
The planet Mygeeto, a frigid and crystalline world, existed in the Mygeeto system within the Albarrio sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It served as the original homeworld for the Lurmen species. Its discovery occurred nearly 7,000 years prior to the Battle of Yavin, an event that sparked intense conflict over its control. As a stronghold of the InterGalactic Banking Clan, Mygeeto sided with the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. The Third Battle of Mygeeto took place there, and the Galactic Republic assaulted it during the Outer Rim Sieges. During the Imperial Era, the Alliance to Restore the Republic's 61st Mobile Infantry and Riot Squadron participated in several battles against the Galactic Empire on Mygeeto. During the Galactic Civil War, the Plasma Devils launched an assault against the planet's Imperial forces.


Situated in grid K-5 of the Standard Galactic Grid, Mygeeto was the third planet in its system of the same name, located in the Albarrio sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It was a hostile and unusual world, a frigid planet covered in snow and characterized by sharp, crystalline formations. Mygeeto was a source of artesian, nova, relacite, and kyber crystals.


Republic Era

The Clone Wars begin

The InterGalactic Banking Clan and the Confederacy of Independent Systems held dominion over Mygeeto. To avoid the bloodshed and warfare of the Clone Wars, Tee Watt Kaa's tribe of Lurmen abandoned their homeworld. Prior to the dangers posed by the Clone Wars, Cuata conducted research on Mygeeto. In 21 BBY, the year, the Republic initiated a three-year campaign on the planet.

Third Battle of Mygeeto

The Third Battle of Mygeeto.

The Third Battle of Mygeeto, a conflict between the CIS and the Galactic Republic, occurred on Mygeeto in 19 BBY during the Clone Wars. Grievous, a Separatist General, brought a contingent of the Separatist Droid Army to Mygeeto. He was joined by Separatist Colonel Coburn Sear, who had barely avoided capture by the Republic on Kardoa. Jedi General Depa Billaba, along with her padawan Caleb Dume and their battalion of Republic clone troopers, were dispatched to Mygeeto to confront the Separatist forces.

Their orders were to clear the Southern Mesas of B1-series battle droids. Clone troopers Remo, Soot, Big-Mouth, Kaylon, and Mixx each led squads of clone troopers through the mesas. Billaba and Dume then accompanied clone trooper Stance. Clone Commander Grey and Clone Captain Styles then took command of the remaining troops. Despite facing a large number of battle droids, the battalion pressed forward with their objective.

Republic forces are surrounded by Separatist droids.

Soon after, Billaba, Dume, Styles, and Stance found themselves cut off by Separatist forces. Billaba contacted Commander Grey, requesting immediate evacuation. Grey responded that they would need to hold their position for approximately four minutes, a duration that Caleb Dume felt was unattainable. They were quickly surrounded. However, Fang-class starfighters from Skull Squadron, led by Skull Leader Fenn Rau, intervened, destroying the droids attacking them. LAAT/i's then evacuated the Republic forces.

While the majority of the battalion was engaged in combat, Billaba's team returned to their base, mesa camp six. Suddenly, Grievous, Coburn Sear, and their battle droids launched an attack on the camp. Stance was killed by Sear using his electro sword. Billaba engaged Grievous, but only managed to sever the cyborg's hand before sustaining significant injuries from one of his lightsabers.

Dume then fought Coburn Sear. During their duel, Dume managed to damage Sear's flamethrower. Sear attempted to use the damaged flamethrower against Caleb, but it malfunctioned and exploded. Sear then fell off a cliff to his death. The rest of the battalion arrived, and Grey discovered Caleb mourning next to Stance's body. The clones then opened fire on Grievous, forcing him to retreat.

Republic reinforcements arrived, including a Venator-class Star Destroyer, ending the battle. Shortly after, a funeral was held for Stance.

Fourth Battle of Mygeeto

The 21st Nova Corps on Mygeeto.

Near the conclusion of the Clone Wars, the Fourth Battle of Mygeeto took place shortly after the third. Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi was leading his troops, the 21st Nova Corps, including at least two UT-AT's, across a bridge spanning two city blocks when Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine issued Order 66, a contingency order compelling all clone troopers to assassinate their Jedi generals. Clone Marshal Commander Bacara and other clones opened fire on Mundi, who deflected several shots before being killed by his own men. Following the order, Bacara continued to lead his troops in eliminating the remaining Separatist forces.

After the planet Bracca was secured, the 13th Battalion, under the command of Jedi General Jaro Tapal and his Padawan Cal Kestis, received orders to immediately depart for Mygeeto to assist Mundi's forces in achieving victory. However, the execution of Order 66 disrupted their plans, resulting in the destruction of the Venator-class Star Destroyer Albedo Brave during Tapal and Kestis's clash with the clones. Although Tapal was killed by the clones, the entire battalion perished when the Albedo Brave exploded, leaving Kestis as the only survivor.

Age of the Empire

After the Clone Wars, the Galactic Empire assumed control of Mygeeto, but the Banking Clan maintained a presence there. During the trade wars between the Banking Clan and the Hutt Clan, Jabba Desilijic Tiure, a crime lord, hired Greedo, a Rodian bounty hunter, for a mission to Mygeeto. Greedo's task was to extract a Givin codebreaker, but he failed when the codebreaker fell to his death. Greedo escaped Mygeeto with Ki-Adi-Mundi's lightsaber, which had been stored in Vice Chairman Anolo's office and was later acquired by collector Dok-Ondar upon Greedo's return to Tatooine.

Prior to the Battle of the Tower, the 61st Mobile Infantry of the Rebel Alliance engaged in several battles on Mygeeto. The Alliance's Riot Squadron was also present, earning its name during these conflicts. During the Galactic Civil War, following the Battle of Yavin, the Plasma Devils, a squadron of the Rebel Alliance Starfighter Corps, attacked Imperial forces stationed on Mygeeto.


Lurmen were native to Mygeeto

Mygeeto was the original world of the sentient Lurmen species, who lived in the planet's natural crystal structures before the Banking Clan reduced them to slave status.

Behind the scenes

Mygeeto, initially conceived for the 2005 film Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, was among the first planets considered for a proposed sequence of battlefronts and Separatist strongholds intended to open Revenge of the Sith in early drafts. This concept evolved into the Order 66 sequence. It was envisioned as a Banking Clan world, and the technological designs were influenced by the slender elegance of the Muun species. Concept art featured "fresnel"-type designs, with layered crystalline filaments suggesting outdated electronics. The initial paintings by Erik Tiemens emphasized a turquoise color scheme, giving it a self-illuminated brightness, and prominent hexagonal facets marked the planet's surface. These concepts were revisited during the development of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series and heavily influenced the visual design of the planet Christophsis, as well as Mandalore.

