
Dantooine, a planet, resided within the Dantooine system. This system was situated in the Raioballo sector of the Outer Rim Territories' northern [New Territories](/article/new_territories]. The Galactic Republic claimed Dantooine, and the Galactic Empire later did as well.


Blba trees dotted the surface of Dantooine.

Dantooine, a terrestrial world, existed in the Raioballo sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It was located close to the Sinsang and Angor systems. As the fourth planet from its star, named Dina, it followed an orbit. Two moons circled Dantooine. The larger moon had a purple glow, while the smaller one shone with a greenish light. The Veragi Trade Route was a lengthy hyperspace lane that passed nearby, as did Myto's Arrow, a smaller route from Dantooine to Jaemus that offered a quicker journey. Despite its proximity to these lanes, Dantooine was considered somewhat isolated.

The surface of Dantooine was mainly composed of grassy plains, low hills, and blba trees. There were also forested hills with creeks, rivers, and large freshwater lakes. The weather on Dantooine, away from the colder polar regions, was typically temperate, mild, and semi-dry throughout its year of 378 local days. The spring rainy season brought heavy rain, turning the soil into mud and giving the grass a lavender tint. Damp, dense forests with thorny undergrowth and thick canopies were also present, where sap farms were cultivated.

Dantooine was abundant in wildlife. Large herbivores, like the piket, fed on the foliage of the plains blba trees. Native predators included the stalker lizard, graul, and kath hound, although the latter became rare in the wild due to being captured as guard animals and pets. Fabool, balloon-like creatures, were occasionally punctured by blba tree thorns and consumed by carnivorous snails.


Early history and High Republic Era

The Jedi Order had involvement on Dantooine centuries before the Clone Wars began at the onset. A temple existed on the planet at one point. Some Jedi discovered kyber crystals in the eggs of cave-dwelling kinrath. After the Jedi left, Dantooine was resettled as part of the Galactic Republic's effort to populate the New Territories. The oldest settlement featured a public house and served as a trading port, but remained small around 381 BBY during the High Republic Era. Around that year, Marda Ro of the Evereni arrived at the public house in search of others like her, meeting a human who directed her to two Evereni on a space station near the moon Pantora.

In 232 BBY, the Galactic Republic space station Starlight Beacon was preparing to open. A recreation of a Dantooine jungle was part of its biosphere zone, toured by Jedi Padawan Bell Zettifar during a conclave. The Great Hyperspace Disaster, where the freighter Legacy Run was destroyed in hyperspace, soon followed. Emergences of debris from the starship into realspace occurred randomly across the Outer Rim Territories, leading Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh to establish a hyperspace [blockade](/article/blockade]. The eighteenth Emergence near Dantooine extended the blockade by fifty parsecs. Another early Emergence destroyed an orbital shipping facility near the planet, which had been coordinating aid to Outer Rim worlds affected by the blockade.

Clone Wars

During the time of the Clone Wars, Dantooine's population consisted of peaceful farmers who cultivated crops and raised livestock, using wind energy for their homesteads. The Confederacy of Independent Systems arrived on Dantooine, supposedly seeking ancient artifacts. The Republic responded by sending Jedi Master Mace Windu to deal with the situation. Many of Windu's troopers died in the battle, but he defeated the Confederacy's B2-series super battle droids and seismic tanks that caused dangerous shock waves.

While stationed on Dantooine, the Republic troops managed to send a distress signal. The Republic received the signal and dispatched supplies and medical aid aboard the Pelta-class frigate TB-73, aided by Jedi Padawans Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee. However, due to a Geonosian brain worms infestation on the frigate, they could not complete the delivery. Jedi Master Kit Fisto later undertook the mission.

Galactic Civil War

Dantooine as viewed from space

By the early Galactic Civil War, Dantooine served as a regional operations sector headquarters and meeting place for high-level discussions within the Alliance. A map in The Rebel Files marked Dantooine as a safe world, a starfighter hub at level five or higher, a regional headquarters and operations sector, and a deep space cache. The Rebellion established their first base on the planet.

In 2 BBY, during the early stages of the rebellion, former Imperial Senator and rebel leader Mon Mothma arranged for the rebel fleet to gather above Dantooine. She aimed to unify the scattered rebel groups and officially form the Rebel Alliance. With the assistance of Phoenix Leader Hera Syndulla and the Spectres, Mothma navigated the dangerous Archeon pass to reach Dantooine. From above Dantooine, Mothma delivered a passionate HoloNet speech, urging the galaxy to rebel against the Empire. Shortly thereafter, the rebel fleet assembled above Dantooine.

The Rebel Alliance established their first base on Dantooine.

Before the Battle of Scarif, Ryle Torsyn discovered an Imperial tracking device hidden in a supply shipment. Although the device was destroyed and the Empire remained unaware of Rebel activity, the Alliance evacuated as a precaution. They relocated their headquarters to the jungle moon Yavin 4, which was already being used by Jan Dodonna's rebel cell.

When Princess Leia Organa was held captive on the Death Star, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin threatened to destroy her home planet of Alderaan if she didn't reveal the location of the Rebellion's secret base. Organa falsely claimed the base was on Dantooine. Tarkin, eager to test the Death Star's superlaser at full power, deemed Dantooine "too remote for an effective demonstration" and ordered the destruction of Alderaan instead. Imperial forces, led by General Cassio Tagge, investigated Dantooine and found the abandoned Rebel base. Thane Kyrell, part of the investigation team, was surprised by the sophistication of the abandoned base.

Chelli Lona Aphra was scavenging for 3.23 colicoidic pulse field modulators at the abandoned base to repair Droidekas during Tagge's expedition. She surrendered to the Imperial forces to prevent them from discovering the Ark Angel and learned about Alderaan's destruction from Tagge. Despite Tagge's suspicion that she was not a rebel, he ordered a stormtrooper to execute her. Dr. Aphra escaped by disabling the stormtrooper's blaster.

In 3 ABY, Imperial Intelligence and the Imperial Security Bureau cross-referenced suspicious activity reports with population studies to identify potential Rebel base locations. Dantooine was considered a possible system and appeared on a map with other sparsely populated worlds.

Rise of the First Order

Dantooine's surface during the war between the First Order and the Resistance

Following the war against the Resistance, the First Order, an offshoot of the Galactic Empire, occupied and blockaded Dantooine. Commander Venisa Doza of the Resistance led a mission to evacuate sympathizers. Doza's Jade Squadron and Ace Squadron pilots Torra Doza, Kazuda Xiono, and Hype Fazon eliminated a squadron of TIE fighters enforcing the blockade.

They met with three Resistance shuttles but were attacked by Commander Pyre's Resurgent-class Star Destroyer, the Thunderer. Jade Squadron and the Aces destroyed several TIEs and evacuated two shuttles, but First Order TIE Fighter Pilot Jace Rucklin shot down one shuttle.


Dantooine was underdeveloped, quiet, and sparsely populated, mainly by farmers. Around 0 BBY, indoor lighting was uncommon. Historians debated why civilization didn't flourish on the fertile planet, attributing it to a lack of significant resources and its remote location.

Davish Krail, a Rebel Alliance pilot in Gold Squadron who died at the Battle of Yavin, was from Dantooine.


Dantoo Town was one settlement on Dantooine. Another outpost on the plains had spaceport facilities for at least three shuttles.

The Rebellion's base, disguised as a sap farm in a thick forest, was located on the opposite side of the planet from Dantoo Town.

During the Imperial occupation, the Empire established a mining outpost.

Behind the scenes

Rogue One concept art of Y-wings on Dantooine

Dantooine was first mentioned in the 1977 film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, the initial film of the Star Wars original trilogy. Star Wars Legends stories, notably Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars: The New Jedi Order, provided extensive details about the planet's composition and history within the Legends context.

Early drafts of the 2015 sequel trilogy film Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens involved the First Order transforming Dantooine into their superweapon and repurposing the abandoned Rebel base, which had been previously repurposed by the Galactic Empire. The superlaser was located inside an ancient volcano, drawing energy from the system's suns, with X-wing fighters attempting to dive-bomb into it. The base, named "Doom Star," would have brought more darkness to the galaxy.

Originally, the evacuation of the Dantooine Rebel base was intended to be included in the 2016 Star Wars Anthology film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, but it was cut due to budgetary limitations.

