August 6th marks the 218th day in a standard year, or the 219th day in a leap year, leaving 147 days until the year concludes.
- In 1941, Dianne Crittenden entered the world.
- The year 1951 saw the birth of Ed Hannigan.
- Also in 1951, Jack Klaff was born.
- Valerie Wildman was born in 1953.
- Chris Edgerly came into the world in 1969.
- The trade paperback Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith was released in 1997.
- 1997 also saw the publication of X-Wing Rogue Squadron 21.
- Star Wars Insider 61 hit shelves in 2002.
- In 2008, The Core of Corruption the sixth adventure of the Dawn of Defiance campaign, was made available.
- released Timeline 9: The Mandalorian Wars in 2010.
- 2013 marked the publication of Star Wars: Agent of the Empire Volume 2—Hard Targets.
- The Official Star Wars Fact File Part 31 was released in 2015.
- A Crash of Fate saw publication in 2019.
- Also in 2019, LEGO Star Wars: Build Your Own Adventure: Galactic Missions was published in the U.S.
- Myths & Fables also came out in 2019.
- 2020 saw the release of Star Wars Annual 2021.
- Star Wars: Starfighter Missions was launched in 2020.
- "Return to Kamino" was broadcast on Disney+ in 2021.
- Weird But True! Star Wars is scheduled for release in 2024.
- Jedi Knights 6 is slated for publication in 2025.
- Discover more about August 6 on Wikipedia