
Styles was a captain among the clone troopers, serving the Galactic Republic's military force, the Grand Army, under the command of Jedi General Depa Billaba.


Clone Wars

During the time of the Clone Wars, Styles served under the command of Jedi Master Depa Billaba and her Padawan, Caleb Dume, during the battle that took place on the planet Kaller. In this battle, the Republic was victorious against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Following the battle, Styles, along with Clone Commander Grey, accompanied the two Jedi to meet with the Kalleran Gamut Key. Billaba informed the Kallerans that the Separatists would no longer be a threat, but the Kallerans responded by claiming they saw no difference between the Separatist and Republic occupations. Dume, Styles, and the Commander all became angered by the Kallerans' statement, but Billaba remained calm and informed Gamut Key that the Republic forces would be camping in the nearby fields for the night. Later that night, while camping, the two clones and the two Jedi sat together and discussed why Billaba had not responded to the Kallerans' comparison of the Republic and the Confederacy. Styles and Grey strongly disagreed with Billaba when she stated that she did not agree with Jedi holding the rank of general, but they were amused when they discovered that Dume had a reputation for asking too many questions during his time at the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant.

Order 66

After the Separatist forces renewed their engagement with the clones on Kaller, Grey received Order 66 directly from Chancellor Palpatine. This order labeled the entire Jedi Order as traitors to the Republic and mandated their immediate execution. The clones of the entire battalion swiftly surrounded Billaba while she was preparing to initiate a counter-attack. As Billaba began to be overwhelmed, Dume fled as his master instructed him to do. After killing Billaba, Styles was given orders from Grey to pursue Dume and intercept him. Eventually, Grey and Styles dispatched the entire battalion to hunt Dume, searching from the forest all the way to the Kalleran city.


Styles commands the attack run against Caleb Dume and his allies.

One year later, Grey and Styles successfully captured Caleb Dume, who was in disguise, and brought him aboard their freighter. When Dume attempted to explain that it was Palpatine, not him or the Jedi, who had betrayed the Republic before its transformation into the Empire, they remained unconvinced. Dume was then rescued by General Kleeve and Janus Kasmir, which initiated a battle. During the fight, Grey questioned why the clones had obeyed Order 66 so blindly, but Styles disagreed, viewing Caleb Dume solely as a traitor to the Empire. Grey, realizing the mistake he had made during Order 66, fired his blaster at the clone pilot's controls, disabling the shields. Both the Kasmiri and the Escape then fired upon the freighter. The ship subsequently exploded, resulting in the deaths of Grey, Styles, and two other clones who were on board.

Behind the scenes

Styles' initial appearance occurred in Kanan 1, a comic book that was written by Greg Weisman, illustrated by Pepe Larraz, and released in 2015. Although numerous characters from the series appear in the premiere episode of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, "Aftermath," Styles is not among them. Furthermore, the episode's depiction of Order 66 differs from the comic's portrayal, which showed Styles, Grey, and the other clones killing Billaba at their campsite in the evening following their initial assault against Kleeve. In contrast, the episode depicts the clones turning on Billaba in broad daylight, with Styles being completely absent from the event.

