The Haven-class medical station, alternatively referred to as the Republic medical station or Republic medical base, represented a space station design produced by VenteX Construction Yards. The Galactic Republic utilized this model as a space-based medcenter during the Clone Wars conflict. The Kaliida Shoals Medical Center, situated within the Ryndellia system, exemplified a Haven-class medical station. The Ord Cestus medical station and Felucia Medical Station HCTFF2 were also of this class. Viewed from above, the station's design intentionally mirrored the appearance of the Republic crest.

Haven-class medical stations were medical space stations created by VenteX Construction Yards, structured around a lengthy central shaft. This shaft constituted the station's longest axis. This central cylindrical hub incorporated eight equally spaced protrusions. These protrusions served as docking ports for starships such as the Venator-class Star Destroyers and Pelta-class frigates. When viewed aerially, the station's configuration bore a resemblance to the Republic crest. These stations possessed the capacity to accommodate up to 80,000 patients simultaneously.
The intended purpose of these stations was to function as medcenters for the treatment of wounded Galactic Republic military personnel, especially clone troopers, during the Clone Wars. Due to their limited defensive capabilities, Haven-class stations were susceptible to attacks by the Separatist forces, leading to the occasional secrecy of their locations. Beyond their role as hospitals, Haven-class facilities also served as logistical hubs for resupplying the ships and bases of the Grand Army of the Republic.

These stations were deployed during the galaxy-spanning Clone Wars. Following the destruction of their heavy-weapons depot during the Battle of Christophsis, Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker dispatched Admiral Wullf Yularen and his fleet to a medical station for resupply. However, while in the process, Yularen received communication from Jedi Masters Mace Windu and Yoda, who requested his immediate escort of Padawan Ahsoka Tano, recently assigned to Skywalker without his knowledge, to Christophsis to deliver an urgent message from the Jedi High Council to him and Kenobi. Yularen reluctantly complied, noting that he would be transporting empty vessels.
During the Malevolence campaign, General Grievous was deployed aboard the warship Malevolence to target the secret Kaliida Shoals Medical Center by order of Count Dooku. Skywalker and Tano led Shadow Squadron in the defense of the station, with the Y-wing bombers successfully disabling the Malevolence's massive ion cannon before it could target the station.

The planet Felucia was a consistent conflict zone between the Republic and Confederacy throughout the Clone Wars, leading the Republic to establish Felucia Medical Station HCTFF2 in its orbit. However, Separatist forces eventually destroyed it, leaving a squadron of vulture droids to patrol the area. When Skywalker, Kenobi, and Tano arrived in a T-6 shuttle to investigate the station's communication loss, they were forced down by the droids, resulting in their brief stranding on Felucia.
Following the Second Battle of Geonosis, Tano and fellow Padawan Barriss Offee were dispatched on the medical frigate TB-73 to acquire supplies from the medical station near Ord Cestus for delivery to Republic forces on Dantooine. However, an infestation of Geonosian brain worms complicated the mission, and the deaths of the pilots resulted in the frigate exiting hyperspace at excessive speed. Two spacetugs managed to decelerate the ship before it collided with the medical station, and Jedi Master Kit Fisto boarded with troops to assist the infected. Tano and Offee, along with the troopers of Tango Company, recuperated from their ordeal aboard the station.

Haven-class stations were phased out during the Galactic Empire's reign, though remnants could still be found throughout the galaxy. In 4 BBY, during the early rebellion, several members of the Spectres visited an abandoned medical station based on advice from former Clone Captain Rex to recover medical supplies for Phoenix Cell. However, the Inquisitor Seventh Sister had deployed probe droids at the station, along with other locations, to monitor rebel and Jedi activity. The rebels, including Padawan Ezra Bridger, engaged in a skirmish with the Seventh Sister and fellow Inquisitor Fifth Brother before successfully escaping with a crate of medical supplies.
The initial appearance of a Haven-class medical station occurred in the Clone Wars movie. The class received its first canonically identification in a Star Wars Rebels promotional Facebook post related to the episode "Always Two There Are."