
Kijimi, situated in grid square R-8 on the Standard Galactic Grid, was a planet characterized by mountainous terrain and frigid conditions. This world resided within the Bryx sector of the Mid Rim region of the galaxy. While it once enjoyed renown for its deep spirituality, Kijimi eventually devolved into a sanctuary for outlaws and rampant lawlessness. Zorii Bliss, who commanded the smuggling group known as the Spice Runners of Kijimi, considered this planet her homeworld. During their voyage across the galaxy in search of Jedi artifacts, Karr Nuq Sin and RZ-7 made a short stop in Kijimi City to replenish the fuel supply of their yacht, the Avadora. While present on Kijimi, Sin faced interrogation by the First Order, who suspected that he possessed a clue regarding the whereabouts of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. In the year 35 ABY, the Xyston-class Star Destroyer Derriphan, belonging to the Sith Eternal's fleet known as the Final Order, obliterated Kijimi.


Kijimi, a terrestrial planet, was defined by its mountainous landscape. The climate on this planet was notably frigid, with substantial snow drifts enveloping its mountain ranges. The atmosphere on Kijimi was suitable for respiration by various species, including humans, Boosodians, and Anzellans. A nebula was located close to the planet.

Lacking a centralized governing body, Kijimi essentially existed as an anarchy that maintained some semblance of order. The self-serving motives of the inhabitants prevented the planet's society from complete disintegration.


Early history

A thousand years in the past, a religious order referred to as the Dai Bendu erected a monastery on this world, precisely at the center of what would become Kijimi City. During the frigid nights, Bendu monks observed a ceremony that involved illuminating lanterns as a form of expressing thankfulness. The temple's presence inspired the Brotherhood of the Beatific Countenance to embark on a journey to Kijimi, taking residence in the Quarter of the Beatific. As the centuries passed, the city experienced periodic raids, and the monks eventually vanished.

High Republic Era

During the High Republic Era, the Ashiga Clan, a Melitto hive, established itself on Kijimi, rising to become a significant power within the planet's criminal underworld.

Imperial Era

With control of the planet at stake, the Trailblazer ship, piloted by Kay Vess, approaches Kijimi.

During the Imperial Era, Ashiga, the queen of the Ashiga Clan, garnered admiration for her defiance against the Galactic Empire on Kijimi. However, as the Galactic Civil War raged, she eventually yielded, granting the Empire access to the planet's rhydonium mines in return for weapons contracts. This decision ignited division within the Ashiga Clan, leading several members, including her own daughter Krisk Ashiga, to plot her overthrow. Simultaneously, the clan's dominance over Kijimi began to wane. Crimson Dawn, a criminal organization seeking control of Kijimi, engaged in a power struggle with the Ashiga Clan, even resorting to the theft of a significant relic, the Bann Pu'dira. Krisk formed an alliance with Crimson Dawn to depose her mother. Lady Qi'ra and Crimson Dawn aided Krisk, believing that this leadership change would benefit Crimson Dawn.

New Republic Era

Kijimi City continued to be ruled by the anarchy of criminal self-interests.

Following the collapse of the Galactic Empire, lawlessness became widespread in certain regions of the galaxy during the era of the New Republic, which was too feeble to bring order to heavily criminalized worlds. This inadequacy resulted in widespread indifference. The Empire's downfall also triggered a disruption in the spice trade centered on Kessel, intensifying competition for this valuable commodity. The pirates of Kijimi negotiated an agreement with the mine owners, securing an exclusive route within an expanded Kessel Run.

Eventually, Maize Raynshi, the daughter of First Order officer Vroc Raynshi, overheard her father discussing Kijimi and requested that her friend Karr Nuq Sin investigate the planet during his search for Jedi artifacts. Nuq Sin and his droid, RZ-7, piloted the yacht Avadora to the spaceport in Kijimi City for refueling, and spent some time exploring the city's streets. Upon Nuq Sin's return to the Avadora, which he had stolen from Vroc Raynshi with Maize's assistance, he found it surrounded by First Order stormtroopers. An officer from the First Order interrogated Nuq Sin, convinced that he possessed a map leading to the missing Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. After the First Order released Nuq Sin, he departed from Kijimi and returned to his homeworld of Merokia.

First Order occupation

The First Order seized Kijimi and imposed martial law on the criminalized world.

The First Order enforced a severe occupation on the planet, instituting martial law and blockading all major hyperspace routes. Early in the occupation, most of the planet's children were abducted. First Order squads routinely patrolled the city, seeking out illegal or rebellious activities, as well as children to abduct and force into service as stormtroopers.

During the war between the First Order and the Resistance, the scoundrel Zorii Bliss commanded the Spice Runners of Kijimi smuggling gang. Based in the Thieves' Quarter, Bliss and the Spice Runners maintained neutrality in the ongoing conflict until occupation forces eventually decimated them. Only Zorii and the Anzellan droidsmith Babu Frik survived the gang's destruction.

Destruction of Kijimi

Kijimi is destroyed by the Derriphan.

The First Order initiated Protocol 13 and withdrew all stormtroopers from the planet. Subsequently, the Sith Eternal destroyed Kijimi using the Xyston-class Star Destroyer Derriphan, which belonged to the Final Order fleet.

The planet's destruction resulted in the deaths of most of its inhabitants, but Zorii Bliss and Babu Frik managed to survive by boarding a ship and fleeing just moments before the cataclysm.


Zorii Bliss, a human native of Kijimi

Kijimi was populated by a variety of inhabitants, including the human Zorii Bliss, who was native to the planet. To withstand the frigid climate, Kijimi's residents wore thick furs and animal hides. During his time on Kijimi, Karr Nuq Sin felt uneasy due to the disreputable appearance of many of the planet's inhabitants.

The Anzellan droidsmith Babu Frik also resided on the planet, working among the Spice Runners of Kijimi. Numerous Melitto were present on Kijimi as members of the Ashiga Clan, whose authority over the planet eventually diminished.


Kijimi City, which featured a spaceport, was situated on the summit of Mount Izukika, nearly concealed amidst the mountains and snow. The city's ancient architecture reminded Karr Nuq Sin of old monasteries. The Thieves' Quarter represented a section of Kijimi where the scoundrel Zorii Bliss made her home.

Behind the scenes

Kijimi was conceived for the 2019 film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker. Its initial appearance occurred in the novel Force Collector, authored by Kevin Shinick and released in 2019.

Kijimi shares its name with a synthesizer manufactured by Tokyo's Black Corporation. Director J.J. Abrams, a known customer of the company, has been photographed alongside a Kijimi synthesizer in an Instagram post by the company.

