Teckla Minnau served as a handmaiden to Senator Padmé Amidala during the era of the Clone Wars. She was a female human.
Leading up to the Clone Wars, Senator Padmé Amidala, accompanied by Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker for protection, journeyed back to Naboo. While residing at her Varykino residence, Teckla Minnau was present as one of her attendants. During a dinner event, Teckla provided Skywalker with a serving of fruit.
During the Clone Wars period, Teckla found herself on Coruscant during a Separatist attack that resulted in a power outage across the planet. This event led some members of the Galactic Senate to express support for a bill aimed at increasing the Republic's financial commitment to the clone army.
Following a Senate discussion regarding the proposal, Minnau went with Padmé from the Senate Building back to her office within the Senate Office Building. Minnau retrieved a datapad and waited as Padmé engaged in conversation with Senators Bail Organa and Onaconda Farr, her trusted allies, to strategize against the troop increase bill.
Later that night, Padmé, showing signs of a struggle after an encounter with bounty hunters, returned to her apartment. Minnau then used an antiseptic to treat the injuries on her face. Even though Minnau suggested informing the Jedi High Council about the incident, the senator declined, understanding that her attackers intended to prevent her from voting against the troop increase. Minnau offered moral support to Padmé, who was beginning to feel hopeless about defeating the bill. Upon Padmé's request, Minnau stayed at the apartment and shared stories about the effects of the spending on her family, who lived in a small village on Naboo with limited power and water for bathing.

This prompted Padmé to deliver a speech in the senate, which Teckla witnessed. The senator told her fellow delegates about Teckla and her family, and cited them as an example of the great suffering the Republic's military spending was causing to its people. Because of Teckla's story and the senator's words, the bill was defeated.
Later in the conflict, Teckla accompanied Padmé on a mission to Scipio, the location of the InterGalactic Banking Clan's headquarters. Amidala aimed to get a new loan from the Banking Clan to support refugees displaced by the war. Minnau went with Amidala to the Main Vault, located in Scipio's icy mountains. At the entrance to the neutral zone surrounding the Main Vault, Mak Plain, a Banking Clan representative, greeted Amidala, Minnau, and their associates. This zone was where all monetary transactions occurred without bias towards either the Republic or the Confederacy. While Senate Commandos remained outside, Minnau followed the senator and the Banking Clan representatives into the neutral zone and proceeded to the Vault's main rotunda. There, Amidala met with the Core Five, the Banking Clan's primary leaders. As Clu Lesser, the Core Five's spokesperson, introduced the special representative for discussions with Amidala, both Padmé and Teckla were taken by surprise when Rush Clovis entered the rotunda.
That evening, Plain escorted Padmé and Teckla to their guest quarters. Teckla thanked Plain before his departure. Immediately after, Teckla noticed someone approaching Padmé stealthily and issued a warning. Padmé, who had smuggled an ELG-3A blaster pistol into the Neutral Zone, aimed her blaster at the intruder, who turned out to be Clovis. He told Padmé that he needed her help, and despite Teckla's objections, the senator decided to listen to him and followed him onto the room's balcony for a private conversation. Clovis explained that he suspected the banks were empty of funds, but the evidence was inaccessible within the Main Vault's records, which only the Core Five could access.
At that moment, sniper shots were fired by Embo, a bounty hunter positioned too far away to be identified. The shots narrowly missed the senators. Clovis implored Padmé to pressure the Core Five to grant access to the Main Vault, then escaped on a hover sledge parked several meters below the balcony. After the local Muun authorities arrived to ensure Amidala's safety, Teckla saw the security agents off. The following morning, after Amidala successfully negotiated access to the Main Vault, the two Naboo women accompanied Clovis aboard the executive shuttle to his personal residence in a remote area outside the city. There, they discussed a strategy to retrieve the hidden files within the Main Vault. Clovis planned to detonate an explosive charge at the Main Vault's power generator, causing a facility-wide shutdown. During the brief period before the backup generator activated, Amidala would use a device to locate and download the secret data files from the mainframe.

The next morning, the three met the Core Five at the Main Vault. After the Core Five entered the Vault with Amidala, Clovis attempted to slip away to plant the detonator at the power generator. However, Plain stopped Clovis and insisted he wait for Amidala's return, as opening the Vault was his idea. Noticing Clovis's predicament, Minnau subtly took the explosive charge from him and took on his part of the plan.
She went down several levels to the generator superstructure. After checking to ensure she was unobserved, she attached the detonator to the structure. Unbeknownst to her, a droid sent by Embo had found her. Embo, positioned at a distance, aimed at her with his bowcaster. Minnau froze when she saw the bowcaster's targeting light on her. She looked around frantically, but before she could locate her attacker, Embo fired a shot that killed her. Only seconds later, Minnau's explosive detonated, compromising the entire power grid and allowing Amidala to secretly retrieve the necessary data files from the Vault mainframe.
The Muun authorities' investigation into the power grid failure followed, and Teckla's body was found at the bomb site. The conclusion was that she had sabotaged the power grid. Although Minnau's killer was never identified, Amidala and Clovis used the recovered data files to reveal the Core Five as the orchestrators of an embezzlement scheme that had drained the banks.

Teckla, a Human Female, had a height of 1.68 meters (5 feet, 6 inches). She had light skin, green eyes, and typically kept her black hair concealed under her handmaiden cowl. She maintained a quiet presence in Senator Amidala's household, often performing tasks discreetly. Nevertheless, she was always ready to offer advice to the senator when needed. Amidala regarded her as a close confidante.
Being one of Padmé's handmaidens and her aide, Teckla possessed skill in both armed and unarmed combat. She was also knowledgeable in the areas of infiltration and security. During her final assignment on Scipio, Padmé tasked Teckla with creating a diversion to facilitate her entry into the Banking Clan's vaults. She planted a detonator on the generator superstructure, resulting in a power outage across the grid. This allowed Amidala to download the data files, revealing that the Core Five were the masterminds of an embezzlement scandal that had depleted the banks.
Minnau was seen wearing a blue dress paired with a light blue bodice.
Teckla Minnau made her initial appearance, though not identified, in the 2002 Star Wars prequel trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, portrayed by Natalie Lewis. In the film's screenplay, she was referred to as a serving girl. Her identification as Teckla came in R. A. Salvatore's novelization of the film. During the Star Wars Legends era, she was given her surname in a StarWars.com Databank entry written by "ShadowCultist" through the Hyperspace feature What's The Story?, which was a reference to Nathan Hamill's self-named background character Rehtul Minnau.
Teckla later appeared in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Pursuit of Peace," voiced by Ashley Moynihan. In the episode "An Old Friend," Minnau was voiced by Anna Graves.
In the animated series, Teckla is depicted with green eyes, whereas the extra who played her in Attack of the Clones had brown eyes.