In the standard year 4 BBY, the Lothal Calendar marks this as 3273 LY, while the C.R.C. calendar designates it as year 7973.
- The Galactic Empire commemorates its 15th year of existence. [2]
- Ezra Bridger assembles his first lightsaber after acquiring a kyber crystal from the Lothal Jedi Temple. [11]
- Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin takes Kanan Jarrus into captivity. [12]
- Following a duel with Jedi Kanan Jarrus, the Grand Inquisitor meets his end. [13]
- During the events of the Siege of Lothal, Minister Maketh Tua is killed. [14]
- Jawas capture R5-D4. [15]
- Mission to Kaller [16]
- Rescue of Morfizo [17]
- Bombing at the Empire Day parade [2]
- Rescue of Tseebo [2]
- Mission to Lando Calrissian's farm [18]
- Trap in the Old Republic Senate Building [19]
- Raid near Jalath [12]
- Raid on the communications tower [12]
- Action at Mustafar [20]
- Mission to rescue Janard [21]
- Mission to steal Imperial shield generators [14]
- Siege of Lothal [14] Mission to Lothal[14] Attack on Phoenix Squadron[14]
- Assault on Seelos [22]
- Skirmish aboard a Republic medical station [23]
- Skirmish in Nixus Hub 218 [24]
- Blockade of Ibaar [25]
- Skirmish on Thrad [26]
- Skirmish in the Garel City Spaceport [27]
- Sela Trune was born [28] on the planet Yungbrii [29]
- TK-462 on Lothal[30] Unidentified Rodian shopkeeper[30] Cumberlayne Aresko[12] Myles Grint[12] Minister Maketh Tua[14]
- The Grand Inquisitor passed away aboard the Sovereign. [6]
- Beck Ollet perished on Arkanis. [31]
- Janard died on Quila. [21]
- Phoenix One was lost [14]
- Big Bongo met his end on Seelos. [32]
- Phoenix Leader fell over Ibaar. [25]
- Kruno died on Ammon IV. [33]