The Kijimi summit was an event orchestrated by Zeva Bliss, the head of the Spice Runners of Kijimi. She invited a host of criminal allies and adversaries to Kijimi, feigning intentions of forging alliances, but Bliss's real goal was to execute the assembled criminals. This was intended to elevate the Spice Runners' position in the galactic criminal network. This summit also marked the moment Poe Dameron departed from the Spice Runners, an event that ultimately led to his return to his former life.
While Bliss addressed her guests, her daughter Zorii, along with Dameron and the EV-series droid EV-6B6, were tasked with activating a trap designed to hold the criminals [prisoner](/article/prisoner] for the Spice Runners. Although Dameron was initially unaware of the summit's true nature, he eventually discerned Bliss's plan and declined to obey her commands. Subsequently, he and EV-6B6 left their positions with the Spice Runners, choosing instead to aid the criminals in escaping their planned execution. Concurrently, a renegade New Republic officer, Sela Trune, arrived on Kijimi with the intention of assassinating Zeva Bliss, only to be struck down and mortally wounded by the Spice Runner leader.
Following the liberation of the criminals, some, including Tarand Crowe, opted to remain and engage the Spice Runners in combat. However, EV-6B6 was destroyed by the guard Gezlar, who nearly succeeded in killing Dameron. After Trune's defeat, Dameron launched an attack on Zeva Bliss. Although Bliss gained the upper hand against Dameron, Zorii intervened, preventing her from killing him and instead assisting Dameron in fighting her mother. Zorii proposed that she and Dameron overthrow Zeva and assume control of the Spice Runners, but Dameron refused to continue his life of crime, prompting his former partner to instruct him to flee. Dameron then received help from Crowe, who directed him to a contact of his located on Kijimi.
The Kijimi summit is the culminating event in the novel Poe Dameron: Free Fall, penned by Alex Segura and released in 2020. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary indicates that Dameron remained with the Spice Runners for a duration of five years, but Free Fall later clarified that he departed from the group following the summit, which occurred only about a year after he had joined.