Malola, a celestial body, held the position of the star within the Mygeeto system. This system was situated in the Albarrio sector, itself a component of both the Outer Rim Territories and the New Territories. The planets Reerez and Pergoomi were the closest celestial bodies that orbited it, followed by Mygeeto and its pair of moons, and lastly Mygeeto's sister world, Itzeho. Beyond Itzeho lay Zuborta Ma, an asteroid field situated near Malola, which itself was located at grid coordinates K-5 on the Standard Galactic Grid.
The initial reference to Malola within the new Star Wars canon occurred in the forty-fifth issue of the magazine Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon, released by De Agostini around November 11, 2015. It is worth noting that the image representing Malola was reused to depict multiple other stars within the magazine. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, Malola was originally cited in The Essential Atlas, a 2009 reference work penned by Jason Fry and Daniel Wallace.