
The Comeuppance, alternatively referred to as Zorii Bliss's Y-Wing, represented a significantly modified BTA-NR2 Y-wing starfighter. It was the personal property of Zorii Bliss, who commanded the Spice Runners of Kijimi. Following the First Order's initiation of raids on the planet of Kijimi around 33 ABY, Bliss procured this Y-wing at a cost of approximately 40,000 credits. By 35 ABY, Bliss utilized the Comeuppance to flee Kijimi before its destruction by the Sith Eternal under the command of Darth Sidious, also rescuing the droidsmith Babu Frik. Subsequently, she aligned with the Resistance aboard the Comeuppance, participating in the Battle of Exegol as part of the Citizens' Fleet.


Zorii Bliss in the cockpit of the Comeuppance

The Y-Wing of spice runner Zorii Bliss, known as the Comeuppance, was a revamped BTA-NR2 Y-wing starfighter featuring an armored cockpit module with a canopy that Zorii Bliss could open remotely using her [helmet](/article/helmet]. Her helmet's technology aided her in aerial combat while piloting the Y-wing. The Comeuppance was equipped with an enhanced navigation computer and a customizable tactical interface. The ship contained supplies sufficient for a week. It also possessed two ion turbine engines, a communication system, a hyperdrive, and two IX4-B laser cannons.


Plans to avoid the First Order

Zorii Bliss purchased the Comeuppance for around 40,000 credits.

The starfighter, consistent with all BTA-NR2 Y-wings, was produced by Koensayr Manufacturing sometime after the formation of the New Republic commenced in 4 ABY. Following the First Order's commencement of raids on the planet of Kijimi around 33 ABY, Bliss, as the leader of the Spice Runners of Kijimi, devised a dual strategy to escape to the Colonies: acquiring a vessel and securing safe passage. She invested approximately 40,000 credits in the modified BTA-NR2 Y-wing—which typically sold for 95,000 credits used—and obtained a First Order Captain's Medallion. Despite others' disapproval of naming starfighters, she christened her Y-wing the Comeuppance, as Bliss believed she had numerous scores to settle. The spice runner stored the ship in a ravine outside Kijimi City, concealing it under a snow tarp.

In 35 ABY, Bliss aided the Resistance by providing her Captain's Medallion to her longtime acquaintance Poe Dameron and his companions. Upon learning of the First Order's intent to punish Resistance sympathizers on Kijimi, Bliss returned to the Spice Runners' Den to instruct the Spice Runners to evacuate the city. Bliss offered to transport fellow spice runner Lluda in her Y-wing, acknowledging the limited space, to which the girl expressed her gratitude. After a walker breached the den's entrance, Bliss instructed the runners to gather their supplies and flee. She directed Lluda to meet her at her Y-wing, confirming the girl's knowledge of the ship's location before escaping through the Monastery herself.

Putting the plans into motion

Ushar blocked Zorii Bliss's path to the Comeuppance.

Bliss understood that without the Medallion, escape to the Colonies was impossible, but leaving Kijimi aboard the Comeuppance remained an option. While contemplating her destination, she found comfort in the week's worth of provisions on board, although she remembered Lluda's presence would halve the supplies. Upon reaching one of the city's outer walls, Bliss encountered a unit of snowtroopers and Ushar, a Knight of Ren, blocking her path to the ravine where the Comeuppance was parked. Bliss planned to detonate a neehwa oil lantern inside a nearby observation tower, using the resulting chaos to reach her starfighter.

After setting the lamp to explode and moving to a safe distance, Bliss triggered the [detonator](/article/detonator]. However, the First Order party remained stationary. As Bliss expressed her frustration, Lluda surprised her by tapping her shoulder. The girl suggested she would distract the troopers while Bliss made her way to the Comeuppance. Despite Bliss's objections and insistence on escaping together, Lluda ran off and began yelling at the snowtroopers, prompting the unit and Ushar to pursue her. Bliss sprinted toward her ship, a challenging task given the deep snow.

Battle of Exegol

Bliss felt relieved to find the ladder to the Y-wing still in place as she moved under the tarp. She ascended the ladder and used her helmet to open the cockpit. Once inside, she activated the converters, primed the fuel line, and engaged the repulsorlift for a swift takeoff, hoping to evade the First Order's pursuit. Bliss maneuvered to find a safer route as the Y-wing shuddered from blaster fire striking her shields. After escaping through [hyperspace](/article/hyperspace], Bliss considered returning to Kijimi City to locate members of her crew but was uncertain about her next destination. As the Xyston-class Star Destroyer Derriphan activated its superlaser on Kijimi, under the orders of the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, Bliss went to the droidsmith Babu Frik's workshop to rescue him before the planet's destruction.

Zorii Bliss destroyed a Xyston-class Star Destroyer with the Comeuppance.

When Resistance General Lando Calrissian and member Chewbacca issued a call for allies against the Sith Eternal's fleet, the Final Order, above the planet Exegol, Bliss responded and joined the Citizens' Fleet in the Comeuppance with Frik as a passenger and the R5 series astromech droid K3-R1 in the ship's astromech socket. Following the Citizens' Fleet's destruction of the Xyston-class Star Destroyer Sutta, Bliss bombarded the cannon of another Sith Star Destroyer using the Comeuppance's laser cannons. She executed a barrel roll through the resulting explosion and flew past Poe Dameron's X-wing fighter, mirroring his maneuvers and eliminating TIE/dg starfighters ahead of him. Dameron inquired about the pilot of the Y-wing, to which Bliss and Frik responded in unison. Bliss then transmitted targeting data to the other starships within the Citizens' Fleet. After the [Battle of Exegol](/article/battle_of_exegol] concluded with a Resistance victory, some members of the Citizens' Fleet, along with the remaining Resistance ships, returned to the Resistance base on the moon Ajan Kloss. Bliss was among those who celebrated on Ajan Kloss.

Behind the scenes


The Comeuppance made its debut in the sequel trilogy film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, released on December 20, 2019. The Y-wing was initially depicted on September 26 of that year in a preview for the "Resistance Y-Wing Starfighter" LEGO set, which was launched on October 4. It was first identified as "Zorii Bliss's Y-Wing" within the Ships & Vehicles: Age of Resistance set—released on February 11, 2020—for the Star Wars: Card Trader application, which originally debuted on March 12, 2015. The ship's name, Comeuppance, was revealed in Rae Carson's novelization of The Rise of Skywalker, published on March 17, 2020.

Keri Russell filming a scene as Zorii Bliss in the Comeuppance.

A life-sized model of the Comeuppance was constructed for The Rise of Skywalker, marking the first such model since 1976 for the original film, Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. This model represented an update to the A New Hope version, initially modeled by Colin Cantwell and designed by Joe Johnston. Production designer Kevin Jenkins aimed to revisit Ralph McQuarrie's original designs, which Jenkins characterized as having a more pronounced "rocket ship feeling." The cockpit was designed to be removable for filming against a green screen on a gimbal. Keri Russell, who played Zorii Bliss, commented on the enjoyment of being in the cockpit and interacting with the starfighter's controls. Russell expressed her excitement for audiences to see her within the ship.

Placeholder art for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes by CG_Tusken_Meathead for the Comeuppance

The Comeuppance was eventually integrated into the video game Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes—which originally launched on November 24, 2015—and became obtainable starting on January 19, 2024. The Galaxy of Heroes designers drew inspiration to include the Comeuppance after adding Bliss to the game the previous year. The ship's abilities were named based on Bliss's arrival at the Battle of Exegol and her relationship with Dameron. The forum announcement of the ship's inclusion, posted on January 16, featured placeholder art by EA Community Manager CG_Tusken_Meathead, showing the ship with a note indicating the official art was pending approval. The forum post was updated the following day to include the official artwork.

Errors and brick-built counterpart

The alternate color scheme for the Comeuppance in Star Wars: Starfighter Mission

In Michael Kogge's Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: A Junior Novel, the Comeuppance is incorrectly identified as an X-wing starfighter. The novel was released on April 16, 2020. Within the video game Star Wars: Starfighter Missions—released on August 6, 2020—the Comeuppance offered a cosmetic option to alter the ship's trim and color to yellow.

In the non-canon video game LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga—released on April 5, 2022—when Bliss arrives at the Battle of Exegol, the Comeuppance is depicted as a yellow BTL Y-wing. Furthermore, Bliss refers to a TIE fighter she destroys as "sky trash" instead of the Star Destroyer, as shown in The Rise of Skywalker. After Rey interrupts Sidious's Force lightning, Frik assumes control of the Comeuppance—whose model is then corrected to a red BTA-NR2 Y-wing—and destroys the underbelly of a Destroyer. The non-canon reference book LEGO Star Wars Awesome Vehicles, authored by Simon Hugo and released on June 7, 2022, established that the Comeuppance possessed sensor domes, could reach a maximum speed of 1,050 kph (652 mph), and measured 18.2 meters (60 ft). According to the non-canon reference book LEGO Star Wars Visual Dictionary Updated Edition, released April 2, 2024, the ship featured a torpedo bay, rotating turret, and red stripes, which Bliss personalized.

