republic military base [34] - Capture of Ahsoka Tano [35] - Trial of Ahsoka Tano [12] - Duel at the Jedi Temple [12] - Battle of Ringo Vinda [13] - Escape from Tipoca City [14] - Escape from the Grand Republic Medical Facility [15] - Mission to Level 1325 [15] - Mission to Scipio [36] - Battle of Scipio [37] - Mission to Bardotta [38] - Mission to Zardossa Stix [39] - Mission to Oba Diah [40] - Mission to Moraband [41] - Mission to Utapau [42] - Funeral of Tu-Anh [42] - Battle of Agamar [43] - Invasion of Utapau [44] - Mission to Batuu [45] - Mission to Mokivj [45] - Atrocity on Mahranee [16] - Capture of Moregi [16] - Rescue of Marg Krim's family [16] - Mission to Raxus Secundus [16] - Battle of Haruun Kal [46] - Escape from the Spire [47] - Battle of Zanbar [47] - Battle of Ord Mantell [48] - Assault on Vizsla Keep 09 [49] - Second Battle of Dathomir [10] - Mission to Serenno [16] - Rescue of Quinlan Vos [16] - Destruction of the Separatist supply storage base [16] - Destruction of the Vanqor listening station [16] - Second battle of Christophsis [16] - Raid on a Pyke Syndicate shipment [11] - Escape from Oba Diah [18] - Bombing at the Jedi Temple [46] - Insurrection on Yalbec Prime [50] - Battle of Anaxes [50] - Mission to Skako Minor [19] - Skirmish on Kardoa [51] - Third Battle of Mygeeto [52] - Funeral of Stance [53] - Battle on Lokori [2] - Siege at Onderon [20] - Battle of Yerbana [20] - Battle of Coruscant [1] - Siege of Mandalore [24] - Battle of Kashyyyk [1] - Battle of Utapau [1] - Mygeeto Campaign [1] - Battle of Felucia [1] - Battle of Cato Neimoidia [1] - Conquest of Kaller [54] - Battle against a Separatist dreadnought [55] - Attack in an unidentified sector [56] - Siege of Saleucami [1] - Mission to Frong [57] - Battle of Slag's Pit (Approximate date) [58] - Duel in Palpatine's office [1] Great Jedi Purge/Imperial Era: - Operation: Knightfall [1] - Skirmish aboard the Tribunal [59] - Skirmish aboard the Albedo Brave [55] - Skirmish on Zeffo [55] - Mission to Mustafar [1] - Proclamation of the New Order [1] - Duel on Mustafar [1] - Duel in the Galactic Senate [1] - Ambush in the Coruscant system [60] - Padmé Amidala's funeral [1] - First mission to Onderon [61] - Escape from Kamino [61] - Celebration of the Jedi Order's eradication [62] - Skirmish at Saleucami town [63] - Second mission to Onderon [64] [29] - Recapture of Vader's starship [62] - Attack on Brighthome [65] - Mission to Al'doleem [66] - Chase on Pantora [67] [29] - Rescue of Muchi [68] [29] - Mission to a droid decommissioning facility [69] [29] - Hunt for Jocasta Nu [70] - Assassination attempts on Darth Vader [71] Mission to Cabarria[71] - Theft of Ruby [72] [29] - Mission on Bracca [73] [29] - Rescue of Omega [74] [29] - Extraction on Raxus [75] [29] - Rescue of Hera Syndulla [76] [29] - Rescue on Ryloth [77] [29] - Theft on Ord Mantell [78] [29] - Rix Road protest [79] - Attack on Kamino [80] [29] - Extraction on Daro [80] [29] - Rescue of Hunter [28] [29] ## Births - Ciena Ree [30], Wynnet Ree [30], and Thane Kyrell [81] were all born on Jelucan [81]. - Ezra Bridger was born on Lothal [30]. - Luke Skywalker [30] and Leia Amidala Skywalker [30] were born on Polis Massa [1]. - Jude Edivon was born on Bespin [81]. - Stekan Sculdun was born on Chandrila (Approximate date) [82]. - Kay Vess was born on Cantonica (Approximate date) [83]. ## Fatalities - During the Duel at unidentified Outer Rim spaceport [31]: Finn Ertay [31] and a Nikto Jedi [31] died. - Raid on the Cybloc Transfer Station [31]: SD-357 [31] and a Spaceport police droid [31] were destroyed. - Adi Gallia died during the skirmish on Florrum [31]. - During the Mission to Mustafar [9]: A Black Sun leader [9] and Xomit Grunseit [9] were killed. - Oruba died during the Mission to Nal Hutta [9]. - During the Takeover of Mandalore [32]: A tour guide droid [32], a Mandalorian police officer [32], and Pre Vizsla [32] were killed. - During the Battle of Sundari [3]: Veraslayn Kast [84], Satine Kryze [3], and Savage Opress [3] perished. - During the bombing of the Jedi Temple Hangar [33]: Jackar Bowmani [33] and Tutso Mara [34] lost their lives. - Letta Turmond was killed before the escape from the Republic military base [34]. - During the Battle of Ringo Vinda [13]: Tiplar [13] and Commander Kraken [13] (later rebuilt to participate in the Battle of Scipio) [37] died. - Tup died before the escape from Tipoca City [85]. - Fives was killed during the mission to Level 1325 [15]. - Boroklif was killed during the Mission to Mokivj [45]. - Teckla Minnau died on Scipio [36]. - During the Battle of Scipio [37]: Commander Thorn [37], Bec Lawise [37], and Senator Rush Clovis [37] were killed. - Peteen died on Zardossa Stix [38]. - During the Mission to Oba Diah [40]: Silman [40] and Lom Pyke [40] died. - Tu-Anh died before the Mission to Utapau [42]. - During the Mission to Utapau [86]: An ST-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid [86], Governor Torul Blom [87], Endente [87], and Chong [88] were killed. - During the Attack on Mahranee [16]: Ashu-Nyamal [16], Chubor [16], Teegu [16], Rakshu [16], and Kamu [16] were killed. - Sumdin died during the Mission to Raxus Secundus [16]. - Tey-Zuka died during the Battle of Ord Mantell [48]. - Tiplee was killed during the Assault on Vizsla Keep 09 [49]. - Talzin was killed during the Second Battle of Dathomir [10]. - During the Second Battle of Christophsis [16]: Kav Bayons [16] and Akar-Deshu [16] were killed. - A Trandoshan manager died during the escape from Oba Diah [11]. - A Yalbec queen during the
An insurrection occurred on the planet Yalbec Prime. [50] - An OOM command battle droid was present during the Battle of Anaxes. [50][89] Also present was Trench[89] and a ST-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid.[89] - Stance was present during the Third Battle of Mygeeto. [52][52] Colonel Coburn Sear was also present.[53] - Li-Tan participated in the Battle on Lokori. [2] - An ST-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid was present during the battle of Yerbana. [20] - Vaughn and Almec were present during the Siege of Mandalore. [20][20][90] - R4-P17, Dooku, IG-101, and IG-102 were present during the Battle of Coruscant. [1][1][1][1] - Grievous and 2638 were present during the Battle of Utapau. [1][1] - Agen Kolar, Saesee Tiin, Kit Fisto, and Mace Windu participated in the duel in Palpatine's office. [1][1][1][1] - Ki-Adi-Mundi on Mygeeto, Aayla Secura on Felucia, Plo Koon on Cato Neimoidia, Stass Allie on Saleucami, Depa Billaba on Kaller, Chiata on Zeffo, Marseph on Zeffo, Jaro Tapal on the, Albedo Brave, and a Jedi Master on Kamino were present during Order 66. [1][1][1][1][61][55][55][55][91][61] - CC-1004 "Gree" was present on Kashyyyk. [1] - A Clone Commander was present on the Albedo Brave. [55] - A Clone Commander was present on Zeffo. [55] - Kaylon, Remo, Mixx, Soot, and Big-Mouth were present on Kaller. [92][92][92][92][92] - Ridge, a clone trooper, R7-A7 (rebuilt), CH-33P "Cheep", RG-G1 "G-G", a Republic officer, and Jesse were present during the skirmish aboard the Tribunal. [59][59][22][69][22][22][22] - Shaak Ti, Bene, Cin Drallig, Whie Malreaux, Zett Jukassa, Minas Velti, and a Naboo Royal Guard Captain were present during the siege of the Jedi Temple. [1][1][1][1][1][93][94] - Nank Tun, Denaria Kee, Passel Argente, Po Nudo, Poggle the Lesser, Rute Gunnay, San Hill, Shu Mai, Tikkes, Rune Haako, Wat Tambor, and Nute Gunray were present during the mission to Mustafar. [1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1] - Padmé Amidala was present on Polis Massa. [1] - Wynnet Ree was present on Jelucan. [81] - A male Partisan, a female Partisan, ES-01, and an Onderonian refugee were present during the second mission to Onderon. [64][64][64][64] - Ding and Kicker were aboard the Brighthome. [65][65] - Arex, Kirak Infil'a, Jogg, and Mareena were present on Al'doleem. [95][95][95][95] - CT-8508 was present on Bracca. [73] - Taun We was present on Bora Vio. [74] - ES-03 and ES-04 were present during the rescue of Hunter. [28][28][28] - Fox "Fox", Jocasta Nu, Tomas Azoras, Barokki, Zorta Bingan, Corin Ferro, and Joon Strephi were present on Coruscant. [96][96][97][97][97][97][97] - Ahmar and Dante were present on Nur. [98][98] - Clem Andor was present on Ferrix. [99]