Gamut Key, a native of Kaller, held the position of provincial governor for his planet under the Galactic Empire. This appointment occurred early in the reign of the Empire, subsequent to the Clone Wars that pitted the Galactic Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
During the period of conflict known as the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems seized control of the planet Kaller. They proceeded to exploit Kalleran settlements for resources and manpower. General Kleeve of the Separatists and his staff established their headquarters on Kaller, placing the financial burden on Key. Subsequently, the Galactic Republic engaged in battle to reclaim Kaller. Under the command of Jedi Master Depa Billaba and her Padawan Caleb Dume, the Republic forces successfully overcame the Separatist presence. Key and Kleeve jointly observed the battle's conclusion, after which the General announced his departure and fled aboard his Separatist command shuttle.
Following the cessation of hostilities, Billaba and Dume, accompanied by two clone troopers, paid a visit to Key. They informed the Kalleran that the Separatists would no longer be a problem. Key expressed his skepticism, suggesting that life under the Republic might not differ significantly from life under Separatist rule. Another Kalleran echoed this sentiment to the Jedi. Dume reacted with anger to the comparison, but Billaba maintained her composure. She assured Key that she and her troops would camp in the nearby fields, thereby avoiding any financial burden on the Kallerans.

In the wake of Order 66, Key apprehended Janus Kasmir, a smuggler, and his associate, the former Jedi Padawan Caleb Dume, as they attempted to steal IG-RM droids from him. However, he chose to release Kasmir upon learning that Dume was a Jedi. Key recognized Dume, although his appearance had changed. He then retreated to a cell and contacted Commander Grey and Captain Styles for confirmation of Dume's identity. Subsequently, Key left Dume alone to contemplate his fate. He then made an attempt to prevent Kasmir and his droids from rescuing Dume, but his efforts were unsuccessful. Key was subsequently appointed as the provincial Governor of Kaller, granting him complete Imperial authority, however he developed a growing aversion to the Imperial system.
In 4 BBY, fourteen years after his previous encounter with Dume, Key received information regarding a designated drop-off location for a smuggler. He and his security detail discovered a group of individuals, identified as "smugglers," with empty cargo containers. His forces then conducted a search of their ship, but found nothing incriminating. The governor subsequently located Kanan Jarrus—the assumed identity of Dume—in a warehouse following a confrontation with Tápusk and his cohorts. However, Key, realizing that Jarrus and his companions were not smugglers, allowed them to depart, promising that he would be willing to assist them.