InterGalactic Banking Clan

The InterGalactic Banking Clan (IGBC), also known by the names Galactic Banking Clan or simply Banking Clan, functioned as a financial trade association within the galaxy. It was controlled by the Core Five from their headquarters, the Main Vault, which was situated on the world of Scipio. During the decline of the Galactic Republic, this organization held significant power in the Outer Rim.

The InterGalactic Banking Clan persisted as an entity under Imperial oversight into the reign of the Galactic Empire. Despite this, the Banking Clan, being somewhat decentralized, maintained some degree of autonomy and flexibility. This period saw the Banking Clan become deeply involved in various trade wars.


Republic Era

Following the fall of the Old Republic and the subsequent establishment of the Galactic Republic, the inhabitants of Eriadu found themselves lacking the financial resources required for the mining, processing, and shipping of lommite ore. This situation forced them to seek high-interest loans from the Banking Clan. However, due to the need for hyperspace beacons and returns to realspace for hyperspace travel from their location to the Core Worlds, ore shipments were frequently subject to delays or complete loss. The planet risked becoming a client state of the bankers due to its mounting debts, until entrepreneurs from the Core world of Corulag intervened.

The InterGalactic Banking Clan rapidly grew to become one of the most influential corporations operating in the Outer Rim Territories. After the Republic abandoned the aurodium standard, it formed partnerships with major financial institutions, including the Banking Clan, to maintain a credit reserve. This measure was taken to ensure the stability of the Republic's currency. During the Separatist Crisis, the Banking Clan entered into a non-exclusive agreement to support Count Dooku's Confederacy of Independent Systems. San Hill, the chairman of the Banking Clan, was granted a position on the Separatist Council. Despite the apparent vulnerability of the Republic against the combined droid forces of the Banking Clan and other trade guilds allied with Dooku, the Republic was defended by a full military of clone troopers created by the Kaminoans on the extragalactic planet Kamino. Consequently, the galaxy was plunged into a large-scale conflict between the droid-led CIS and the clone-defended Republic.

Clone Wars

San Hill was the Chairman of the Banking Clan during the Clone Wars.

Throughout the Clone Wars, the Banking Clan continued its financial dealings with the Galactic Republic. This engagement with both sides of the conflict allowed it to project an image of neutrality. However, this "neutrality" concealed the Clan's preferential treatment of the Separatists in its business practices. Following the deregulation of banks by the Republic Senate, the Banking Clan offered its services to the Republic at extremely high interest rates. A Banking Clan gun platform was constructed and positioned over the Sanshur Flats as a defense against potential Republic incursions.

The Banking Clan faced the threat of bankruptcy as the Clone Wars drew to a close, partly due to its alliance with the Confederacy, which failed to repay its loans and the accrued interest. This failure was motivated by concerns regarding corruption among the leading Core Five. Much of this corruption favored the Confederacy, with the Core Five permitting the Separatists to withdraw funds without incurring interest. However, Dooku sought to overthrow the Core Five to ensure that his Sith Master, Darth Sidious, could assume control of the banks. After Senator Padmé Amidala traveled to Scipio to secure assistance for civilians displaced by the war, she discovered a scheme by the Core Five to embezzle funds from every bank account belonging to an old romantic partner, Senator Rush Clovis.

Following Amidala's successful recovery of the evidence and its return to Coruscant, Clovis was selected as the new head of the banks. Because he owed his position to Dooku, Clovis was compelled to increase interest rates for the Republic and permit a Separatist military presence on Scipio. The Republic responded by invading Scipio, thereby placing the banks under the control of the Office of the Supreme Chancellor. Unbeknownst to all, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine was in fact Darth Sidious, who gained more political power in time for his eventual galactic takeover. Despite the Republic's control over the banks, the Muunilinst Banking Clan under San Hill continued to support the Confederacy, becoming entrenched in their stronghold on Mygeeto. Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi was deployed in response, leading the 21st Nova Corps against the battle droids until he was killed by his own clone troopers during Order 66.

Imperial Era

Limited independence

Palpatine transformed the Republic into the Galactic Empire at the conclusion of the Clone Wars. Simultaneously, his new Sith apprentice, Darth Vader, cut down the Separatist Council, including Hill, on the planet Mustafar. With the collapse of the CIS, its supporting trade organizations were nationalized by the Empire. However, certain exceptions were made, including the Banking Clan. Having survived the Clone Wars but been annexed by the Republic, the Banking Clan found itself under Imperial control during the reign of the Empire. Nevertheless, the clan was not entirely centralized during the Imperial Era, allowing the banks some flexibility in their investment decisions. The Banking Clan was able to maintain a degree of independence and manage its own business interests.

The Banking Clan also retained its seat in the Galactic Senate following its transformation into the Imperial Senate, represented by Senator Gani Riduli by 18 BBY. Riduli, an Ishi Tib primarily concerned with safeguarding galactic wealth, advocated for the Imperial Defense Recruitment Bill in 18 BBY. The bill, proposed by Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart, addressed the formal establishment of a new Imperial Military composed of Imperial citizens, rather than cloned soldiers, as all Kaminoan cities and facilities had been destroyed by the Empire, which concealed its actions by claiming a storm had wiped out the Kaminoan civilization. Alongside a Commerce Guild senator, Riduli supported the bill during debates, arguing that the galaxy required protection without the continued production of clone troopers.

War with the Hutt Clan

Leveraging its limited autonomy, the Banking Clan engaged in a competitive struggle with the Hutt Clan, known as the trade wars. The Clan's Vice Chairman, the Muun Anolo—who resided on Mygeeto and had obtained Ki-Adi-Mundi's lightsaber, which the Jedi General had dropped after being killed—planned to wage a subtle trade war with the Hutts for control of their smuggling routes. To this end, he hired a Givin codebreaker to advise them on their strategies. The Givin's brain was connected to the Imperial algorithm that generated security codes. However, Jabba the Hutt learned of the Givin and sought to abduct him to enhance his smuggling operations. Consequently, he hired the veteran bounty hunter Greedo to lead a team to Mygeeto to capture the Givin.

Greedo kills a Banking Clan guard during his mission to kidnap a Givin codebreaker.

Announcing their arrival with a sniper shot into the Vice Chairman's office, Anolo immediately ordered the evacuation of the tower. Greedo instructed his team of mercenaries to attack the front gates as Anolo and the Givin fled. The Vice Chairman and codebreaker moved to walls that were weaker than those in the Muun's office and were away from most of the Banking Clan guards, as most of them were dispatched to the front gates. Anolo realized the Hutts were behind the operation, understanding that capturing the Givin would significantly impact the trade wars. However, the codebreaker realized the mercenaries had tricked them, and Greedo, accompanied by Kadas'sa'Nikto operative Takvaa, breached the room with an explosion at one of the walls. Despite being outnumbered, the two engaged the guards, with Greedo using Takvaa as a human shield to deflect an electrified baton. After eliminating all guards in his immediate vicinity, Greedo killed Anolo, having been reminded by the Vice Chairman that the Banking Clan would never allow him to kidnap the codebreaker and someone with such a high rank.

However, a fresh team of guards arrived, enraged by the murder, and charged at Greedo. The codebreaker remarked that the bounty hunter's chances of success had diminished. While being pursued, the Rodian locked himself and the Givin in Anolo's office by shooting the door controls after entering, which only lessened their chances at escape because it was the only exit. Learning from the Givin that his blaster pistol would not break the glass of the office windows, Greedo spotted and used Mundi's lightsaber to break the glass as the Muun guards used their heavy blasters to melt through the door. However, Greedo overestimated the strength of the grabbling line the mercenaries fired from their Bantha-II cargo skiff, so the codebreaker fell to his death, robbing both the Banking Clan and Jabba of the Givin's skills. As punishment for his failure, Jabba nearly killed Greedo by dropping him into his rancor pit, only stopping when Ithorian collector Dok-Ondar offered to buy Mundi's lightsaber.

New Republic Era and the Rise of the New Order

A Banking Clan representative relaxing in a mud bath on Lanupa

The InterGalactic Banking Clan continued its operations well into the New Republic Era. Around [9 BBY](/article/9_bby], some Banking Clan representatives took an official trip to the planet Lanupa, staying at Skull Ridge Mountain Hotel & Spa for the duration of an economic summit. The arrival of the bankers prompted the hotel staff to enhance security by introducing checkpoints and allowing entry to guests with prior reservation only. The bankers, in turn, took the opportunity to relax in mud baths when off-duty.

In 34 ABY, Dok-Ondar recounted the story of how he acquired Mundi's lightsaber to stormtroopers of the First Order.

Behind the scenes

According to Pablo Hidalgo of the [Lucasfilm Story Group](/article/lucasfilm_story_group], Muunilinst was considered a "colony" of the Banking Clan.

