The following occurrences transpired in 19 ABY of the standard year, which is equivalent to 3296 LY as measured by the Lothal Calendar, and also corresponds to the year 7996 within the C.R.C. system.
- Mission to Elphrona: While attempting to re-establish the Jedi Order, Luke Skywalker, along with his Padawan Ben Solo and the explorer Lor San Tekka, journey to the Elphrona Outpost. There, they encounter Ren and the Knights of Ren, who are also seeking the artifacts housed within the outpost. [1]
- Exantor Divo completes his studies at the Hosnian Prime Academy of Law Enforcement. [10]
- In order to ensure that she and Keldo can continue their lives aboard the Nautilus, Phasma masterminds the death of her family. [4] [5]
- Heist on Guat'a [2] (Approximate date) [11]
- Poe Dameron departs from the Spice Runners of Kijimi during the Kijimi summit. [2] [3]