Sela Trune

title: Sela Trune

A human female officer serving in the New Republic Security Bureau was Sela Trune. The Spice Runners of Kijimi were the target of Trune's personal quest for revenge, driven by the deaths of her family at their hands. This pursuit of the Spice Runners brought Trune into contact with Poe Dameron, who, with some reluctance, had become a pilot within their ranks.


Joining the New Republic

Sela Trune's birthplace was the planet of Yungbrii. Driven by a strong desire to serve the New Republic's Security Bureau, she departed from Yungbrii, leaving behind her mother, father, and her brother, Gaithel. However, less than a month into her service, she received a devastating communication from a fellow New Republic officer. This officer informed her that her entire family had perished during a battle between the New Republic and the Spicer Runners originating from Kijimi. These spice runners, including the Klatooinian known as Vigilch, had sought refuge at the Trune family farm, where they held her family hostage. Tragically, they ultimately murdered them before escaping with a stolen vessel. From that moment forward, Trune dedicated herself to climbing the ranks within the New Republic Security Bureau, her unwavering focus on exacting revenge upon the Spice Runners of Kijimi. Her swift rise in the ranks resulted in her collaborating with individuals far senior to her. With the goal of dismantling the Spice Runners, Trune worked to cultivate a vast network of informants, spies, and other contacts to gather intelligence.

