Dai Bendu Monastery

The Dai Bendu Monastery, which was also called the Dai Bendu temple and, during the period when the Ashiga Clan held it, the Ashiga Clan Stronghold, was a monastery situated on the Mid Rim Territories planet of Kijimi. This monastery, which belonged to the Dai Bendu religious order, acted as the original core of Kijimi City. In addition, it functioned as a place of pilgrimage for the Lorrdian religious order, the Brotherhood of the Beatific Countenance, who at one time inhabited the Quarter of the Beatific on Kijimi, and was protected by the Dai Bendu temple guardians at one point in time. Throughout history, the monastery was the primary center of power for Kijimi City. When the Melitto crime syndicate, known as the Ashiga Clan, came to Kijimi in the High Republic era, they seized control of the monastery and used it as their base of operations up to at least 3 ABY.

The Sith Eternal brought about the monastery's destruction, along with the entire planet, during the Destruction of Kijimi. This was accomplished by the Xyston-class Star Destroyer Derriphan which was part of the Final Order fleet.

