Nala Se was a female Kaminoan scientist and doctor who provided her services to the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. As the Chief Medical Scientist of Kamino, her homeworld, she was instrumental in the engineering of the Grand Army of the Republic, and during the galactic conflict, she aided in the healing of injured clone troopers. Despite her compassion for wounded clones, even when Separatist forces endangered her life and her [soldiers](/article/soldier], Nala Se possessed a cold side, telling Jedi General Shaak Ti that clone troopers were property of Kamino, and therefore, expendable resources.
She was also among the select few who knew of Clone Protocol 66, a clandestine directive embedded within the behavioral modification biochip of each clone in the Republic Military. Nala Se, who believed the chips served as a defense against rogue Jedi, went to great lengths to maintain the secrecy of Protocol 66 throughout the galaxy's Clone Wars. Se was also in charge of Omega, a female unaltered clone assisting her with medical duties. When Omega attempted to escape with Clone Force 99, Nala Se assisted in their escape and sabotaged further attempts to capture the young clone in order to protect her. She later witnessed the new Empire subjugate her home and bring down her people. Se herself, however, was spared from this fate as the Empire sought to use her exceptional talents with cloning science for their own purposes, transporting the former chief medical scientist to a secret facility on the planet Wayland. Omega and Echo eventually freed her during their infiltration of the base, and, believing Omega would not be safe as long as her research remained within the Empire's grasp, set out to destroy the databanks. Although Se was caught by former Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart, she sacrificed her life to cause the destruction of the Empire's research done on Tantiss Base, deeming it unsalvageble.

Before the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas commissioned the Kaminoans to produce a clone army for the Galactic Republic. As Kamino's Chief Medical Scientist, Doctor Nala Se was a leading figure in the creation of the clone troopers—genetically identical soldiers derived from a human template, the bounty hunter Jango Fett. Sifo-Dyas would die not long after the army's creation began, leaving Nala Se and her people with a new patron: Sith Lord Darth Tyranus. At Tyranus's request, Nala Se oversaw the insertion of an inhibitor chip into the brain of every clone [trooper](/article/trooper] during their development. Tyranus informed her that the bio-chip and its directive, Clone Protocol 66, served to protect against betrayal by rogue Jedi, but its real purpose was to advance the Sith's scheme to exterminating the Jedi Order. As a precaution, Protocol 66 was classified information that Nala Se protected as instructed by Tyranus. Shortly before the Clone Wars commenced on Geonosis in 22 BBY, Nala Se was supervising the covert implantation of inhibitor chips into the clones' brains when Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi visited Tipoca City in search of Fett.

Following the First Battle of Geonosis, Nala Se became a valuable asset to the newly established Grand Army of the Republic because of her intimate involvement in the creation of clone troopers. As a Doctor, she served on numerous Haven-class medical stations where she used her medical expertise to treat injured clones. In addition to her off-world responsibilities, Nala Se supported the war effort as a scientist and doctor from the cloning facility in Tipoca City on her homeworld.

While serving as the Kaminoan chief of the Kaliida Shoals Medical Center, Nala Se discovered that her facility was targeted by the Malevolence, a Separatist Subjugator-class heavy cruiser commanded by General Grievous. While coordinating the evacuation of the station's staff and patients, she was informed by Admiral Wullf Yularen that the Separatist attack was imminent, making a complete evacuation of the facility impossible in time. However, the Kaliida Shoals station was saved by the actions of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and his apprentice, Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano, before Grievous could destroy it. Following the Separatist retreat, Nala Se praised Skywalker for his service.

Following the near-destruction of the Kaliida Shoals facility, Nala Se was reassigned to the Ord Cestus medical station, where she worked alongside Jedi General Kit Fisto for a period. After Geonosis was reconquered from the Separatists, the crew of the Pelta-class frigate TB-73 was tasked with delivering medical supplies to the Ord Cestus station. However, the frigate became infested with numerous brain worms—parasitic organisms native to the Geonosian homeworld. The incident on the TB-73 nearly resulted in the contamination of Nala Se's facility, but it was ultimately prevented when Tano eliminated the worms.

As the Clone Wars reached their peak, Nala Se returned to her homeworld and collaborated with Jedi General Shaak Ti. After CT-5385 fatally shot the Jedi Tiplar during the Battle of Ringo Vinda, the defective clone was brought to Tipoca City for a thorough evaluation. As Kamino's chief medical scientist and a founder of the cloning program, Nala Se was assigned to determine the cause of the clone's malfunction. She subjected the clone to a hyper test, which caused him to experience severe convulsions. The test data showed no signs of infection, but Nala Se recognized the clone's actions and aggressive behavior as indicators of a premature activation of Protocol 66. Alarmed by this discovery, she shared her findings with the Kaminoan Prime Minister Lama Su and Darth Tyranus, leading the latter to insist on terminating the clone to protect the secrecy of the inhibitor chip and its true purpose. However, the ARC trooper CT-5555 conducted his own test on CT-5385, which, despite its fatal outcome, revealed the existence of the chip.
The ARC trooper's interference led Tyranus to question the clone army's reliability in the event of an intentional activation of Protocol 66, although Nala Se assured him that the preemptive execution was an anomaly. Regarding the clones' increasing sense of individuality, she attributed it to the Jedi's influence but remained confident that it would not hinder the execution of the protocol. When CT-5555 discovered that every clone had a bio-chip in their brain, Nala Se claimed it was a safeguard designed to suppress the more aggressive tendencies of the clones' template, Jango Fett.

Despite Nala Se's objections, Shaak Ti decided to take CT-5555 to the Grand Republic Medical Facility on Coruscant along with his bio-chip and that of the deceased CT-5835, believing the clone deserved an audience with Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. Fearing that the Jedi would uncover the true programming within the bio-chips, Nala Se accompanied them to the Republic capital, where she secretly drugged the clone to make him appear unstable and his testimony unreliable. At the medical facility, she asserted that the ARC trooper was dangerous without his control chip and that Tiplar's death was caused by a virus that infected CT-5835. Despite her efforts, the secrecy of Protocol 66 was ultimately preserved when CT-5555 attempted to assassinate Palpatine after learning of the chancellor's involvement in the conspiracy. Palpatine entrusted the bio-chips to Nala Se for safekeeping, knowing that the Kaminoan scientist would send them to his Sith apprentice, Darth Tyranus.
Nala Se created a holographic recording of her report on the situation, stating that an independent investigation had confirmed that CT-5555's inhibitor chip had malfunctioned. While both the Jedi Council and the Senate committee accepted the investigation's findings, CT-7567 had filed a grievance report on the matter. When Chancellor Palpatine activated Protocol 66 later that year, former Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano was targeted by CT-7567 and other troopers while aboard a Republic attack cruiser. Before attacking her, CT-7567 managed to tell her to find "Fives," CT-5555's nickname, prompting Tano to view Se's report and CT-7567's grievance report after evading the clones' initial attempt to eliminate her.

At some point, Nala Se began using Omega, an unaltered clone, to assist with her medical duties. When Clone Force 99, a group of modified clones, returned to Kamino, they were greeted by Omega; Nala Se instructed Omega to stay with her. Nala Se later met with Admiral and Governor Wilhuff Tarkin, who had arrived at the facility to assess the feasibility of using clones in the newly established Galactic Empire. Nala Se, along with Lama Su, spoke favorably of the clones. They also informed Tarkin of Clone Force 99's effectiveness, as well as their disregard for authority. When asked how many enhanced clones the Kaminoans possessed, Nala Se stated that only five remained; Tarkin assumed she was referring to Clone Force 99 as a whole, unaware that Corporal Echo was technically a "reg" and that Omega was the fifth enhanced clone.
However, Tarkin was not confident in Clone Force 99's reliability after reading a counter-report from one of their own that they allowed Padawan Caleb Dume to escape on Kaller. As a test of their loyalty, he dispatched the squad on a mission to Onderon to eliminate Saw Gerrera, his rebel cell, and the refugees he was protecting. When the squad failed to complete their objective, they were immediately arrested upon their return to Kamino in a failed attempt to rescue Omega. Crosshair, the clone who filed the counter-report, was removed from the squad's cell and taken to Nala Se, who informed Tarkin that his inhibitor chip wasn't as active as a standard clone and enhanced the chip at his order, strengthening his loyalty to the Empire, causing him to turn on his own squad.
When Clone Force 99 made their escape with Omega, Nala Se secretly aided their escape by remotely preventing the bay doors from closing. After Clone Force 99 successfully escaped, Nala Se informed Lama Su of their escape and the loss of Omega. Under Lama Su's instruction, she agreed not to inform the Empire of what had occurred.

Nala Se later spoke with Lama Su to discuss the implications of Vice Admiral Rampart's plans to replace their clones with conscripted soldiers and volunteer recruits. Nala Se already had plans to create a superior clone, but with Fett's genome gradually degrading and the absence of the two unaltered clones, Boba and Omega, she stated such a contingency would not be possible without them. Lama Su was unconcerned with retrieving the necessary clones by force and reminded that they only needed one to ensure their civilization continued relationship with the Empire.
Determined to regain Omega, who was vital to Nala Se's research, Lama Su hired several bounty hunters to find the enhanced clone. She was captured on Bracca by one of the hunters, Cad Bane, whom Lama Su instructed to bring to an abandoned Kaminoan cloning facility on Bora Vio. Nala Se offered to bring the mercenary's payment for Omega, but her personal interest in Omega prevented Lama Su from allowing her to go. The Prime Minister felt that Nala Se had endangered their operation, and therefore he sent his aide Taun We to retrieve Omega. Nala Se was then informed that she would be tasked with extracting the genetic material that the Kaminoans required from Omega before terminating her.
Omega ultimately escaped from Bane as a result of the interference of Fennec Shand, a mercenary that Nala Se secretly hired to prevent the girl from being returned to Lama Su. Following her fight with Bane, Shand informed Nala Se that Omega had managed to get rescued by the members of Clone Force 99. Satisfied that Omega was safe, Nala Se paid the mercenary her fee.

Sometime after this, Lama Su began to suspect that the Empire would eventually deem the Kaminoans obsolete and move to eliminate them. Nala Se, assembling medical staff, attempted to escape Kamino, but her efforts were thwarted by Rampart. He determined that Nala Se still had value to the Empire, while Lama Su was now expendable. Nala Se was left with no option but to cooperate. Following the Empire's eradication of all known Kaminoan settlements, including their capital, Tipoca City, Nala Se was relocated to an Imperial installation located at Mount Tantiss on the planet Wayland. However, in the months following Kamino's destruction, Nala Se steadfastly refused to work for the Empire, asserting that she would not serve the Emperor after the obliteration of her civilization. To compel her to resume her work, the scientist Royce Hemlock arranged for Lama Su, who was being held on Coruscant, to be transferred to Wayland. There, Lama Su offered that the only way to persuade the Kaminoan scientist to collaborate was to locate the clone known as Omega, in exchange for his freedom. Acting on Lama Su's advice, Doctor Hemlock captured Omega on Ord Mantell and brought her to Wayland. Once on the planet, Omega questioned Nala Se about the reason for her presence, but Nala Se was unable to answer before Omega was taken inside the facility.
One morning, not long after Omega's arrival at Tantiss, she spoke with her "sister," Dr. Emerie Karr, questioning why she had never seen her on Kamino. Karr explained that Hemlock had recognized her potential and taken her in, just as Nala Se had seen potential in Omega. Omega then delivered the test tubes containing blood samples to the Central lab. Inside, Nala Se thanked Omega for the samples. After scanning them, she inquired if Omega's sample had been taken. Upon Omega's confirmation, Nala Se discarded the sample and instructed Omega to keep it a secret, assuring her it was safer that way.
When Omega inquired about the research at Tantiss, Nala Se confirmed it differed from the clone trooper project on Kamino. Omega then asked why she had been brought to Tantiss, and Nala Se explained that Omega's presence was to ensure her cooperation. She revealed that the Empire was attempting to replicate a genetic M-count, but the specimens had not yet yielded the desired results. She clarified that these specimens were not clones.
Shortly thereafter, Dr. Hemlock and a clone commando joined them. Hemlock expressed his hope that Omega's presence would improve the quality of Nala Se's work. He then requested that Nala Se accompany him to the vault. Nala Se instructed Omega to remain behind and complete her other tasks. The vault was heavily guarded, and Hemlock and Nala Se passed several pairs of clone commandos and a series of red laser barriers that opened sequentially.
The next day, the same routine unfolded, with Nala Se once again discarding Omega's sample. Nala Se's daily routine became as standardized as those of all the other prisoners at Tantiss. One day, Nala Se emerged from the vault with Hemlock, who was enraged that the M-count was severely diminished. He warned her that if they did not match the M-count of the specimens, the project would be deemed a failure, and that failure would lead to loss of privileges Omega received. Nala Se cited her loyalty to science, but Hemlock warned her that the Emperor was not as patient as he was.
One morning, the trooper presence at Tantiss was unusually high. After Karr took Omega's sample, Nala Se and Hemlock entered the room. Hemlock informed them that an unexpected visitor was coming to see him and Nala Se, and he ordered Karr to oversee Nala Se's lab in her absence. Nala Se offered to analyze the samples after the visit, but Hemlock reassured her that Karr was capable of handling those tasks.
Once Omega was alone, Nala Se seized the opportunity to secretly warn her that she was in danger if Karr tested her sample. She urged her to flee the Imperial facility before it was too late. Omega asked if this was why she had been destroying her blood samples, and Nala Se confirmed it. She revealed that it was related to the secret Imperial project. After Hemlock and the commando finished their conversation, he called to Nala Se. Nala Se instructed Omega to head to the lab and retrieve her datapad, and use it to escape the facility and board a shuttle. She then followed Hemlock out of the room.
As the Emperor's shuttle approached Tantiss, Nala Se, Hemlock, and several clone commandos greeted him. The Emperor expressed his eagerness to see their research progress. Nala Se then followed Hemlock and the Emperor into the facility, where Hemlock told the Emperor they had quadrupled their efforts in record time. She listened as Palpatine said he was in great need of the grand designs Hemlock was working on, but he was there to discuss Project Necromancer. Nala Se and the Emperor then followed Hemlock into the vault.
Inside the vault, Nala Se continued to listen as Hemlock revealed to the Emperor several of the specimens stored in tanks. He told Palpatine they were on the verge of a scientific breakthrough, conducting a successful M-count replication, but needed additional resources to achieve his goal. The Emperor assured Hemlock he would have whatever he required for the project. Hemlock and Nala Se then escorted Palpatine back to his shuttle.
After Omega and Crosshair escaped Tantiss, Nala Se was stripped of her status as Chief Scientist and imprisoned. Hemlock confronted her, and she feigned surprise, but Hemlock saw through her deception, reminding her that he was aware of her attachment to Omega. He found it suspicious that none of Omega's earlier samples yielded results, yet the one time Dr. Karr tested Omega's sample, it indicated a positive M-count transfer. Nala Se claimed that false positives were to be expected from Omega. Hemlock replied that he hoped to test Omega again once she was recaptured.
After Karr was promoted to Chief Scientist, she was brought into the vault and introduced to three specimen—Force-sensitive children named Jax, Eva, and Sami. The children revealed to Karr that Nala Se had promised they would all get to return home soon. Later, Karr visited Nala Se in her cell. Nala Se informed Karr that she had replaced her in her former position. She reconfirmed the Galactic Empire planned on retaining the children so they could be controlled. Karr said the children did not belong on Tantiss, to which the Kaminoan agreed. Nala Se told Karr she had done everything she could to protect them, including Omega. Karr replied she had no power to do anything, but Nala Se requested her to reconsider.
Following the Bad Batch's infiltration of Tantiss Base, Echo and Omega, utilizing Emerie Karr's datapad (given to her by Karr), liberated all the prisoners from the detention block, including Nala Se. Omega expressed her delight at seeing Nala Se again. Nala Se explained to Omega that she had to go to her former lab and destroy all the data, ensuring her research did not fall into Imperial hands. Omega insisted on accompanying her, but Nala Se countered, telling her that she belonged with the other clones and should go to help free her brothers. Omega thanked the Kaminoan and gave her the datapad to allow her to move throughout the facility and make it to the lab. As Nala Se made her way to the lab, she obtained a thermal detonator from a fallen TK stormtrooper. Rampart trailed her, grabbing a blaster from the same trooper.
Upon entering the lab, Nala Se inserted her datapad, activating the lab's systems. As she worked at the computer, she was confronted by Rampart, who demanded to know what research the Emperor valued so greatly. At gunpoint, he demanded to know everything about Project Necromancer. Simultaneously, Nala Se secretly activated her detonator. She explained the project could only be fully understood by the Kaminoans. Rampart, knowing the Empire would be willing to give everything for the data, opted to keep the information for himself as a "bargaining chip." As he shot and killed Nala Se, she dropped the detonator, catching him by surprise, killing him and destroying the databanks in resulting explosion, ensuring the Empire did not retain her research.
Nala Se was a Kaminoan female who exhibited the typical physical characteristics of her species, including white skin and large black eyes with white pupils. She was of significant height, measuring 2.13 meters (7 ft), and possessed a slender physique, both of which were common traits among Kaminoans.

As Kamino's chief medical scientist, Nala Se possessed exceptional intelligence and a comprehensive understanding of cloning science. Her involvement in the development of the clone army allowed her to contribute to the Clone Wars by providing care for wounded clones and overseeing their rehabilitation. While she was willing to risk her own life to supervise the evacuation of injured troopers during a Separatist attack on a medical facility near Kaliida Shoals, Nala Se also displayed a ruthless aspect of her personality. She favored scientific methods that produced the quickest results, such as hyper tests, and disregarded their negative effects on patients. If an initial test failed to yield satisfactory results, she would advocate for more intrusive methods like surgery, regardless of the risk to the patient's survival.
She held no regard for the lives of her clone creations beyond their usefulness to Kamino and the Galactic Republic. Nala Se viewed clones as disposable assets and the property of their creators. Her methods and beliefs contrasted sharply with those of Shaak Ti, who regarded the clones as sentient beings. Consequently, Nala Se experienced difficulties in her professional relationship with the Jedi. In addition to her disregard for the Jedi's moral views, Nala Se disapproved of their spiritual beliefs.
However, she did demonstrate concern for the female unaltered clone Omega. Nala Se cared enough about her young assistant to ensure her safety, even sabotaging Crosshair's efforts to subdue the child. She showed concern for Omega's welfare and safety, so much that she would go against Lama Su's orders to ensure that Omega would be protected. She hired the bounty hunter Fennec Shand to retrieve Omega and return her safely, but when Lama Su declared that he wanted her to terminate the young clone, Nala Se called off Shand, believing Omega would be safe as long as Lama Su did not have her and agreed to pay the bounty hunter.
Nala Se makes her debut in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series during the season one episode "Shadow of Malevolence" on Cartoon Network. Her voice is provided by Gwendoline Yeo, who reprises the role of Nala Se in season six as well as in Star Wars: The Bad Batch.