Return to Kamino

title: "Return to Kamino"

"Return to Kamino" marks the fifteenth installment in the web-based animated TV series, Star Wars: The Bad Batch. This particular episode premiered on August 6 of 2021. Notably, it serves as the initial segment of the season one conclusion for the show.

Official description

In this captivating finale, the Bad Batch unexpectedly find themselves in unfamiliar territory.

Plot summary

Hunter's signal

A Rho-class shuttle is in transit via hyperspace. Hunter, held as a prisoner inside the shuttle, receives a visit from Crosshair, a former member of his squad. When Hunter inquires about their destination, Crosshair informs him that he and his team will soon discover it. Hunter retorts that using his communication device will prove ineffective, as the Bad Batch will recognize it as a setup. Crosshair dismisses this, asserting that they will inevitably come for him, before departing. Hunter is then left in the holding cell under the watch of two armed Elite Squad Troopers.

Meanwhile, on Ord Mantell, Echo is engaged in repairing the Marauder. Omega expresses her impatience with the repair process. Echo urges her to stay focused. Omega is determined to rescue Hunter from Daro. Echo assures her that they will, but emphasizes the necessity of repairing the ship first, requesting the spanner from her. Following the hull repairs, Echo and Omega enter the Marauder, where Tech is actively working to restore the systems to operational status.

Wrecker reports that he left Gregor in the care of Ciddarin Scaleback, though she was not particularly pleased with the arrangement. Echo responds with mild sarcasm. Tech announces that the systems are now functional. Before they can depart, they receive a transmission originating from Hunter's comm. Tech informs the rest of the squad that Hunter is no longer located on Daro. Echo inquires about Hunter's current whereabouts.

A stormy homecoming

In the meantime, the Imperial shuttle begins its descent through the turbulent atmosphere of Kamino. Upon its arrival at Tipoca City, Hunter is escorted off the ship by Crosshair and his contingent of Elite Squad Troopers. They are met by Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart and a group of stormtroopers. Crosshair informs Rampart of his intention to intercept the remaining members of the Bad Batch upon their arrival. Rampart addresses Hunter, stating that the destruction caused by his squad on Ryloth had garnered his attention. Rampart then entrusts Hunter to Commander Crosshair, reminding him to adhere to the established schedule.

ES-02 voices her doubts to Crosshair regarding his intentions with his former squadmates, stating that she does not trust any of them. Rampart responds that if Crosshair's plan fails, they will no longer pose a threat. He instructs her to maintain vigilance over the situation.

As the Marauder travels through hyperspace, Tech cautions that the Empire is exploiting Hunter's comm signal to lure them to Kamino, though he remains uncertain of their motives. Wrecker declares that there is no turning back. Tech seeks confirmation from Omega regarding the accuracy of the coordinates. Omega clarifies that the coordinates lead to a landing pad within Tipoca City that they can utilize. Echo warns that all platforms will likely be heavily guarded by troopers. Omega assures them that this particular platform is an exception and urges them to trust her.

The underwater platform

Upon exiting hyperspace, Echo observes the presence of three cruisers above Kamino and questions the absence of the rest of the fleet. Wrecker views this as a positive sign. Tech acquires a lock on the coordinates and pilots the Marauder through Kamino's stormy skies. Upon reaching the designated coordinates, Tech finds only water, but Omega directs him to descend further. Echo reports that the ship's scanners have detected a large structure directly beneath them.

Soon after, a landing platform rises from the ocean, allowing the Marauder to dock. The Bad Batch and Omega disembark from the ship. Wrecker expresses his gratitude to Omega, but Tech inquires about their method of entering the city. Omega guides them to the tube system, which she activates by stepping onto a circular platform, summoning a spherical carriage. Omega leads the Bad Batch into the carriage, and they descend into the depths of the underground city. After traversing down the elevator shaft, their carriage enters a lengthy tunnel constructed from transparisteel.

Tech notes that this specific type of underwater transport system is absent from all available schematics. Echo explains that the Kaminoans are known for keeping secrets. Omega informs the clones that Nala Se had informed her about this underwater facility and that the tunnel provides access to her private research laboratory. She mentions that there are other tunnels that run throughout Kamino. Sensing Omega's anxiety, Echo inquires about her well-being. Omega affirms her determination to rescue Hunter, regardless of her personal feelings.

Back at Tipoca City, Hunter walks past a pair of stormtroopers. When he asks where all the "regs" are, Crosshair asks when he started caring about them. Hunter also notices the absence of Kaminoans and realizes that the facility is in the process of being decommissioned. Hunter points out that Crosshair does not seem concerned about the Galactic Empire's eventual phasing out of clones. Crosshair responds by aiming his blaster at Hunter's chest, stating that this will not apply to those who truly matter.

Hunter is escorted to a control room where an Elite Squad Trooper informs Crosshair that a ship has been detected entering the system, but that they lost it below scanner range. Crosshair deduces that it is his former Bad Batch comrades. ES-02 offers to notify the squads, but Crosshair dismisses the suggestion, stating that they will come to them. He adds that they do not abandon their own - most of the time. Hunter asks if he is trying to kill them. Crosshair does not directly answer the question, but says if he did, Hunter would be dead.

An old friend

The underwater carriage transports the Bad Batch and Omega to Nala Se's clandestine laboratory. Omega explains that the laboratory is unknown to most within Tipoca City. Tech notes that Hunter's comm remains active, while Echo offers to access the system. Wrecker inquires about the laboratory's significance. Omega reveals that she was created in this laboratory, as were the Bad Batch, whose mutations were enhanced within this room. She further states that she was present during the creation of Experimental Unit 99.

Wrecker questions the truth of this statement, while Tech inquires about how he could possibly know. Omega says that it was only a short time before they were sent to be with the other clones. Echo reports that all central files have been erased and that there is no information remaining on the system. Wrecker concurs. Suddenly, the clones hear movement. They all aim their weapons, only to discover that the source of the noise is AZI-3. The droid expresses his relief at seeing Omega and explains that he was in hiding due to soldiers deactivating droids and forcibly relocating key Kaminoan medical personnel onto transports. He adds that those who resisted were eliminated.

When Echo asks if the clones did that, AZI-3 clarifies that these actions were carried out by other soldiers. He explains that all clone troopers were reassigned and transported offworld, with the exception of CT-9904. Wrecker realizes that Crosshair is present. AZI-3 advises Omega to leave, but she refuses to abandon Hunter. Tech traces Hunter's comm signal to the central cloning platform. Omega extends an invitation to AZI-3, welcoming the droid to join them.

Bitter reunion

At the central cloning platform, Hunter engages in a conversation with Crosshair, emphasizing that the Empire is occupying planets and suppressing anyone who opposes them. He appeals to Crosshair, asserting that he knows it is wrong. Crosshair replies that Hunter does not see the bigger picture but promises he will. Hunter tells Crosshair that the Empire is controlling him using the inhibitor chip inside his head. Suddenly, alarms sound, and an unauthorized entry is reported on Platform Five. Crosshair anticipates the arrival of the Bad Batch.

The Bad Batch proceed through Platform Five, traversing a bridge and entering a corridor. As they advance through the corridor, they evade a stormtrooper patrol carrying various objects. AZI-3 informs Omega that these are not clone troopers. Echo adds that these are TK troopers like the ones they encountered on Daro. Continuing their journey, Tech tracks Hunter's comm signal. Wrecker leads the Bad Batch into a hall beneath the training group.

Knowing that Crosshair is waiting, Tech informs his fellow clones that they will bypass the main entrance and instead use the lift. Wrecker and Echo instruct Omega to remain below and stay out of sight. In the event that the situation deteriorates, Echo instructs Omega to contact Rex. The three clones ascend in the lift into the former training room, only to find themselves surrounded by Crosshair and his Elite Squad Troopers - Crosshair had anticipated the Batch's movements. A captive Hunter is also present.

Crosshair greets his former comrades and tells them that they won't be needing their weapons. The Bad Batch comply and drop their weapons, prompting Crosshair to remark that following orders is not so difficult. Noticing Omega's absence, he inquires about the whereabouts of their "little sidekick." Wrecker claims that they did not bring her, but Crosshair realizes he is lying and orders his troops to locate the "kid." Echo activates a beacon, and AZI-3 advises Omega to flee into the research laboratory as per Echo's instructions.

Crosshair's appeal

Omega is unwilling to abandon her mentors. AZI-3 warns they will be in danger but Omega has an idea. She activates several training droids. The Bad Batch and Crosshair's forces hear the noise. An Elite Squad Trooper says they are running out of time but Crosshair orders them to hold their positions. Hunter asks if Crosshair intended to lure them here in order to kill them. Crosshair says he has no intention of killing them despite their alleged treason. Hunter counters that they are loyal to each other and not the Empire. Crosshair counters that Hunter was not loyal to him and that he has not forgotten. Crosshair offers Hunter and the Bad Batch a chance.

ES-02 finds Omega and Crosshair orders her via comlink to send her on a shuttle offworld. Hunter pleads with him not to but Crosshair says that it is for her own good and theirs as well. Hunter counters that Omega belongs with them. Crosshair says that Omega is in constant danger from living among fugitives. He tells Hunter to let Omega go in order to protect the kid and to stop pretending to be something that he is not. Crosshair says that they are superior to the "regulars" and that the Empire cannot protect the galaxy without strength. He adds that this is what they were made for and invites the Bad Batch to be brothers again.

Just then, Tech notices reflecting mirrors previously used by Crosshair and motions to his comrades. Hunter asks Crosshair why they would trust him. Crosshair orders his Elite Squad Troopers to stand down but they reject his order. When they refuse, Crosshair shoots at the mirrors, which ricochets the blaster bolt and cuts down all four Elite Squad Troopers. Crosshair asks if his action answers their question. ES-02 orders Omega to move it but she says that she is in the middle of something. AZI-3 rams one of the storage compartments into her, knocking her down. Omega thanks AZI and the two leave.

Crosshair tells Hunter and the rest of the Bad Batch that they are meant to be more than drifting through the galaxy. He appeals for them to stop running and to join the Empire in order to have purpose again. The Bad Batch look at each other. Hunter counters that Crosshair doesn't get who they are. Crosshair tells them not to make the same mistake twice and not to become his enemy. Hunter responds that they never were enemies. Just then, several training droids enter the chamber. Hunter pushes Crosshair down, saving him from a hail of blaster bolts.

The training droids

The rest of the Bad Batch quickly seize back their weapons and return fire before taking cover behind the barricade. Wrecker asks who turned the droids on. Tech responds that this was not his doing. The Bad Batch exchange fire with the droids while Hunter punches Crosshair. AZI-3 thinks that Omega may have activated too many droids. Omega says she can see that as she dispatches one of the droids. Hunter and Crosshair fight in unarmed combat before the former regained his weapons and focused his attention on the droids. As more droids enter the chamber, Crosshair picks up his rifle and aids Hunter. Wrecker and Tech exchanges glances at each other before the former replaces his helmet turn stabs a droid with his combat knife. For the first time since their escape from Kamino, the Bad Batch fight together once more.

Meanwhile, ES-02 enter the chamber and spots Crosshair fighting with the Bad Batch with her squad mates lying dead at their feet. She quickly retreats as the droids begin targeting her and seals the exits to the training chamber and informs Vice-Admiral Rampart that Commander Crosshair has lost control of the situation. Rampart orders that all remaining forces be pulled out and tells her to let the clones die together. The Bad Batch and Crosshair join forces to shoot down the training droids while ES-02 escapes on a shuttle into an orbiting Venator-class Star Destroyer.

Vice-Admiral Rampart informs Admiral and Governor Wilhuff Tarkin that all essential personnel have been evacuated from Kamino. Tarkin asks about the chief scientist. Rampart reports that the chief scientist and the cloning technology are now under Imperial control. Tarkin allows him to fire when ready. Rampart orders the crew of the Star Destroyer to move the ship into position. As the clones battle the training droids, Hunter and Crosshair turn to face each other. The clones and Omega converge on Crosshair.

Holding a pistol, Hunter tells Crosshair to forget the Empire and offers to help him remove his inhibitor chip. Crosshair reveals that he had his chip removed a long time ago. When Hunter asks when, Crosshair says it does not matter and that this is who he is. Before Crosshair can shoot, Hunter stuns him. Omega hugs Hunter, who apologizes for bringing her back to Kamino. Omega replies that he did the same for her. Hunter examines Crosshair's head.

Devastation of Tipoca City

Tech informs Hunter that three Venators are descending on Tipoca City and that they need to leave now. After disarming Crosshair, Hunter tells Wrecker to carry Crosshair since he is coming with them. Omega nods in agreement. The clones flee with AZI-3. While running through the corridors, the episode is interspersed with stills of the Bad Batch's barracks, the cloning facilities and mess halls.

Aboard the Venator, an Imperial officer confirms that they are in position. Vice-Admiral Rampart orders the gunners to bombard Tipoca City. The Bad Batch are caught in the bombardment and flee back inside the building. Tipoca City sinks into the oceans of Kamino.


Following the release of "Return to Kamino", Disney+ briefly re-titled the episode "Finale Part I".


  • The From a Certain Point of View short story "Verge of Greatness" suggests that Wilhuff Tarkin first uttered the phrase "You may fire when ready" during the Battle of Scarif. [6] However, "Return to Kamino" presents a conflicting account, depicting him using the phrase when granting Rampart authorization to destroy Tipoca City.


